OT: Golf on NBC for everyone?

Is the Pens game on somethwere else? TIA.
In Pittsburgh watching gdam golf! Gawd, I hate golf! Time for golf to go full contact. Everyone tees off at once. Run your ass off to the ball. Anyone in your way? Take him out! First guy on green takes 1 shot off his score. Caddies are used as blockers. No more candy ass crap. Make this pussy sport a REAL MAN'S GAME!!!
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In Pittsburgh watching gdam golf! Gawd, I hate golf! Time for golf to go full contact. Everyone tees off at once. Run your ass off to the ball. Anyone in your way? Take him out! First guy on green takes 1 shot off his score. Caddies are used as blockers. No more candy ass crap. Make this pussy sport a REAL MAN'S GAME!!!
SERIOUSLY, name a more candy ass sport than golf. THERE ARE NONE.
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Now wait just a minute. Two words. Make that three words: Arnold (Frickin') Palmer.
A great man playing a pussy sport. Did you ever see Arnold with dirty pants? No.
You don't even carry your own bag. I hate the "sport" and I'm damn good at it. Got a hole in one at the Windmill and Giraffe holes just last week. ;)
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A great man playing a pussy sport. Did you ever see Arnold with dirty pants? No.
You don't even carry your own bag. I hate the "sport" and I'm damn good at it. Got a hole in one at the Windmill and Giraffe holes just last week. ;)
Pussy sport?! Bet you wouldn't saw that if Tiger's ex was coming after you with a 9-iron.

Nasty implements, 9-irons. I've often thought I could take on the burliest pit bull with a 9-iron in hand. Tag any creature with a good swing of a 9-iron, and they're gonna be hurting. Big time.
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No. Soccer has guys colliding and at least running their asses off. I hate soccer but it's real sport in my eyes. No one runs in golf. The best they do is walk fast while waiving to the crowd. I have never seen a collision in golf.:(
Love The Players! This thread is amusing. I'm sure all of America can't wait to spend Saturday night watching the Ottawa Senators.
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Pussy sport?! Bet you wouldn't saw that if Tiger's ex was coming after you with a 9-iron.

Nasty implements, 9-irons. I've often thought I could take on the burliest pit bull with a 9-iron in hand. Tag any creature with a good swing of a 9-iron, and they're gonna be hurting. Big time.
It was a sand wedge. 56 degrees with 12 degrees of bounce. Lucky for Tiger it wasn't 16 degrees of bounce.:)
Name one that's more difficult.
Polo. Seriously. As for golf, it is difficult. That doesn't make it less candy ass. You swing a club and walk, over and over. There is talk about making chess an Olympic sport. I would oppose that, but I could argue that playing chess at the highest level is more difficult than golf. Formula One Racing is mote difficult and you can die. No one dies in pro golf.
Polo. Seriously. As for golf, it is difficult. That doesn't make it less candy ass. You swing a club and walk, over and over. There is talk about making chess an Olympic sport. I would oppose that, but I could argue that playing chess at the highest level is more difficult than golf. Formula One Racing is mote difficult and you can die. No one dies in pro golf.
Some would say that writing poetry (and doo-wop and ballroom dancing) is candy ass.:p I don't (well, maybe ballroom dancing) but many do. A lot of those people live in Pitts (and WV). Why do so many pro athletes find the game of golf so compelling? Maybe because it's so challenging and fun.

You don't like the game because there's no contact. Tennis anyone? Track and field?

"You swing a club and walk, over and over." C'mon fair. You make it sound so simple. You tried, didn't you? It was ugly, wasn't it?:eek: Better off taking a five or six mile walk around the park, eh?

Chess isn't a sport. Just because you've included 'gambit' in your moniker doesn't make it one. In my experience, those who complain about golf the way you have are often persons who have tried the game and failed miserably. If you don't want to watch it use the ignore function.:)
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Some would say that writing poetry (and doo-wop and ballroom dancing) is candy ass.:p I don't (well, maybe ballroom dancing) but many do. A lot of those people live in Pitts (and WV). Why do so many pro athletes find the game of golf so compelling? Maybe because it's so challenging and fun.

You don't like the game because there's no contact. Tennis anyone? Track and field?

"You swing a club and walk, over and over." C'mon fair. You make it sound so simple.

