OT: Interview with Malcolm McDowell on the 50th of a masterpiece

I stopped reading the interview when he compared the Trump Presidency to the dystopia of Clockwork as well as the blather about mind control being narrowly averted. What crap. These entertainment industry people don’t know anything.
I would be willing to bet that by the time Biden leaves the White House they will eventually have figured out that things have actually gotten much worse.
I don’t want this to end up on the test board because of this, so I will get out of the thread.
I remember seeing it for about the fifth time at the Odeon on Leicester Square in the fall of '72.

I met him in a coffee shop in Wilmington, NC maybe 20 years ago. I knew he was somebody “famous” but couldn’t place him at the moment, and there were no smart phones back then. We chatted about something for maybe a minute or so, and then he got his order and left. Nice guy from what I remember. I believe he was in town filming something.
I've read the book twice but have never seen the movie all the way through.
Unpopular take, I hate this movie and find Kubrick overrated in general. Masterful cinematographer, but I find many of his films a bit pretentious and dull.
Likewise. The most disappointing movie experience I’ve ever had was the time I first saw 2001. Paths of Glory and Lolita work really well and I think Eyes Wide Shut is much better than people give it credit for, but otherwise meh. I’ll put in a caveat that perhaps Kubrick’s use of music is so integral to his films that it’s a given that they won’t work for me.
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I stopped reading the interview when he compared the Trump Presidency to the dystopia of Clockwork as well as the blather about mind control being narrowly averted. What crap. These entertainment industry people don’t know anything.
I would be willing to bet that by the time Biden leaves the White House they will eventually have figured out that things have actually gotten much worse.
I don’t want this to end up on the test board because of this, so I will get out of the thread.

You’re right - ‘1984’ is way more appropriate but not unique to Trump (though he’s then most Ministry of Truth of any President). Fun stuff. Love Orwell.
You’re right - ‘1984’ is way more appropriate but not unique to Trump (though he’s then most Ministry of Truth of any President). Fun stuff. Love Orwell.
Open your eyes. The left is imposing 1984 in Australia and our facist states. Retribution awaits anyone who disagrees with those in power. People are losing their jobsm Move this to the test board. The article belongs there as well as our comments. Keep sports clear of all bullshit.
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Likewise. The most disappointing movie experience I’ve ever had was the time I first saw 2001. Paths of Glory and Lolita work really well and I think Eyes Wide Shut is much better than people give it credit for, but otherwise meh. I’ll put in a caveat that perhaps Kubrick’s use of music is so integral to his films that it’s a given that they won’t work for me.
I like some of Kubrick's stuff but like you I think 2001 is kind of boring. Although I love the music and some of the visuals.
Lolita, Dr. Stranglove and Barry Lyndon are my favorites.
A Clockwork Orange is interesting but its not a movie I will repeat watch.
Open your eyes. The left is imposing 1984 in Australia and our facist states. Retribution awaits anyone who disagrees with those in power. People are losing their jobsm Move this to the test board. The article belongs there as well as our comments. Keep sports clear of all bullshit.
Yes take your own advice. Take this crap to the test board. You know better than this.
You’re right - ‘1984’ is way more appropriate but not unique to Trump (though he’s then most Ministry of Truth of any President). Fun stuff. Love Orwell.
If you don’t see Biden and Pelosi and aoc and sanders are way more ministry of their own truth like 1984 with the media selectivity of what they want to report then you can’t be helped. Trump was no angel either but at least he didn’t leave anything unsaid and yes many of his tweets were stupid.

sorry for not having this on the test board but can’t just have someone say this crap as brown says.
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If you don’t see Biden and Pelosi and aoc and sanders are way more ministry of their own truth like 1984 with the media selectivity of what they want to report then you can’t be helped. Trump was no angel either but at least he didn’t leave anything unsaid and yes many of his tweets were stupid.

Pretty sure I said it wasn’t exclusive to Trump. He’s likely more unintentional though.

Anyone up for BWI Book Club - 1984? We can read Brave New World after and get into the Huxley/Orwell möbius loop…
Pretty sure I said it wasn’t exclusive to Trump. He’s likely more unintentional though.

Anyone up for BWI Book Club - 1984? We can read Brave New World after and get into the Huxley/Orwell möbius loop…
Ok all is forgiven especially if you post a new bracket today.

the problem with kids today is that they if they read books like 1984 they may think it is pure science fiction where when we read it ussr was in all its glory and nazi Germany wasn’t too far in the past.
LMAOROFL. Good read but the author is too brain washed to realize that it is the left bringing us mindless dystopian obedience or retribution. Australia today is very frightening as are our fascist states.

**** off to the test board with this crap. ****ing wingnuts.
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I remember seeing it for about the fifth time at the Odeon on Leicester Square in the fall of '72.

I consider the film to be a masterpiece. It is a faithful portrayal of the book by Anthony Burgess and thus a treatment of what in philosophy is called the free will theodicy: can man be considered good without free will? Kubrick was unfairly blasted for allegedly glorifying sex and violence (he was doing the opposite) and, in a then- unappreciated twist of irony, he and his family received death threats. from those protesting the violence in the film He skewers both the left, the right, and the middle equally in the film, leaving no one unscathed. The overture to the film is hauntingly brilliant and sets the dark mood for the entire film:

A Clockwork Orange
You should apply to be a bo
**** off to the test board with this crap. ****ing wingnuts.
You should apply to be a board moderator since you seem to feel its your job already but until you get the job maybe you should just ****off to use your favorite term of endearment.
I've never watched it. You all seem to be describing a film that is brilliant, abstract, hard to get through, and (attempts to) make me think. Sort of like The Blues Brothers, Talladega Nights or The Hangover, right? If not, I'm out.
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You should apply to be a bo
**** off to the test board with this crap. ****ing wingnuts.
You should apply to be a board moderator since you seem to feel its your job already but until you get the job maybe you should just ****off to use your favorite term of endearment.
“One of the saddest lessons of history is this: if we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.” Carl Sagan
You should apply to be a bo

You should apply to be a board moderator since you seem to feel its your job already but until you get the job maybe you should just ****off to use your favorite term of endearment.
Eat shit.
You should apply to be a bo
**** off to the test board with this crap. ****ing wingnuts.
You should apply to be a board moderator since you seem to feel its your job already but until you get the job maybe you should just ****off to use your favorite term of endearment.
Eat shit.
Well that is about what I would expect from someone who obviously has a giant intellect and the vocabulary to go along with it.
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I stopped reading the interview when he compared the Trump Presidency to the dystopia of Clockwork as well as the blather about mind control being narrowly averted. What crap. These entertainment industry people don’t know anything.
I would be willing to bet that by the time Biden leaves the White House they will eventually have figured out that things have actually gotten much worse.
I don’t want this to end up on the test board because of this, so I will get out of the thread.
Yeah, maybe Biden will instigate two insurrections. Thank you for getting out of the thread. You never should have entered.