OT: Enjoying When Harry Met Sally this morning.

Meg at the height of her cuteness - then she almost ruined her face with cosmetic surgery.

Why a woman with a perfect Cupid's bow mouth would get collagen injections in her lip is a mystery

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Sorry. Man Card turn-in time. What's on next? Sleepless in Seattle or Sex in the City binge watch?
Meg at the height of her cuteness - then she almost ruined her face with cosmetic surgery.

Why a woman with a perfect Cupid's bow mouth would get collagen injections in her lip is a mystery
I remember her as Betsy on ATWT. Cuter even then. Still....people!...get it together here!
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The whole premise that Meg Ryan would get with a nebbish like Billy Crystal is laughable. Not in the real world unless he's a billionaire
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