OT: Interview with Malcolm McDowell on the 50th of a masterpiece

Unpopular take, I hate this movie and find Kubrick overrated in general. Masterful cinematographer, but I find many of his films a bit pretentious and dull.
agree, 100%

it's popular to call him a genius- but that doesn't make it so
LMAOROFL. Good read but the author is too brain washed to realize that it is the left bringing us mindless dystopian obedience or retribution. Australia today is very frightening as are our fascist states.
shouldn't you be in Arizona demanding a fourth recount?
Yeah, maybe Biden will instigate two insurrections. Thank you for getting out of the thread. You never should have entered.
agree, 100%

it's popular to call him a genius- but that doesn't make it so
I guess it depends on your point of view. I don't necessarily like all of his movies, I think mentioned that above. But he was pretty much a genius with some of his Cinematography. He helped establish a completely new process of film stock and film processing and lens for the industry. Barry Lyndon was a gorgeously filmed movie and some of it was done with the existing candle light.
I don't like The Shining for a number of reasons but some of the tracking shots are f'n brilliant.
But to deny him as being a film genius I don't think is fair. JMO.
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