OT: Growth of administration at PSU

I don't know Nick......but that MAY have been.....

the singularly most mind-numbing bloviation of bureaucratic bull shit I have ever read.

The very fact that a Provost (likely some lackey in the office - but the point is the same) has the time and inclination to put together that meaningless pile of crapola.....and that additional time is spent "distributing" that crapola (apparently at the bequest of someone with an agenda - but God knows what it is) in itself more than enough evidence that there is one hell of a lot of excess baggage on campus - sucking up resources.

One would think it was an intentional parody of buzz-word bingo and obfuscation.


Yeah...keep giving more and more to faculty.

...the ones that suck up the most resources, while continuing to pile more administrative burdens upon everyone.

Wait until you see the BS with hiring and fingerprinting coming down the pike.

One thing the Aussie failed to mention with regards to administrative staff is the number of retirements within the next few years. HR won't say it publicly yet, but a huge number of retirements are expected within the next 2-3 years. Many staffers are at or above 25 YOS, and with the new student information system coming online (and the associated drastic changes because of it), many expect to retire.

That experience and knowledge is very hard to replace, especially in such a short timespan. So, Jones bloviates about having too many staffers, including at World Campus....and it's just another example of an ivory tower academic missing the big picture. Right now, World Campus is the one area that consistently keeps many other areas afloat. The administrative costs are there because colleges don't want to/can't shoulder the necessary burden themselves.