Will have a more thoughtful response later this morning, but I really liked last night's episode - the ending was fantastic!! Shireen was a goner the minute Melisandre insisted she accompany them on this trip. Show runner David Weiss had a pretty good analysis of the necessity of this scene on EW.com. I mean, yes, the shock value of characters we like dying has passed, and what Stannis did was deplorable, but nothing tops what Joffrey did to all 'potential' Robert bastards in Season 1 - he literally killed dozens of children and no one seemed to care. Same when Theon burned those two farm boys.
Will just say that Drogon showing up when Dany needed him most was kick ass! Clearly attacking from the ground has it's disadvantages, but he killed about 50 Harpys in a minute. And Dany flying on his back!?! YES!
Link to EW story:
Yeah I'm not trying to say the show has gotten worse, I know things just as horrible have been going on since the beginning, it's just gotten old for me. Not the show, just that aspect of it. If there's anyone good or with any kind of innocence to them, Martin insists that they suffer horrifying fates. Doing that 100% of the time is just stupid IMO.
Poor Shireen. It's been coming for weeks though. Stannis's acting was phenomenal. He wasn't cold or heartless, there was definite pain in those eyes. He's selfish as he's always been to get to the throne and this was another necessary step in his opinion. But it still hurt him.
I was expecting a more aerial attack from Drogon. The spears hurt. I was still expecting Dany to ride off on him, but as he's getting pummeled by sprays, I was partially fearing that HBO would have him just go crazy killing all harpies and dying in the process. It was good to see him and Dany get out, but I wish maybe he would've eliminated more of the threat so it would be a little more believable that Tyrion/Jorah/Daario get out alive. Dany better not have greyscale from Ser Friendzone.
Hoping this causes Dany to get her other two dragons out of captivity. And one gripe I have when scenes like the Harpy scene happened last night is that Dany has an army of what, 25,000? And she takes two dozen to guard her in a huge arena? Also, I don't think I've ever seen another Second Son - Daario seems to be the only one despite him having 2,000 with him.
The next book should be out by the start of season 6 which means we'll get a resolution to that cliffhanger before next year anyway.Second Sons have disappeared and the Unsullied seem to have gotten a lot worse at fighting this season. I'm OK with it I guess since this is still where the story was going anyway, but it's easy to forget that Dany has the ridiculous army we saw marching in the finale of Season 3.
I was expecting a parallel scene where the Sons of Harpy try to kill the 2 chained dragons and the dragons end up escaping. I'm not sure where they're going with those 2 since I know it's not possible for it to happen the same way as in the book, but hopefully it happens next week.
There is so much to cover next week that I'm afraid we're either not going to get to much of it. Big things still expected for Jon, Cersei, Arya, Winterfell, let alone the aftermath in Mereen and more time-wasting in Dorne. Last season's episode 9 ended with a gut-punch feeling of hopelessness when Oberyn died and Tryion was sentenced to death. Episode 10 had enough space for resolution and then a great closure with Tyrion/Tywin. Due to where we are this season, I don't know that we'll get all the closure we want. I know the last book ends with a big cliffhanger. I always thought this season would show it and show the resolution too, since it would be too difficult to keep it a secret for 10 months with leaks about filming schedules, etc, but I have my doubts now.
My bet is next week things will begin to look very gloomy for her friends in the arena, then she'll free her other children, and bring all three back to rescue her friends.
Poor Shireen. It's been coming for weeks though. Stannis's acting was phenomenal. He wasn't cold or heartless, there was definite pain in those eyes. He's selfish as he's always been to get to the throne and this was another necessary step in his opinion. But it still hurt him.
I was expecting a more aerial attack from Drogon. The spears hurt. I was still expecting Dany to ride off on him, but as he's getting pummeled by sprays, I was partially fearing that HBO would have him just go crazy killing all harpies and dying in the process. It was good to see him and Dany get out, but I wish maybe he would've eliminated more of the threat so it would be a little more believable that Tyrion/Jorah/Daario get out alive. Dany better not have greyscale from Ser Friendzone.
That's a great point. They showed a close up of Dani taking Jorah's hand....greyscale?
