OT: Golf games


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2006
need some fun different ideas for games to play on a golf trip. Can be individual games or one foursome vs another. Whatcha got?
How about pig and wolf? You have different 2 man teams for every hole, and you can play for several points or dollars per hole using lowest total score, best ball, first ball in the hole, birdies pay double, etc.

You hit in the same order every hole, but alternate who goes first. On hole 1, the sequence is Player A, B, C, D. Player A hits his drive, and then Player B hits. Player A can then choose Player B as his partner for that hole against Players C and D or not.

If Player B isn't chosen, Player C hits, and Player A can choose Player C as his partner for that hole against Players B and D or not.

If Player C isn't chosen, Player D hits, and Player A either chooses Player D as his partner against Players B and C, or Player A decides to go "lone wolf". If Player A goes "lone wolf", it is Player A against the other 3 players for that hole.

If Player A selects another player, that player also has the option of not being on Player A's team, or "pigging" Player A. This might happen if Player A hits a bad drive, and the Player that Player A picks has hit a great shot. The player that pigs Player A plays on his own for that hole against the other 3.

A lone player's score is tripled for purposes of determining lowest total score against the other 3 players. It is high risk, high reward whenever a player decides to go it alone against the other 3.

On hole 2, the players hit in sequence B, C, D, A and new teams are chosen for that hole. On hole 3, the sequence is C, D, A, B and so on for the rest of the holes.
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Waltz for a team vs team. First hole, you take the lowest score in the group. 2nd, hole you take the two lowest scores. 3rd, you take the three lowest scores. Then back to one low score, two, three... 1,2,3,1,2,3...

Keeps the low handicappers honest by having to take 3 scores on 6 of the holes.

We also play with a “shamble” off the tee where you take the best drive then you play your own ball from there. Keeps the game moving by helping out the guys that can’t hit long off the tee.
We often play a 15-ball game with foursomes wherein the 18 holes are divided into 6-hole segments, each worth one point. Four players per team would generate 24 scores over the 6 holes. The 15 lowest scores (relative to par on the hole) are counted out of the 24. On one hole out of the six each team must count all 4 balls, which puts some pressure on the higher handicaps to contribute. Of course teams should be balanced in the base case based on total team handicap.

The pot can be divided into thirds with money for each six hole game, or each can be counted as a point towards a game for the entire pot.

Within this game we usually have a skins game.

If we don't have the right count of players to form teams then we usually play a handicapped Stableford.

When we play scrambles there is usually a tee shot rule wherein each team (of four) may only take six drives per player. This often forces a bit of planning and strategy depending on the make-up of the team. In one version we rotate tee boxes. For example, assuming gold-blue-white tees a team may elect to start on gold, blue, or white, but then must play the remaining holes in the same sequence (blue, white, gold, blue, white, ...) This also makes the team plan out the best strategy over the entire 18.
Couple fun games:

Animals - you can play this with just about any other game. There are 4 animals - 1) frog (ball in water), 2) camel (ball in sand), 3) snake (3 putt) and 4) gorilla (ball out of bounds). If player 1 hits his ball in the trap on hole 1, he is the camel. He remains the camel until someone else on front 9 puts their ball in the sand. Whoever is the last person on each 9 with an animal pays a certain amount of money (we usually play $5 per animal). The only rule is on 9 and 18 you have to play in order according to distance from the hole. You can spice it up by multiplying the animals. For instance player 1 puts his ball in trap on 7, then 8 and again on 9 and no one else puts their ball in sand between 7-9. Player 1 would owe 3 times the price of the animal. This game creates a lot of fun rooting against each other!

Vegas - you need a 4 some. Play 2 v 2. Each hole is a match. You assign a dollar amount per point. For ease of math I’ll use 10 cents per point (if you play for much more than this the bets can get pretty big!!) to Let’s say player 1 and 2 are a team and 3 and 4 are a team. Hole 1 is par 4 - player 1 gets a 4, player 2 gets a 5. Their score is 45 (the lower score is the first digit and higher is second). Player 3 scores a 5 and 4 gets an 8. Their score is 58. So after one hole team 1 is up by 13 points - or $1.30.

Now let’s say 2 is a par 5. Player one gets a 4 (birdie) and 2 gets a 5. Their score is 45. Player 3 scores a 5 and 4 gets a 8. Their score is 84 (you put the higher score first - this is called flipping the birdie). So on this hole team one gets 39 points or $3.90

The other exception is where someone scores 10 or more. Their score goes first. Example on par 4 - player 1 4, player 2 4. Player 3 10 and player 4 4. Score for this hole is 104-44 - 60 points for team one.

