OT: If you got a high school class ring, do you still have it?


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2003
Reason I ask is I have mine somewhere and only wore it a few times after high school, I really have no use for it. I can't see keeping it.

Do you still have yours?
I got a HS ring and at my parents prompting one from PSU as well. Both are somewhere in my wife's jewelry thingy and I've not looked at either in decades. That said I'd never get rid of them, that'll be a job for my kids when I've joined the choir invisible.
Reason I ask is I have mine somewhere and only wore it a few times after high school, I really have no use for it. I can't see keeping it.

Do you still have yours?
Yes, and I still have my PSU class ring too. I wore the high school ring to our 50th anniversary about 5 years ago along with my letterman's sweater.
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Reason I ask is I have mine somewhere and only wore it a few times after high school, I really have no use for it. I can't see keeping it.

Do you still have yours?
No.— Hawked it at a pawn shop in early 80’s for gas money, during the worst economy in my lifetime….until now.
Never got a high school ring nor a college ring as don't know anybody that actually wears them and they are not cheap. I suggest if you want to do something commemorative that a nice watch is much better. My parents got me a pretty cool PSU dress watch when I graduated (versus a ring). I wore it all the time before it eventually broke. But not much cost difference and will actually be used .
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Never got one for HS or college. The only people I know that regularly wear class rings are A&M grads, it's a big thing for them.
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Reason I ask is I have mine somewhere and only wore it a few times after high school, I really have no use for it. I can't see keeping it.

Do you still have yours?
Funny you ask. I saved up a ton and invested in a really nice class ring. It was stolen out of my locker at track practice late in my senior year. That really upset me and I haven't invested in anything that can be stolen like that again. I just don't see the value. I invest in accounts, real estate and motor vehicles. I don't invest in jewelry, watches, or whatever can be lifted and nobody seems to care.

A year later, I realized nobody cared where I graduated from and it was really a waste of time and money. My daughter attended St. Ignatius' prom Saturday and it does occur to me that graduating from a school that well known was different than me graduating from my small, rural high school. (her date was accepted and Michigan, ND, and Georgetown...he is going to ND).
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Reason I ask is I have mine somewhere and only wore it a few times after high school, I really have no use for it. I can't see keeping it.

Do you still have yours?

I still have my high school ring in a lock box with my important papers. My first girlfriend/wife wore it more than I did and I put it away when I got engaged. Should have kept wearing the ring in public and put the first wife in a box instead. Live and learn.

I actually didn't plan on getting a HS ring, but unknown to me my mother bought it without me trying it on. I started smoking at 12 and was at a pack a day at 16, so I was skinny as a rail when I graduated. The ring rolled around on my finger and I never bothered getting it resized since my girlfriend was wearing it anyway. I quit smoking at 24 and now 35 years later that same ring is now a tight pinky ring.

I did get a college ring as I graduated later in life and as an enlisted man I wanted to let the Lt's know that I had a degree just like them. I put it away in the same box as my high school ring when I retired.
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Reason I ask is I have mine somewhere and only wore it a few times after high school, I really have no use for it. I can't see keeping it.

Do you still have yours?
My oldest brother bought a cheap school ring and was embarrassed to wear it. My older brother bought a nice school ring, gave it to his girlfriend and she broke it throwing it at him. So when my turn came I didn’t get one. I did get a Penn State ring and wore it everyday to school for 38 years. I gave a little talk to sophomores in class each year after the ring assembly telling them my experience so that some could feel better about not buying a ring. It’s just jewelry and if you don’t wear jewelry you wont wear that ring for long.
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Anyone have an idea what would they be worth? I have my high school ring and one from PSU. Would definitely sell the HS ring and probably the PSU one. Heck I also have my Mom's high school ring and that's the one I wouldn't get rid of.
Anyone have an idea what would they be worth? I have my high school ring and one from PSU. Would definitely sell the HS ring and probably the PSU one. Heck I also have my Mom's high school ring and that's the one I wouldn't get rid of.
I just looked on E-bay and saw asking prices from $10 for rings made of cheap materials all the way up to $2000 for solid gold ones. Needless to say, most asking prices fall closer to $10 than $2000.
Still have both the HS ring and the PSU ring. I only wore them when I was single and going out on the town. My profession wasn't the kind that was ring friendly if you wanted to keep your fingers. My wedding ring looks as good as it did when we got married 46 yrs ago. All in a jewelry box.

