OT: Holocaust hero passes away at 106.

I had never heard of this guy, but he did a lot of good in his life and this should be recognized.
I'm glad you mentioned that Jim. I saw it on the news and meant to post something myself. It shows the impact that one man, or one woman, can have against overwhelming odds. May Nicholas Winton rest in peace.
This man (Nicholas Winton) saved over 600 children from the Holocaust.
Very brave man who made a difference.

Thanks for posting. My wife and I were discussing this at dinner last night. There were a few other private citizens who answered their inner voice to take action. I seem to recall couple from Philly doing something similar.
On a personal level, my wife's great grand father organized a local committee of Polish Jewish immagrants who provided relief to holocaust survivors.
These stories of incredible courage always leave me with the burning question what would I have done?
I think we all would like to believe we have the courage to do heroic rush into a burning building to save a stranger, or to testify against a drug kingpin when we may have witnessed a crime, and yet how many people fail to act with courage in much less demanding situations? How many, for example, turned their back on Joe Paterno and refused to speak up when his character and legacy were under assault? Franco Harris had the courage to speak out when few others did and for that, he will have my eternal respect.