OT: Have you ever wanted to be a cop?

Wandering Spectator

Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2017
Chandler, AZ
Ever wondered what it's like to be a cop? Most large police departments offer a Citizens Police Academy. It's a program that gives you a behind-the-scenes look at how the department operates.

I attended my first Citizens Academy in Chandler over 20 years ago. I thought it was time for a refresher.

Check out my post to see what we covered in the 11-week program.

It's funny how society despises police and wants to shoot and kill them, or eliminate them. Some of the best people I know are cops. They're your neighbors and dads of the kids your kids play with. No, I would not want to be one, maybe thirty or forty years ago I would have considered it.

People think life would be awesome without police but I expect most people wouldn't like it very much.
It's funny how society despises police and wants to shoot and kill them, or eliminate them. Some of the best people I know are cops. They're your neighbors and dads of the kids your kids play with. No, I would not want to be one, maybe thirty or forty years ago I would have considered it.

People think life would be awesome without police but I expect most people wouldn't like it very much.
I think your sentiments are incorrect about our opinions about police. Our family has a few police and police detectives in it. We all love and respect them because they are 'Respect, Serve and Protect' professionals that are in their jobs for all the right reasons.

Those family members in the profession, like the rest of us that are not, despise criminals and especially criminals that wear or manage the Blue. Criminals that wear the Blue place all the great police out their in extra peril and danger.

In our small town in Tennessee, the new Mayor had to fire the entire police force. The Chief was embezzling tax payer money and a majority of the police on the force were shaking down drug law violators for drugs, money, alcohol and sexual favors. Surveillance videos at an abandoned carwash captured the activity over a few months. The good police also videoed drug busts at meth houses where their, so called, fellow officers were stealing confiscated drugs and cash and other property during raids. The good police involved in the investigation were rehired and in some cases promoted.

Every profession has good, bad and indifferent people in it. Criminals are criminals no matter their occupation and honorable people are honorable no matter their profession. To a person, in our family, we see it that way no matter what our professions are and I think most people see it that way.

Personally, I would not want to be a policeman especially at my age and health. From the experiences my relatives in the profession relate to me, they see too much that is horrifying, and depressing. Also, their jobs demand skills that I no longer have. So, I could not live up to the required 'Protect and Serve' standards of police work.

To the good police out there we stand with you in all you do. The criminals out there in police forces, belong with the priests, pastors, politicians, judges, teachers, pedophiles and all bastards that abuse their power to harm others. That is how our family members and my friends see it and I think for the most part, the public sees it that way too.
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I think your sentiments are incorrect about our opinions about police. Our family has a few police and police detectives in it. We all love and respect them because they are 'Respect, Serve and Protect' professionals that are in their jobs for all the right reasons.

Those family members in the profession like the rest of us that are not despise criminals and especially criminals that that wear or manage the Blue. Criminals that wear the Blue place all the great police out their in extra peril and danger.

In our small town in Tennessee, the new Mayor had to fire the entire police force. The Chief was embezzling tax payer money and a majority of the police on the force were shaking down drug law violators for drugs, money, alcohol and sexual favors. Surveillance videos at an abandoned carwash captured the activity over a few months. The good police also videoed drug busts at meth houses where their, so called, fellow officers were stealing confiscated drugs and cash and other property during raids. The good police involved in the investigation were rehired and in some cases promoted.

Every profession has good, bad and indifferent people in it. Criminals are criminals no matter their occupation and honorable people are honorable no matter their profession. To a person in our family we see it that way no matter what our professions are and I think most people see it that way.

Personally, I would not want to be a policeman especially at my age and health. From the experiences my relatives in the profession relate to me, they see too much that is horrifying, and depressing. Also, their jobs demand skills that I no longer have. So, I could not live up to the required 'Protect and Serve' standards of police work.

To the good police out there we stand with you in all you do. The criminals out there in police forces, belong with the priests, pastors, politicians, judges, teachers, pedophiles and all bastards that abuse their power to harm others. That is how our family members and my friends see it and I think for the most part, the public sees it that way too.
Great post.

My wife does a lot of defense work. She is good friends with most of the police. However, she has caught some of them planting and/or withholding evidence. The most common is that body cam footage mysteriously gets "mistakenly erased". She had an officer on the stand going round and round about a taser being used. The officer kept using a term suggesting it had not been used but the video clearly shows the defendant was tased 3 times. Finally, after about 15 minutes, the officer said that the term being used meant shooting the prongs whereas these officers didn't shoot the prongs, they shocked the defendant without shooting the prongs but directly into her from the weapon. They clearly knew what the issue was but didn't want to surrender that they had shot this woman three times with a taser (police abuse case).

You can immediately tell a good officer from a bad one. The good ones try to calm the situation and move on. The bad ones come in with an attitude and try to heighten emotions.