I was thinking the HS ring cost about $20 and the PSU was $50. Gold was pegged at $35/oz back then.
My high school ring is in a dresser drawer in my parent's guest room. If the football booster club hadn't bought rings for all of the seniors, I would not have bought one. Still have all of my yearbooks, including some from grade school.

Never saw the point of college rings and yearbooks, especially at a school as large as Penn State.
I still have my HS and my PSU ring. I would probably be wearing my PSU ring often, but one of the gold inlays of my fraternity letters fell out years ago and I just haven’t gotten around to having it fixed. Same thing happened even longer ago to my late father’s Purdue ring, which I also have. One of these days I’ll get them both fixed up for posterity.

When I was in my 20s, my HS ring went missing for a few years. Turns out it had been stuck down inside the seat of the Chevy Impala station wagon I drove in my teens and my family subsequently traded in. A later owner was cleaning out the car to sell it yet again and found the ring. It indicated my HS (of course), graduation year, my first name, and the fact I was in marching band. The finder of the ring was kind enough to turn it in at the school, and someone there actually sleuthed out that it belonged to me and got it to my parents. I don’t wear it, but I’m grateful this memento made its way back to me, against the odds.
Never got one for HS or college. The only people I know that regularly wear class rings are A&M grads, it's a big thing for them.
Same here - never got one for HS or college (which really flummoxed my dad) or grad school. My son goes to Texas A&M and he qualified and obtained his class ring last year. It is indeed a big deal for them. Texas A&M is a different animal in general...
Never got a high school ring nor a college ring as don't know anybody that actually wears them and they are not cheap. I suggest if you want to do something commemorative that a nice watch is much better. My parents got me a pretty cool PSU dress watch when I graduated (versus a ring). I wore it all the time before it eventually broke. But not much cost difference and will actually be used .
Only own two pieces of jewelry: wedding ring that I wear every day and my PSU class ring that I wear nearly every day.
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Reason I ask is I have mine somewhere and only wore it a few times after high school, I really have no use for it. I can't see keeping it.

Do you still have yours?
Yep - class of 78. In a box now. Wore it to 40th class reunion.
Never got one for HS or college, and man was my grandfather mad at me for it. He offered to buy them but I saw no point in getting something I would never wear. I see kids asking for state (and even section/division) championship rings in HS and laugh about it since they think they are getting a superbowl type ring for free when in reality they have to pay for something thats ehh.
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Never got one for HS or college. The only people I know that regularly wear class rings are A&M grads, it's a big thing for them.
Ditto for me. And you are right about the Aggies. I’ve lived in Texas for 30 years now and they love to wear their TA&M rings. Aggies have more traditions than any other university I’m aware of and they all participate when together at any event.
I've had four rings in my nearly 72 years. My high school ring I pawned. I buried a "championship ring" given to me by the boosters, commemorating championship teams I coached on the 50 yard line (under the turf) of the new football field my district built. My college ring (a gift from my late wife) and of course my wedding ring....will be with me till the end.
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Do grads get/want rings today? Just curious.
I can’t speak for everywhere but the couple of high schools I work with here in Central Maryland they aren’t very popular. There are used to be sales people who came to the schools and put up posters and hung out in the cafeteria to show kids what the options were but I haven’t seen anything like that in years.

Considering that many of these kids who play youth sports now get cheap championship rings for winning a summer tournament, the class ring idea is lessened
I have not only my HS and PSU rings but my dad's HS ring. But I've not worn my PSU ring in years as I lost that in a car and it got a little bent--and no longer fits. And you know the guarentee they have? Well, you have to pay a shipping and handling fee that was north of $150.... So it never got fixed.

The only ring I wear, other than my wedding ring, is the replica MLS championship ring the Crew gave out to season ticket holders, but I only wear it to games and special occasions.