OT: Game of Thrones:S5:Ep9 Spoilers

Also - as Tyrion pointed out, Dani needs help navigating the complex political landscape of Westeros. If, as we can assume, Dani returns to Westeros shortly - where does she land and who does she turn to for assistance, or more accurately, who OFFERS her help?
Well, I guess I get exactly ONE more week of being an annoying spoiler nerd?
At this point, the show has pretty much already caught up to the end of Book 5, so I have no idea what happens next. But I'll offer a few spoilers/thoughts.

So far the show and Books have only really significantly diverged in 2-3 ways. Mostly to get rid of a lot of boring nonsense from the last two books.

I guess we know why its called A Song of Ice and Fire? Last week we had ice zombies, now we have fire-breathing dragons. I don't know what true vision/power Melisandre has - she has visions about a great battle in the snow - but perhaps she misread WHO the Lord of Light will be? Did you notice that both the Night's King AND Thoros of Myr (another follower of Melisandre's God) both have the power to raise the dead? That can't be coincidence.

Everybody who is speculating about Dani - the greyscale isn't even really an issue! The scene with Dani getting rescued by Drogon comes almost at the end of Book 5. There should be ONE MORE scene with our Khaleesi in next week's episode. And that will likely be one of the two big cliffhangers next week. I suspect its going to be the very last scene of the year. Notice I used her OLD title...

The other big cliffhanger will take place at The Wall. I'm still wondering when Sam/Gilly get sent off on their mission. This will likely be the next to last scene. Jon knows nothing...

They sped the Arya story along. I suspect they added a little red meat into this storyline on the show - so they'll either end this season on a happy note or a frightening one with a happy one at the start of next season for our little ninja. Depends how J'har takes to her little side mission. WHEN Arya finally learns to serve the Many-Faced God, she'll be badass.

You all forgot about Cersei and Margaery. Next week's episode is called Mother's Mercy, so expect most of the plot to focus in King's Landing...with most of the real bombs thrown elsewhere. Hopefully we'll find out more about the Lannister vs. Tyrell civil war and how Littlefinger has weaved into it all. And Lena Headley's may get a new entry on Mr. Skin, but not exactly a pleasant scene.

Dorne's "plot" will be revealed finally, and I expect we might see the Ironborn pirates sometime soon too - because they all have the same general idea.

In a way, Stannis vs. Bolton and Cersei vs. Margaery (even Lanister vs. Tyrell) are all misdirection. If the last two episodes are any indication, the REAL battle is yet to come - Daenerys Targaryen and her dragons vs. The Night's King and his army of ice zombies. That's probably how the show and books end. That's when Brandon Stark's role becomes clear, when Sam Tarly's book smart becomes important. And if you haven't figure it out - the biggest next step in this is figuring out how to get a Khaleesi and her Dragons off of one continent onto another. Which of the great houses of Westeros will survive? Well, go back and watch last episode's conversation with Tyrion and Dani for more speculation. Who is going to fight for their own power, and who will fight to save Westeros?
How cool would it be if one of the last scenes are of a bunch of ships with black sails coming into a bay without seeing who's on them or why they're there.
Dorne's been dumbed down from the books beyond belief. I'm not so sure there is a plot in the show anymore other than a Baratheon-Martell marriage and peace. I hope I'm wrong.

Do NOT underestimate Doran Martell. He may look like a broken man in a wheelchair. But his baby sister Elia married Rhaegar Targaryen. Who was Daenerys' sister. (That would make him - I don't know, Cousins-in-law?) Think about where his real loyalties may lie...and what he's really pissed at the Sand Snakes for.
Also - as Tyrion pointed out, Dani needs help navigating the complex political landscape of Westeros. If, as we can assume, Dani returns to Westeros shortly - where does she land and who does she turn to for assistance, or more accurately, who OFFERS her help?

My guess is the Martell's would support her (Oberyn's sister was married to a Targaryen), as would the Tyrell's (certainly not going to support the Lannister/Baratheon claim to the throne after this season); I'm sure Littlefinger has something up his sleeve and no way to know who he would support. All this talk of ships and pirates though makes me think the Greyjoys and Iron Islands may have a role in the future (getting Dany and her army to Westeros)?
You did a way better job being hinting then I could have without giving too much away. The question is who sends Davos on his mission? I think his mission in the books is a massively important one for book 6/7.

Sir Davos takes a curious journey in Book 5 - which hasn't even been touched yet on the show.