Here is a link describing the rules -

Stableford is always fun if all the players have handicaps. You can google how to score it. Each 2 man team gets a point number based on their handicaps. Bogies get 1 point, pars 2 and birdies 4. Team with highest point total above their assigned point value wins
need some fun different ideas for games to play on a golf trip. Can be individual games or one foursome vs another. Whatcha got?
We play the card game. Use a regular deck of cards. It is primarily a chipping and putting game. Everyone throws $5 into a pot to start. This gives you one card at the end of the game. For every one put green, you get another card. Putt it in from the fringe and you get 2 cards. For every three putt green, you pay another dollar into the pot. At the end of 18 holes you count the 3 putts for each person and they pay 1 additional dollar into the pot for each 3 putt green. Then using the score card, go hole by hole awarding cards for each one putt. Do this in order of the names on the scorecard and the one putts made. Best poker hand wins and must buy the first round of drinks.
Couple fun games:

Animals - you can play this with just about any other game. There are 4 animals - 1) frog (ball in water), 2) camel (ball in sand), 3) snake (3 putt) and 4) gorilla (ball out of bounds). If player 1 hits his ball in the trap on hole 1, he is the camel. He remains the camel until someone else on front 9 puts their ball in the sand. Whoever is the last person on each 9 with an animal pays a certain amount of money (we usually play $5 per animal). The only rule is on 9 and 18 you have to play in order according to distance from the hole. You can spice it up by multiplying the animals. For instance player 1 puts his ball in trap on 7, then 8 and again on 9 and no one else puts their ball in sand between 7-9. Player 1 would owe 3 times the price of the animal. This game creates a lot of fun rooting against each other!

Played this on a family outing once, with a couple of variations. We added a bear (ball in the woods). and actually had head covers for each of the animals (save for the snake - that was a six foot long stuffed toy). The current holder of the animal had to carry the head cover with them. They had the pleasure of handing over the head cover when someone else claimed the "honor". Lot's of fun. 20 years later, my brother still talks about his shanked wedge OB on 18 that handed him the gorilla and overall title as the biggest loser (most head covers) on the trip.
We play the card game. Use a regular deck of cards. It is primarily a chipping and putting game. Everyone throws $5 into a pot to start. This gives you one card at the end of the game. For every one put green, you get another card. Putt it in from the fringe and you get 2 cards. For every three putt green, you pay another dollar into the pot. At the end of 18 holes you count the 3 putts for each person and they pay 1 additional dollar into the pot for each 3 putt green. Then using the score card, go hole by hole awarding cards for each one putt. Do this in order of the names on the scorecard and the one putts made. Best poker hand wins and must buy the first round of drinks.

Similar action but use closest to pin for a card or longest putt made rather than 1,2,3 putt stuff as we all suck...
Yards, you can play individual or two man teams. Whatever the yardage is per hole that is what you are playing for. So, at my club #1 is 364 yds. You can play any denomination but be careful as it can add up to a lot of money.
We play the card game. Use a regular deck of cards. It is primarily a chipping and putting game. Everyone throws $5 into a pot to start. This gives you one card at the end of the game. For every one put green, you get another card. Putt it in from the fringe and you get 2 cards. For every three putt green, you pay another dollar into the pot. At the end of 18 holes you count the 3 putts for each person and they pay 1 additional dollar into the pot for each 3 putt green. Then using the score card, go hole by hole awarding cards for each one putt. Do this in order of the names on the scorecard and the one putts made. Best poker hand wins and must buy the first round of drinks.

