OT: Help needed on lower leg pain while running. This only


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2002
happens while running/jogging and doesn't seem to be related to shin splints. There is a pain running on the outside of the legs from just below the knee to just above the ankle and feels more like a "deep" pain. This happened last year in the beginning of Spring running season and basically stopped with a cchange to new shoes. It started again just recently and a change to a new pair of shoes doesn't seem to have done anything to help. Normal distance run is 3-5 miles. Any ideas? I had thought possibly over or under pronation(which is why new shoes helped) but am really just guessing. Thanks in advance for serious responses.
If you're over 40, it's because you're starting to fall apart. Same thing happened to my shoulder.

Quit running and take up yoga, rowing or swimming.
Sounds like a blood clot! I fought two wars and other things over three decades and was wounded in both. The first time I had a clot but the clotting disorder Factor V Leiden was an unknown at that time. Second time, second clot and I was done. It is actually quite common, in the context I meet people all of the time that have the gene. Stay hydrated and don't take any long flights without taking the meds they'll prescribe!
Do this now, because if you throw that clot you won't be posting anymore!
It maybe anterior compartment syndrome. See an ortho or sports med doc. Don't waste time with your GP.
I had something similar. Two things have helped. 1. A long stretching and warm up session prior to running. 2. Changed to trail running.

Someone else also mentioned age. I tend to agree too. I took up Tai Chi and swimming around 5 years ago and have essentially given up on running except when playing sports.

Tai Chi has helped incredibly with my lower back. However, you need a lot of patience to do Tai Chi as you don't see immediate results.
Best thing is longer stretching periods and warm ups.. I gave up running a while back and now bike abt 4k yearly.. much better.