Not to mention (or actually yes, I do mention this) what happened to Rickon and Hodor?
Do NOT underestimate Doran Martell. He may look like a broken man in a wheelchair. But his baby sister Elia married Rhaegar Targaryen. Who was Daenerys' sister. (That would make him - I don't know, Cousins-in-law?) Think about where his real loyalties may lie...and what he's really pissed at the Sand Snakes for.

Doran is an excellent leader and has demonstrated as much this entire season. I didn't get that he had additional motivations (outside of not really wanting war) or that he was mad at the Sand Snakes for anything other than their wanting to kill/harm Jaime. Hmm....
All this talk of ships and pirates though makes me think the Greyjoys and Iron Islands may have a role in the future (getting Dany and her army to Westeros)?

Well, when you've got two continents separated by a narrow sea, boats come in handy. You can't fly an army over on a few dragons.

Of course, the Greyjoys are all nasty people who might not be worth allying with. Unlike the Martells. The Greyjoys are in it for themselves, the Martells for more "noble" reasons. Hopefully Tyrion earns a bonus for his advice.
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Doran is an excellent leader and has demonstrated as much this entire season. I didn't get that he had additional motivations (outside of not really wanting war) or that he was mad at the Sand Snakes for anything other than their wanting to kill/harm Jaime. Hmm....

He's mad at the Sand Snakes for making so much noise...I'm sure he'll sit Ellaria down and explain it all on Sunday night. Along the lines of "Damn it, woman, shut up and show patience and I'll reveal what I've been planning all along."
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It's been a slow season relative to the previous 4. With the exception of these last 2...OMG. Phew.

I told everybody to expect this. Which means next week will have lots of bombshells and cliffhangers...and even I don't know what happens next. All of these loose storylines get a nice boost.

I don't know exactly WHERE they leave Arya and Sansa's storylines.
I don't know exactly WHERE they leave Stannis vs. Bolton.

I DO know what happens to Dani and Jon Snow.
I DO know what role Dorne and the Greyjoys hope to play.

And that's about all I really know.
It's been a slow season relative to the previous 4. With the exception of these last 2...OMG. Phew.

I told everybody to expect this. Which means next week will have lots of bombshells and cliffhangers...and even I don't know what happens next. All of these loose storylines get a nice boost.

I don't know exactly WHERE they leave Arya and Sansa's storylines.
I don't know exactly WHERE they leave Stannis vs. Bolton.

I DO know what happens to Dani and Jon Snow.
I DO know what role Dorne and the Greyjoys hope to play.

And that's about all I really know.

I'm not sure how I feel about this season - certainly the past two episodes have made it a lot more interesting than it was early on. Having said that, I'd rank my favorite seasons as....3, 2, 4, 1.
That's a great point. They showed a close up of Dani taking Jorah's hand....greyscale?
Remember the episode next week is called "Mother's Mercy" my guess is her other children are set free,

I read on the Game of thrones Wikia site that "Mother's Mercy" refers to Cersei's story as "Mother's Mercy" has some meaning in that religion.
Can someone tell me why the Harpies were killing many of the masters? I had thought that the Harpies were part of the masters. My only thought is that the masters that they were killing were Dany sympathizers, so to speak.
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I read on the Game of thrones Wikia site that "Mother's Mercy" refers to Cersei's story as "Mother's Mercy" has some meaning in that religion.

The episode titles often refer to multiple events or themes. Cersei's atonement will definitely be one. It's likely that Dany and possibly Arya are others.
Unless something changes, it will be all wrapped up by end of season 7 or possibly 8. I found the teaser for the episode interesting. Stannis at Winterfell and Sansa taking action. Three men pining for Dani.
Will have a more thoughtful response later this morning, but I really liked last night's episode - the ending was fantastic!! Shireen was a goner the minute Melisandre insisted she accompany them on this trip. Show runner David Weiss had a pretty good analysis of the necessity of this scene on I mean, yes, the shock value of characters we like dying has passed, and what Stannis did was deplorable, but nothing tops what Joffrey did to all 'potential' Robert bastards in Season 1 - he literally killed dozens of children and no one seemed to care. Same when Theon burned those two farm boys.

Will just say that Drogon showing up when Dany needed him most was kick ass! Clearly attacking from the ground has it's disadvantages, but he killed about 50 Harpys in a minute. And Dany flying on his back!?! YES!

Link to EW story:
The dragon didn't just show up. It was summoned.
The dragon didn't just show up. It was summoned.