IMHO, the real problem is prosecutors. My wife has had case after case where a prosecutor is just an ass. IN one case, a 20 year old nursing student with a 3.4 GPA was invited by her boyfriend to a house to join a small party. When she got there, she was told the front door was stuck and climb through the window. She did. Cops come and bust them for underage drinking. It turns out the house was vacant and the boys thought it would be a nice place for a party. The cops charged the young gal with underage drinking and breaking & entering. The B&E charge was a felony and would really hurt the young lady's chances of getting a decent job. In another, a young lady was at home when two cops came and arrested her for shoplifting. She had never been in that store. The arresting officer told my wife the arrest went smoothly and the girl cooperated but they had to re-finger print her as the prints didn't match. They figured that the print, physically, wasn't good. They reprint her and it doesn't match again. Upon my wife questioning the girl, she brought this up. The girl said something like "crap, my cousin!". She has a cousin that looks identical and has claimed to be the girl arrested when she gets into trouble. It turns out the cousin got a fake ID using this gal's picture, address, etc. She used it when caught shop lifting. when presented with this, the prosecutor refused to drop charges. He kept offering lower charges to try and get her to plead to something. They had to go to a judge, and present the evidence, and the judge told the prosecutor to drop the charges. In most cases, the cops and prosecutors have it out for someone that they know is dirty or suspect is dirty. They'll often cut corners to get a conviction or overcharge. Often, they screw up the arresting process then delete the evidence. My wife had a guy get pulled over for having his windows tinted too much. A drug sniffing dog found MJ and they arrested the guy. In Ohio, if there is a dog present that works but you cannot call for a drug-sniffing dog as this is illegal search and seizure without a warrant. The officer's camera and the car camera footage mysteriously disappeared. They said it was deleted, wrongfully downloaded or mislabeled. My wife got the audio from the police radio and showed that the first officer pulled over the car, called for a k-9 unit and waited 15 minutes for the dog to show up. Clear illegal S&S.

But, two of my wife's best friends in the business are officers because they know she'll be fair and complete. But she has now gotten to the point where prosecutors plead out very quickly and she gets good results for her clients.
I think your sentiments are incorrect about our opinions about police. Our family has a few police and police detectives in it. We all love and respect them because they are 'Respect, Serve and Protect' professionals that are in their jobs for all the right reasons.

Those family members in the profession like the rest of us that are not despise criminals and especially criminals that that wear or manage the Blue. Criminals that wear the Blue place all the great police out their in extra peril and danger.

In our small town in Tennessee, the new Mayor had to fire the entire police force. The Chief was embezzling tax payer money and a majority of the police on the force were shaking down drug law violators for drugs, money, alcohol and sexual favors. Surveillance videos at an abandoned carwash captured the activity over a few months. The good police also videoed drug busts at meth houses where their, so called, fellow officers were stealing confiscated drugs and cash and other property during raids. The good police involved in the investigation were rehired and in some cases promoted.

Every profession has good, bad and indifferent people in it. Criminals are criminals no matter their occupation and honorable people are honorable no matter their profession. To a person in our family we see it that way no matter what our professions are and I think most people see it that way.

Personally, I would not want to be a policeman especially at my age and health. From the experiences my relatives in the profession relate to me, they see too much that is horrifying, and depressing. Also, their jobs demand skills that I no longer have. So, I could not live up to the required 'Protect and Serve' standards of police work.

To the good police out there we stand with you in all you do. The criminals out there in police forces, belong with the priests, pastors, politicians, judges, teachers, pedophiles and all bastards that abuse their power to harm others. That is how our family members and my friends see it and I think for the most part, the public sees it that way too.
What a great post. Thank you.
I think your sentiments are incorrect about our opinions about police. Our family has a few police and police detectives in it. We all love and respect them because they are 'Respect, Serve and Protect' professionals that are in their jobs for all the right reasons.

Those family members in the profession like the rest of us that are not despise criminals and especially criminals that that wear or manage the Blue. Criminals that wear the Blue place all the great police out their in extra peril and danger.

In our small town in Tennessee, the new Mayor had to fire the entire police force. The Chief was embezzling tax payer money and a majority of the police on the force were shaking down drug law violators for drugs, money, alcohol and sexual favors. Surveillance videos at an abandoned carwash captured the activity over a few months. The good police also videoed drug busts at meth houses where their, so called, fellow officers were stealing confiscated drugs and cash and other property during raids. The good police involved in the investigation were rehired and in some cases promoted.

Every profession has good, bad and indifferent people in it. Criminals are criminals no matter their occupation and honorable people are honorable no matter their profession. To a person in our family we see it that way no matter what our professions are and I think most people see it that way.

Personally, I would not want to be a policeman especially at my age and health. From the experiences my relatives in the profession relate to me, they see too much that is horrifying, and depressing. Also, their jobs demand skills that I no longer have. So, I could not live up to the required 'Protect and Serve' standards of police work.

To the good police out there we stand with you in all you do. The criminals out there in police forces, belong with the priests, pastors, politicians, judges, teachers, pedophiles and all bastards that abuse their power to harm others. That is how our family members and my friends see it and I think for the most part, the public sees it that way too.