Remember the episode next week is called "Mother's Mercy"...so my guess is her other children are set free,
Wasn't Shireen's sacrifice based on circular logic. Stannis sacrificed her because she supposedly had king's blood. But she would only have "king's blood" if Stannis were in fact the true king. And if he were the true king, then he shouldn't have to sacrifice her to make it so. Am I missing something?
Wasn't Shireen's sacrifice based on circular logic. Stannis sacrificed her because she supposedly had king's blood. But she would only have "king's blood" if Stannis were in fact the true king. And if he were the true king, then he shouldn't have to sacrifice her to make it so. Am I missing something?
I don't know enough about greyscale to know if it's spread just by touching one who's infected or by touching the sore directly. I know he's been wearing a cover on his wrist. That would be a bummer.
This is just my suspicion, but I have a feeling Dany is one of those that just so happens to be unaffected by greyscale - or if she can get it, it won't kill her. The one that I worry about, though, is Missandei. Before closing her eyes right before Drogon showed up, Dany reached over and took Missandei's hand. The camera seemed to linger on that for a moment, similarly to when Jorah and Dany grasped hands.
The Targarians are originally from Vayleria so maybe they have a immunity to grey scale.
That dude was really annoying. Really funny to see Daario egging him on about big vs. fast fighters. Then he gets offed, and by a Harpy. LOL.... I was wondering if the 'tool' she chose to marry was actually working with the harpies to try to get Dany killed, sure seemed that way.
That dude was really annoying. Really funny to see Daario egging him on about big vs. fast fighters. Then he gets offed, and by a Harpy. LOL...
The next book should be out by the start of season 6 which means we'll get a resolution to that cliffhanger before next year anyway.I thought Shireen would be the resolution to that cliffhanger.
I wonder what Jon will do if he learns that Sansa is in Winterfell...
I was expecting a more aerial attack from Drogon. The spears hurt. I was still expecting Dany to ride off on him, but as he's getting pummeled by sprays, I was partially fearing that HBO would have him just go crazy killing all harpies and dying in the process. It was good to see him and Dany get out, but I wish maybe he would've eliminated more of the threat so it would be a little more believable that Tyrion/Jorah/Daario get out alive. Dany better not have greyscale from Ser Friendzone.
Well, I guess I get exactly ONE more week of being an annoying spoiler nerd?
At this point, the show has pretty much already caught up to the end of Book 5, so I have no idea what happens next. But I'll offer a few spoilers/thoughts.
So far the show and Books have only really significantly diverged in 2-3 ways. Mostly to get rid of a lot of boring nonsense from the last two books.
I guess we know why its called A Song of Ice and Fire? Last week we had ice zombies, now we have fire-breathing dragons. I don't know what true vision/power Melisandre has - she has visions about a great battle in the snow - but perhaps she misread WHO the Lord of Light will be? Did you notice that both the Night's King AND Thoros of Myr (another follower of Melisandre's God) both have the power to raise the dead? That can't be coincidence.
Everybody who is speculating about Dani - the greyscale isn't even really an issue! The scene with Dani getting rescued by Drogon comes almost at the end of Book 5. There should be ONE MORE scene with our Khaleesi in next week's episode. And that will likely be one of the two big cliffhangers next week. I suspect its going to be the very last scene of the year. Notice I used her OLD title...
The other big cliffhanger will take place at The Wall. I'm still wondering when Sam/Gilly get sent off on their mission. This will likely be the next to last scene. Jon knows nothing...
They sped the Arya story along. I suspect they added a little red meat into this storyline on the show - so they'll either end this season on a happy note or a frightening one with a happy one at the start of next season for our little ninja. Depends how J'har takes to her little side mission. WHEN Arya finally learns to serve the Many-Faced God, she'll be badass.
You all forgot about Cersei and Margaery. Next week's episode is called Mother's Mercy, so expect most of the plot to focus in King's Landing...with most of the real bombs thrown elsewhere. Hopefully we'll find out more about the Lannister vs. Tyrell civil war and how Littlefinger has weaved into it all. And Lena Headley's may get a new entry on Mr. Skin, but not exactly a pleasant scene.