Chess isn't a sport. Just because you've included 'gambit' in your moniker doesn't make it one. In my experience, those who complain about golf the way you have are often persons who have tried the game and failed miserably. If you don't want to watch it use the ignore function.
I played golf weekly in my 20's and shot around 95. I took no lessons and found the sport boring, not frustrating. I put the clubs down and played tennis, flag football, and softball. The softball was not a beer league, but good quality with some guys who played minor league ball, or college baseball. I found those sports more to my liking. Part of what I am saying is TIC and part is not. I am confident enough to think if I took golf seriously I could become decent, but I have no desire. I do have 2 softball games in the morning where I can still hit for average in a league where the typical player is half my age. Maybe when I reach my 80's I'll take up golf.:)
I played golf weekly in my 20's and shot around 95. I took no lessons and found the sport boring, not frustrating. I put the clubs down and played tennis, flag football, and softball. The softball was not a beer league, but good quality with some guys who played minor league ball, or college baseball. I found those sports more to my liking. Part of what I am saying is TIC and part is not. I am confident enough to think if I took golf seriously I could become decent, but I have no desire. I do have 2 softball games in the morning where I can still hit for average in a league where the typical player is half my age. Maybe when I reach my 80's I'll take up golf.:)
Slow pitch softball? Talk about candy ass.
Most people would think so. Not this league. If it were a church league or a beer league I would have moved on long ago. We've had former minor league players on our roster, former college players, lots of high school stars.
It's still slooooow pitch. Why don't you just toss the ball in the air and hit it?:) Fast pitch softball will put some hair on your chest.:mad:

Golf isn't candy ass, fair. It's hard to play well.

Good luck in your games tomorrow. Don't break a leg, or do - whichever one it is for softball.
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It's still slooooow pitch. Why don't you just toss the ball in the air and hit it?:) Fast pitch softball will put some hair on your chest.:mad:

Golf isn't candy ass, fair. It's hard to play well.

Good luck in your games tomorrow. Don't break a leg, or do - whichever one it is for softball.
This summer I will try to get some golf in. I haven't played in 20 years, but perhaps I will find it more to my liking this time.
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This summer I will try to get some golf in. I haven't played in 20 years, but perhaps I will find it more to my liking this time.
Update: I intend to take to the links as the Doo-Wop golfer. I am terrible singer, but I will get a foursome together of my Doo-Wop friends and will shall "sing as we swing". At each tee, we shall join together and sing some classic from the 50's or early 60's. We will have one of our wives record it all, put it on YouTube, and it will go viral. I might start a Doo-Wop golf course, with music blaring as you cover 18 holes. Put 50's nostalgia items in the Club House. Have golf carts that look like a 57' Chevy or a 56' T-Bird . This is pure genius. Oh, and can someone please lend me 20 million dollars?:)
Update: I intend to take to the links as the Doo-Wop golfer. I am terrible singer, but I will get a foursome together of my Doo-Wop friends and will shall "sing as we swing". At each tee, we shall join together and sing some classic from the 50's or early 60's. We will have one of our wives record it all, put it on YouTube, and it will go viral. I might start a Doo-Wop golf course, with music blaring as you cover 18 holes. Put 50's nostalgia items in the Club House. Have golf carts that look like a 57' Chevy or a 56' T-Bird . This is pure genius. Oh, and can someone please lend me 20 million dollars?:)
All it takes is that one pure shot and you'll be hooked for the rest of your life!
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In a contest between golf and paint drying, I would not only take paint drying, I will do the painting.
I played golf weekly in my 20's and shot around 95. I took no lessons and found the sport boring, not frustrating. I put the clubs down and played tennis, flag football, and softball. The softball was not a beer league, but good quality with some guys who played minor league ball, or college baseball. I found those sports more to my liking. Part of what I am saying is TIC and part is not. I am confident enough to think if I took golf seriously I could become decent, but I have no desire. I do have 2 softball games in the morning where I can still hit for average in a league where the typical player is half my age. Maybe when I reach my 80's I'll take up golf.:)
95 in your twenties that sucks!!! I loved it when I would play with guys when I was in my early twenties. I played golf in high school and they played football. In my early twenties I was bigger than they were and shooting around 75. I remember saying to them man you guys suck! And your small!!!! Golf is definitely the hardest sport. These guys on tour are as good as hall of fame football players. That is how precise they are. Guys like tiger jack and Arnold there is no equal!
Is the Pens game on somethwere else? TIA.
LOL! I would think you know by now about TV contracts and rights. NBC owns the Golf Channel, so they own that broadcast, and can replay it (yes it was a replay of Saturday's event) whenever they so choose. Perhaps check which entity owns the rights to the event you are wishing to see and where it will be broadcast?

Oh, look, There are blackouts in effect for certain cities, because they want people to attend the games, you know, to make more money:
95 in your twenties that sucks!!! I loved it when I would play with guys when I was in my early twenties. I played golf in high school and they played football. In my early twenties I was bigger than they were and shooting around 75. I remember saying to them man you guys suck! And your small!!!! Golf is definitely the hardest sport. These guys on tour are as good as hall of fame football players. That is how precise they are. Guys like tiger jack and Arnold there is no equal!
While 95 is certainly nothing to boast about, it is better than the national average score of 100! :)
NBC broadcast golf instead of hockey from 7-7:25 PM ET?

I guess someone at NBC thought they were supposed to be showing the Capitals instead of the Penguins.
NBC broadcast golf instead of hockey from 7-7:25 PM ET?