That is not the general consensus for sure; Dany and Missandei hold hands as they accept their fate together and Drogon shows up in the nick of time. If Dany could summon/control her dragons, they wouldn't be locked up in a tomb. Either way it doesn't matter much.
That is not the general consensus for sure; Dany and Missandei hold hands as they accept their fate together and Drogon shows up in the nick of time. If Dany could summon/control her dragons, they wouldn't be locked up in a tomb. Either way it doesn't matter much.

The HBO writers in the "Inside the Episode" say she resigned herself to her fate in that moment and that Drogon came because he sensed her peril, not because she summoned him.
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I think that Drogon screaming in Dany's face when she removes the spear and then taking a few moments to check out her response was a big step in her controlling her dragons again. I think Drogon sensed she feared her dragons and didn't respect her as a mother/leader. In that moment he tested her and sensed no more fear.
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I think that Drogon screaming in Dany's face when she removes the spear and then taking a few moments to check out her response was a big step in her controlling her dragons again. I think Drogon sensed she feared her dragons and didn't respect her as a mother/leader. In that moment he tested her and sensed no more fear.

I agree with this; she's getting to the point of being able to control them. She certainly didn't summon Drogon as was suggested though.
I read on the Game of thrones Wikia site that "Mother's Mercy" refers to Cersei's story as "Mother's Mercy" has some meaning in that religion.

Mother's Mercy is the High Septon's term for the punishment he metes out IF someone admits their guilt. In the book, it is a HIGHLY public shaming. One person bears it well, and the other does not...and that's influenced by which "queen" is more beloved by the people.

I agree that it will have multiple meanings throughout the episode, as the words Mercy and Mother can have multiple meanings in the different threads. I wonder if a certain "mother" will ever return as well...
I agree with this; she's getting to the point of being able to control them. She certainly didn't summon Drogon as was suggested though.

The important thing isn't whether Dani summoned the dragon or whether he came to her aid - the mere fact that he let her RIDE on his back is everything and much more meaningful. The dragons recognize her as their "mother" and Drogon was certainly protecting his mother. Its safe to say that Daenerys will eventually learn to use her 3 dragons as the Targaryens always were able to - as weapons to enforce their claim to the throne and protect their realm.

Based on the size of the skulls under the throne room in King's Landing - those little lizards still have a lot of growing to do.
Mother's Mercy is the High Septon's term for the punishment he metes out IF someone admits their guilt. In the book, it is a HIGHLY public shaming. One person bears it well, and the other does not...and that's influenced by which "queen" is more beloved by the people.

I agree that it will have multiple meanings throughout the episode, as the words Mercy and Mother can have multiple meanings in the different threads. I wonder if a certain "mother" will ever return as well...

I know what you're getting at with your last comment, and my guess is 'no', but it would be awesome to see....

Now, when does Daenerys get her own Valyrian steel sword??
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I know what you're getting at with your last comment, and my guess is 'no', but it would be awesome to see....

Now, when does Daenerys get her own Valyrian stell sword??

Who needs steel when you have fire? Perhaps Dani's dragons can create obsidian? I don't know if dragon's breath is hot enough to melt stone - but clearly there is SOMETHING in Valyrian steel that helps it cut through White Walker. Whatever that something is - is key to defeating the ice zombies.

I suspect a lot of this lost knowledge resides somewhere in Oldtown, and a certain lovestruck Ranger needs to become a hero and find it.
Who needs steel when you have fire? Perhaps Dani's dragons can create obsidian? I don't know if dragon's breath is hot enough to melt stone - but clearly there is SOMETHING in Valyrian steel that helps it cut through White Walker. Whatever that something is - is key to defeating the ice zombies.

I suspect a lot of this lost knowledge resides somewhere in Oldtown, and a certain lovestruck Ranger needs to become a hero and find it.

Well, Dany's ancestors all had swords as well as dragons, right? Maybe she can find family heirlooms 'Dark Sister' or 'Blackfyre'. Or just take Tommen's. :)
Who needs steel when you have fire? Perhaps Dani's dragons can create obsidian? I don't know if dragon's breath is hot enough to melt stone - but clearly there is SOMETHING in Valyrian steel that helps it cut through White Walker. Whatever that something is - is key to defeating the ice zombies.

I suspect a lot of this lost knowledge resides somewhere in Oldtown, and a certain lovestruck Ranger needs to become a hero and find it.

Dragon's breath melted the impenetrable Harrenhal from above so it can melt stone.