I assume that the card game is a part of some larger (higher pot) game. Otherwise why not position your approach shots just off the green. This provides more chances for a chip-in and lowers the odds of a 3-putt. But you wouldn't do this if you need to score well for a larger prize. Same issues for the Animal Game.
Easy $20 game.(or whatever you choose, but most people are okay with twenty. Foursome against other foursome. Two lowest scores count for your team on the hole. Net scores if you have handicaps. Add up your two ball scores for each of the nine holes. for the front nine. Lowest total wins 25% of the pot. Same thing for the back nine. Lowest total wins 25 % of the pot. Add front and back nine scores. Lowest team total wins 50% of the pot.
Everyone can contribute. Blowup hole allows the other guys to hopefully post a good score.
---If there are a few hackers, you can make it a shamble variant. All four players drive , select the best drive, and each player would finish out there own ball from that spot. With the shamble (select drive), you could mandate at least 3 per each player on the team, so a little more strategy gets thrown into the mix.
Mendoza is fun for 4 players. Two teams of two players. Object is for the two man team to accumulate 3 points, and then a bet is won. After each hole, you look at the four scores. Two points are possible per hole. A point is awarded for winning the low score, and a point is awarded for winning the high score. (eg. Team A has a 4, 5, and team B has a 5,6. Team A would get two points 4 beats the Team B low score of 5, and the Team A 5 beats the high score of Team B a 6. Ties are no points.). When you get to 3 points or more up you win the agreed on money per match. Then a new set of teams is arranged. We usually do COD, Same CART players are a team till a 3 point match is won. Then OPPOSITES, cart driver with passenger of the other cart until a 3 point match is won. Then DRIVERS of each cart are on the same team. Continue to rotate through in COD fashion.
If at any point the match goes from you being up to zero or being down(crossing the Mendoza line) , it adds another amount to the wager( say you have $5 dollar matches, this now becomes a $10 match.). So it can be a reasonably good amount if it goes back and forth.
Can get double the point wager, if you are up by 3 or more points after 2 holes played. This is called a blitz.
Fun part about this, is it keeps the higher scoring player on a particular hole in the match. Also you get to rotate through who your partner is over the course of the 18 holes.
Whomever is up on 18 wins the final point whether they have 3 points or not
I assume that the card game is a part of some larger (higher pot) game. Otherwise why not position your approach shots just off the green. This provides more chances for a chip-in and lowers the odds of a 3-putt. But you wouldn't do this if you need to score well for a larger prize. Same issues for the Animal Game.
Yes, you are correct. I lost this week but hit more greens in regulation than the other guys. Had some really long putts that ended up being 3 putts while others had short chips and one putt.
Yes, you are correct. I lost this week but hit more greens in regulation than the other guys. Had some really long putts that ended up being 3 putts while others had short chips and one putt.
Drive for show, putt for dough. I play in a league and one of the weekly prizes is for low putts. It forces you to count your putts and I’m amazed at how much different decent putting can influence your total score. Usually the winner has about 30 putts per round. I try to keep mine at 36 but I’ve gone days with 32 and a few last season above 40. We all want to hit the long ball at the range but good putting and chipping is what counts at the end. An 8 stroke swing in your score is everything. Of course if you can hit your approach shot close enough to keep your first putt 10 feet or less your halfway there. Golf is all about the short game.
Drive for show, putt for dough. I play in a league and one of the weekly prizes is for low putts. It forces you to count your putts and I’m amazed at how much different decent putting can influence your total score. Usually the winner has about 30 putts per round. I try to keep mine at 36 but I’ve gone days with 32 and a few last season above 40. We all want to hit the long ball at the range but good putting and chipping is what counts at the end. An 8 stroke swing in your score is everything. Of course if you can hit your approach shot close enough to keep your first putt 10 feet or less your halfway there. Golf is all about the short game.
Read the book Every Shot Counts by Mark Broadie. Surprisingly it's all about the long ball, and then hitting your approach tight. This guy in connection with a team developing strokes gained concept for putting, driving, etc.
Really an interesting read. Analytics have shown that for every ten shots your score/handicap decreases, 65% is long game related, and 35 % short game and putting. .This ratio holds up regardless if it's 100-90, 90-80, 80-70.
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need some fun different ideas for games to play on a golf trip. Can be individual games or one foursome vs another. Whatcha got?

Actually this is a putting challenge during the round but can be pretty intense...while playing the round...first to three putt owes the group $1 the round goes on...and another player 3 putts...he takes over the bet and owes the rest of the group $1 dollar but its for each hole.

Example...Player 1 3 putts on #2...he now owes each member in the group $2 dollars...and it builds every if no one has 3 putted up to #8..he now owes the group...$8 each...however...if player #2 3 putts...again he now takes over the owing the group... don't want to be the guy who owes the 3 putt at the end of 18...$18 three ways...

It actually starts to change the way you play the you lay up prior to the green? etc etc...
Up to you whether you put money or some other type thing to win. (Played this with family and Dad wasn’t a big gambler so losing team bought ice cream or drinks, etc)

Two players vs two players
Low hole, Low total
So each Par 4 and Par 5’s the team can win up to 2 points

Scenario 1
Team A on a Par 4 gets a 3 and a 4 total 7
Team B gets a 4 and 4. Total 8
Team A gets two points for having the low score and the low total.

Scenario 2
Team A gets a 4 and a 5
Team B gets a 4 and a 4
So Team B gets 1 point for low total

On Par 3’s a possible of 3 points with 1 point for closet to the pin (on the green of course)

We would often would put the low Handicapper with the high handicapper to try to make it an even match.

If all the players are relatively equal you can pair up randomly.

Fun, easy and can be competitive throughout the round.
My favorite game, especially with larger groups, is the flag game. Take 80% of everyone's handicap and add it to the party for the course. If you are a 10 handicap and par for the course is 72, then you get 80 strokes. After you hit your 80th stroke, you plant your flag where the ball ends up. We use the orange property flags you can buy at Lowe's.

With larger groups, it is a lot of fun to see when you see the first flag.
One of my all time favorite scramble outings was what they called Jumble. I am sure there are other names for it.

Each hole was different. Can't recall them all but one you would tee off with a wedge and have to use a wood to putt. Another you used your cart partners clubs (yes including if one is right one left never had that issue). Another you all tee'd off normally then you rolled the dice. 1-4 you had to take whomever tee'd in that order ball. 5-6 you picked from either cart 1 or 2. Another hole you could only use odd club #. Another even. Another you designated who did what shot. It was a par 5 so assume 4 strokes. So one tees, one hits next which may or may not be approach and one putts. I think one on each 9 was straight up normal scramble. Great times. Unfortunately that fund raiser died off and haven't played since.