Dorne's "plot" will be revealed finally, and I expect we might see the Ironborn pirates sometime soon too - because they all have the same general idea.
In a way, Stannis vs. Bolton and Cersei vs. Margaery (even Lanister vs. Tyrell) are all misdirection. If the last two episodes are any indication, the REAL battle is yet to come - Daenerys Targaryen and her dragons vs. The Night's King and his army of ice zombies. That's probably how the show and books end. That's when Brandon Stark's role becomes clear, when Sam Tarly's book smart becomes important. And if you haven't figure it out - the biggest next step in this is figuring out how to get a Khaleesi and her Dragons off of one continent onto another. Which of the great houses of Westeros will survive? Well, go back and watch last episode's conversation with Tyrion and Dani for more speculation. Who is going to fight for their own power, and who will fight to save Westeros?
Not going to ask a ton of follow up questions but would like a *bit* more clarification about the title you used for Dany. Khaleesi is certainly an 'old' title, but she has like, twenty of them - what is the significance (unless it's too spoilery)?
I'm guessing she drops 'Queen of Mereen'....and/or has some sort of Dothraki re-connection?
Who calls her Khaleesi (other than Jorah)? Re-connection is a good guess I'd think.
Dorne's "plot" will be revealed finally, and I expect we might see the Ironborn pirates sometime soon too - because they all have the same general idea.
You did a way better job being hinting then I could have without giving too much away. The question is who sends Davos on his mission? I think his mission in the books is a massively important one for book 6/7.Well, I guess I get exactly ONE more week of being an annoying spoiler nerd?
At this point, the show has pretty much already caught up to the end of Book 5, so I have no idea what happens next. But I'll offer a few spoilers/thoughts.
So far the show and Books have only really significantly diverged in 2-3 ways. Mostly to get rid of a lot of boring nonsense from the last two books.
I guess we know why its called A Song of Ice and Fire? Last week we had ice zombies, now we have fire-breathing dragons. I don't know what true vision/power Melisandre has - she has visions about a great battle in the snow - but perhaps she misread WHO the Lord of Light will be? Did you notice that both the Night's King AND Thoros of Myr (another follower of Melisandre's God) both have the power to raise the dead? That can't be coincidence.
Everybody who is speculating about Dani - the greyscale isn't even really an issue! The scene with Dani getting rescued by Drogon comes almost at the end of Book 5. There should be ONE MORE scene with our Khaleesi in next week's episode. And that will likely be one of the two big cliffhangers next week. I suspect its going to be the very last scene of the year. Notice I used her OLD title...
The other big cliffhanger will take place at The Wall. I'm still wondering when Sam/Gilly get sent off on their mission. This will likely be the next to last scene. Jon knows nothing...
They sped the Arya story along. I suspect they added a little red meat into this storyline on the show - so they'll either end this season on a happy note or a frightening one with a happy one at the start of next season for our little ninja. Depends how J'har takes to her little side mission. WHEN Arya finally learns to serve the Many-Faced God, she'll be badass.
You all forgot about Cersei and Margaery. Next week's episode is called Mother's Mercy, so expect most of the plot to focus in King's Landing...with most of the real bombs thrown elsewhere. Hopefully we'll find out more about the Lannister vs. Tyrell civil war and how Littlefinger has weaved into it all. And Lena Headley's may get a new entry on Mr. Skin, but not exactly a pleasant scene.
Dorne's "plot" will be revealed finally, and I expect we might see the Ironborn pirates sometime soon too - because they all have the same general idea.
In a way, Stannis vs. Bolton and Cersei vs. Margaery (even Lanister vs. Tyrell) are all misdirection. If the last two episodes are any indication, the REAL battle is yet to come - Daenerys Targaryen and her dragons vs. The Night's King and his army of ice zombies. That's probably how the show and books end. That's when Brandon Stark's role becomes clear, when Sam Tarly's book smart becomes important. And if you haven't figure it out - the biggest next step in this is figuring out how to get a Khaleesi and her Dragons off of one continent onto another. Which of the great houses of Westeros will survive? Well, go back and watch last episode's conversation with Tyrion and Dani for more speculation. Who is going to fight for their own power, and who will fight to save Westeros?