I guess someone at NBC thought they were supposed to be showing the Capitals instead of the Penguins.
Take note of the companies advertising during golf telecasts. That'll give you a clue why golf is on and who's watching it.
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95 in your twenties that sucks!!! I loved it when I would play with guys when I was in my early twenties. I played golf in high school and they played football. In my early twenties I was bigger than they were and shooting around 75. I remember saying to them man you guys suck! And your small!!!! Golf is definitely the hardest sport. These guys on tour are as good as hall of fame football players. That is how precise they are. Guys like tiger jack and Arnold there is no equal!
I shot 95 playing at best once a week. I never took lessons, never went to the driving range, never practiced putting, never watched a video, and never asked for advice. Golfers have an inflated opinion of the difficulty of the game. I gave the game up, not because it was difficult, but because it was boring. Arnold Palmer was a man playing a candy ass sport. Perhaps he should have tried hitting a 100 MPH fastball instead of a ball that is sitting still. This is my final post on golf. You think it's difficult, and I agree it is if you play at the pro level, but every sport is difficult at the pro level. As for the rest, we just disagree.
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I shot 95 playing at best once a week. I never took lessons, never went to the driving range, never practiced putting, never watched a video, and never asked for advice. Golfers have an inflated opinion of the difficulty of the game. I gave the game up, not because it was difficult, but because it was boring. Arnold Palmer was a man playing a candy ass sport. Perhaps he should have tried hitting a 100 MPH fastball instead of a ball that is sitting still. This is my final post on golf. You think it's difficult, and I agree it is if you play at the pro level, but every sport is difficult at the pro level. As for the rest, we just disagree.
I'll bet there are guys who throw and hit 100 mph fastballs who would disagree with you.:)
I shot 95 playing at best once a week. I never took lessons, never went to the driving range, never practiced putting, never watched a video, and never asked for advice. Golfers have an inflated opinion of the difficulty of the game. I gave the game up, not because it was difficult, but because it was boring. Arnold Palmer was a man playing a candy ass sport. Perhaps he should have tried hitting a 100 MPH fastball instead of a ball that is sitting still. This is my final post on golf. You think it's difficult, and I agree it is if you play at the pro level, but every sport is difficult at the pro level. As for the rest, we just disagree.
Alright fg!
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I'll bet there are guys who throw and hit 100 mph fastballs that would disagree with you.:)
No doubt, but there are a lot of pro baseball players who are exceptional golfers. I'm not suggesting shooting 72 is easy. My primary point has been that a "sport" where you don't get your clothes dirty, you ride in a cart or walk but don't carry your own clubs, you seldom play in poor weather, you hit an object that is not well....I will stick with boring. When pro baseball players get too old for the game they retire. Same with pro football, basketball, and hockey. When golfers get old what do they do? They go on the senior tour. Why? Because golf is...well, I won't say it.
Still, millions love it, so play on! I will join you in 20 years or so.:)
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No doubt, but there are a lot of pro baseball players who are exceptional golfers. I'm not suggesting shooting 72 is easy. My primary point has been that a "sport" where you don't get your clothes dirty, you ride in a cart or walk but don't carry your own clubs, you seldom play in poor weather, you hit an object that is not well....I will stick with boring. Still, millions love it, so play on! I will join you in 20 years or so.:)
I find golf enormously challenging and equally frustrating. It's not about exercise or getting dirty. It's about making the ball fly the way you want it to and travel the distance you want it to. There's fairway, rough, hills, ponds, creeks, sand traps, waste areas and so on, all of which you have to navigate. But you're right, you don't get dirty.

And it's not just about the pro athletes that are good, it's about the ones who suck. Baseball and hockey are sports that involve similar physical movements as golf: transfer of weight and a long hitting instrument are just two. That's why hockey and baseball players take to the game more easily.
I find golf enormously challenging and equally frustrating. It's not about exercise or getting dirty. It's about making the ball fly the way you want it to and travel the distance you want it to. There's fairway, rough, hills, ponds, creeks, sand traps, waste areas and so on, all of which you have to navigate. But you're right, you don't get dirty.

And it's not just about the pro athletes that are good, it's about the ones who suck. Baseball and hockey are sports that involve similar physical movements as golf: transfer of weight and a long hitting instrument are just two. That's why hockey and baseball players take to the game more easily.
I will leave it at this. If you, or anyone else loves the game, you don't need my approbation. I play slow pitch softball and I love it, regardless of what anyone says. We lost 2 today, but I hit a double off some college age hotshot a third my age. Sliding into second was as sweet as sinking a 30 foot put. So...lets take to the links, and the diamonds, and enjoy the summer.:)
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if you played tpc you would shoot 125. That is the first day. Each day after for 3 more rounds add10. Then when exhaustion sets in let's have a gallery around you. Shooting 72 puts you with good amateurs playing mediocre courses . Their are probably 6 levels better than that.