They're tenors. Except the crows, they're just assholes.
I enyoy the crows and ravens visiting the deck and yard. This morning a raven was sitting in the high trees behind my house scoping the yard for treats. I had a half pound of week old loverwurst, cut it into bitsize chunks and deposited the meal on the rock ledge 25' from the house. Also had months old dates with pits and included them and a few pounds of horse corn kernels.
I usually feed the ravens and crows squirrels during the winter. This is the first time in over ten years of feeding the smaller birds that not one squirrel attract occurred on the bird feeders.
Last year I went through six forty lb bags of sunflower seeds, two twenty lb bags of safflower seeds for the doves & cardinals,
Two forty lbs of cheap wild bird seed, one fifty lb bag of horse corn kernels, and ten lard cakes for the wood peckers.
With no squirrels invading the feeders so far this year, I only used three bags of sunflower seeds to date and purchased a bag yestrrday., of which I'll only use half.
I don't inderstand, I see half a dozen or more squirrels on back ledge and trees during the days I'm home and they are staying away...good for me and good for them.
This year I was planning on playing a game with the ravens. If I had to put away a bushytail rodent or chipper, I would fly a red hanky on the deck. I wanted to see the length of time the raven would understand there is squirrel awaiting.