I'm sure Bunny Funchuckles has already posted a 6000 word screed about this, but here ya go:
Student Fee Board Chair (and current UPUA President) Katie Jordan wants closed meetings to deliberate allocations:
she'll make a fine BoT chair someday with this obfuscating double speak:
“When it came down to hearing all of them, we decided to have closed [meetings] because again, like I said, we were going to be talking about a lot of the numbers and the Excel sheet, calculating what it would be, enrollment, and last year I found that really confusing when we would be trying to calculate stuff on the spot and be like ‘Oh, enrollment is 44,500′ or all the stuff that we didn’t necessarily know, and it was very confusing to a lot of people, so that’s why we were able to like parse it out,” Jordan said. “It was more about that than actual discussion as to what items weren’t funded, that part was more discussed after the presenters were there, which was public. It was more of the logistics of figuring out our master Excel sheet of data. After that, there could be instances where someone who presented didn’t provide information, and we didn’t want that to necessarily be public and reflect poorly on a unit because of one person, so we tried to, that’s not really anyone’s business to talk about personnel or salary in front of public, so I do stand by that.
“For example, Student Legal Services requested an increase specifically for like, a lawyer, so you have to basically consider if you’re not funding them or if you’re partially funding them, you’re partially funding a salary…A lot of times too there’s questions around the presentations and we often have to follow up to other people’s higher-ups, and that can be uncomfortable to discuss publicly too, I think. So I think that kind of stuff is that we didn’t really feel was necessary to like air out and it’s not anything that would benefit from being public, if that makes sense.”
Student Fee Board Chair (and current UPUA President) Katie Jordan wants closed meetings to deliberate allocations:
she'll make a fine BoT chair someday with this obfuscating double speak:
“When it came down to hearing all of them, we decided to have closed [meetings] because again, like I said, we were going to be talking about a lot of the numbers and the Excel sheet, calculating what it would be, enrollment, and last year I found that really confusing when we would be trying to calculate stuff on the spot and be like ‘Oh, enrollment is 44,500′ or all the stuff that we didn’t necessarily know, and it was very confusing to a lot of people, so that’s why we were able to like parse it out,” Jordan said. “It was more about that than actual discussion as to what items weren’t funded, that part was more discussed after the presenters were there, which was public. It was more of the logistics of figuring out our master Excel sheet of data. After that, there could be instances where someone who presented didn’t provide information, and we didn’t want that to necessarily be public and reflect poorly on a unit because of one person, so we tried to, that’s not really anyone’s business to talk about personnel or salary in front of public, so I do stand by that.
“For example, Student Legal Services requested an increase specifically for like, a lawyer, so you have to basically consider if you’re not funding them or if you’re partially funding them, you’re partially funding a salary…A lot of times too there’s questions around the presentations and we often have to follow up to other people’s higher-ups, and that can be uncomfortable to discuss publicly too, I think. So I think that kind of stuff is that we didn’t really feel was necessary to like air out and it’s not anything that would benefit from being public, if that makes sense.”