Police are great. That doesn't mean the public views them as such. They've been demonized by the media and a political party.
Police are great. That doesn't mean the public views them as such. They've been demonized by the media and a political party.
Bull Shit! The party that hates cops has been bought off by the automatic manufacturing industry. I was an NRA member for 20 years until the 4th Reich took it over... Stealing members money and abandoning reason and pursuit of gun safety for a bunch of paranoid old cowardly conspiracy theorist.
Bull Shit! The party that hates cops has been bought off by the automatic manufacturing industry. I was an NRA member for 20 years until the 4th Reich took it over... Stealing members money and abandoning reason and pursuit of gun safety for a bunch of paranoid old cowardly conspiracy theorist.

I didn't specify which party. Apparently you don't think I meant the Green Party.
You sound pretty Green to me old 🐐!

You crack me up. You're throwing around terms like Nazis when when one party literally has hundreds of thousands, maybe millions, of its members running around the country calling for the extermination of Jews. If you want to see what a real Nazi looks like, here's a hint, go find a mirror. These shit shows didn't just suddenly happen overnight.
I work in law enforcement as a K9 handler and my wife works in a prison. I love my job, but I hope and pray my son and daughter never go into this profession.
I say the same about the education field, no way do I want my kids teaching. Same with being a cop, so many here in md think cops are all bad or dirty.

they took the school resource officers out of the building because they think that they scare kids and it makes it unwelcoming for them but we still have police working at athletic events so I talk to them quite often. It’s funny how both of us tell some crazy stories that most people would never believe.
I work in law enforcement as a K9 handler and my wife works in a prison. I love my job, but I hope and pray my son and daughter never go into this profession.

Thanks to you and wife for trying to keep us all safe.

As for the OP….. I don’t have the balls to be a cop. When I hear gunshots I run the other way. Just amazes me that there are people willing to run into a gun fight.
Thanks to you and wife for trying to keep us all safe.

As for the OP….. I don’t have the balls to be a cop. When I hear gunshots I run the other way. Just amazes me that there are people willing to run into a gun fight.
My father was a cop. I never really thought about the danger he faced. That said, he was a cop in a very different time.

Going through these sessions really opens your eyes to the danger they face. Definitely not for me.
My father was a cop. I never really thought about the danger he faced. That said, he was a cop in a very different time.

Going through these sessions really opens your eyes to the danger they face. Definitely not for me.
Never been through one but have seen videos of some of the training. Makes it hard to second guess a cop that has to make life and death decisions….both his life and others… less than a second.
I have been in law enforcement for 24 years. The last 8 of those I have been assigned as a School Resource Officer and I Love it. Most rewarding part of my career has been since I started in the school. Would I want my kids being a cop.... NO. Times have changed. As with any profession the bad ones put a stink on all the others.
I have been in law enforcement for 24 years. The last 8 of those I have been assigned as a School Resource Officer and I Love it. Most rewarding part of my career has been since I started in the school. Would I want my kids being a cop.... NO. Times have changed. As with any profession the bad ones put a stink on all the others.
I’m glad wherever you are that they have the resource officers. They took them out of all of our schools here in Maryland because of a couple of the kids and their parents complaining. The funny thing is the only people who complained were kids that were already in trouble many times, or, the liberal white woman who is woke.
If you ask the majority of the African-American kids, they actually want the cops in the school because they know that they are more likely to need them than the white kids.
I’m glad wherever you are that they have the resource officers. They took them out of all of our schools here in Maryland because of a couple of the kids and their parents complaining. The funny thing is the only people who complained were kids that were already in trouble many times, or, the liberal white woman who is woke.
If you ask the majority of the African-American kids, they actually want the cops in the school because they know that they are more likely to need them than the white kids.
Then those kids and their parents should have stood up, spoken loudly, and fought back. In our system the loudest mouths rule.
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Then those kids and their parents should have stood up, spoken loudly, and fought back. In our system the loudest mouths rule.
They did, but ultimately the school systems would rather side with trouble making kids who don’t have an educated adult at home versus minority students who have a two parent household, and believe in education. The bad kids are on free and reduced lunch and have ieps so the school system gets more money for them too
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You crack me up. You're throwing around terms like Nazis when when one party literally has hundreds of thousands, maybe millions, of its members running around the country calling for the extermination of Jews. If you want to see what a real Nazi looks like, here's a hint, go find a mirror. These shit shows didn't just suddenly happen overnight.
They did, but ultimately the school systems would rather side with trouble making kids who don’t have an educated adult at home versus minority students who have a two parent household, and believe in education. The bad kids are on free and reduced lunch and have ieps so the school system gets more money for them too
Opens them up to a helluva lawsuit should a kid, teacher, employee gets shot, stabbed, or badly beaten because there was no one to protect the attacker(s).
Opens them up to a helluva lawsuit should a kid, teacher, employee gets shot, stabbed, or badly beaten because there was no one to protect the attacker(s).
You would think so but that’s already happened and there’s been no lawsuits. All the county has to do is claim that it’s due to budgetary needs and that the local police are close enough to the schools that it’s within reason that they could be there within a short time
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Never been through one but have seen videos of some of the training. Makes it hard to second guess a cop that has to make life and death decisions….both his life and others… less than a second.
Check out some of the videos of VirTra. It’s a shoot/don’t shoot simulation machine. Anyone who ever questions LE should be required to go through a couple scenarios.