IMHO, this is a little bit of tilting at windmills. Since 1971, the PA Governor has by tradition, not requirement, nominated a PSU student to the BOT as one of the six Governor-Appointed trustees.
When Chair Masser rammed through a major amendment to the PSU Bylaws in 2014, in large part to increase the size of the BOT so that a combination of the Alumni-elected trustees and the Governor-Appointed trustees could not seize control of power of the BOT, one of the added seats was "A Member Elected (by the BOT) Representing the Student Body." As such, since May of 2015 the students had representation by this trustee, as well as the Governor-Appointed trustee that was a student.
There was speculation in 2014 that since student representation was now a required part of the BOT, that the Governor would not appoint a student when the student in that "traditional" seat's term ran out. It appears that the speculation was correct.
Now that there is a student trustee, there is, IMHO, no reason to continue the tradition of the Governor using one of their appointments on a student.