OT: Letter to Baylor President Garland from BU alum

Those regents and president must be using Lanny Davis for advice. I bet they routinely discuss what to do with Rodney and the OGBOT.
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Apologize to and recognize Joe. I believe he also recommended to emphasize not to jump to conclusions, what may have happened was not indicative of PSU, and to highlight the positives of PSU.
Thanks Joe, I did not realize that. I have been assuming all along that he along with Corbett came up with ' Just Move On " as the strategy.

I always include Corbett in this because he used that phrase over and over and Davis consults to the political crowd. I appreciate the answer to my question.
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Thanks Joe, I did not realize that. I have been assuming all along that he along with Corbett came up with ' Just Move On " as the strategy.

I always include Corbett in this because he used that phrase over and over and Davis consults to the political crowd. I appreciate the answer to my question.

He did help with that phrase.
Something that always made me scratch my head with our situation and seems the same here is the apparent total lack of getting faculty involved. Seems to me a smart board member would know the key faculty members and would look there first.

Wouldn't you expect a major university to have some experts on public relations as faculty members? Aren't universities supposed to be full of smart people? And if not, why would anyone think that they would learn anything worthwhile by attending said university?
Something that always made me scratch my head with our situation and seems the same here is the apparent total lack of getting faculty involved. Seems to me a smart board member would know the key faculty members and would look there first.

Wouldn't you expect a major university to have some experts on public relations as faculty members? Aren't universities supposed to be full of smart people? And if not, why would anyone think that they would learn anything worthwhile by attending said university?

Could not agree more. We're going outside to hire all these spin doctors, marketing people, PR people....don't we teach these things here? It's like the state going out a few years ago and hiring consultants to keep the roads clear in the winter. Maybe it's not the plows that are the problem, it's the cheap short-sighted decisions that are made by the idiots who decide to send the guys out there. You have one major function, keeping the roads open. One of the biggest state agencies. Let's spend tons of money above what we already budget for this to hire people to do what we've already been doing.

Just an example, not trying to rip the average guy who works for Transportation, it's not his fault.
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Something that always made me scratch my head with our situation and seems the same here is the apparent total lack of getting faculty involved. Seems to me a smart board member would know the key faculty members and would look there first.

Wouldn't you expect a major university to have some experts on public relations as faculty members? Aren't universities supposed to be full of smart people? And if not, why would anyone think that they would learn anything worthwhile by attending said university?

IIRC one of the top crisis managers was a Penn State grad and faculty member, who absolutely annihilated the way the University handled this crisis
Something that always made me scratch my head with our situation and seems the same here is the apparent total lack of getting faculty involved. Seems to me a smart board member would know the key faculty members and would look there first.

Wouldn't you expect a major university to have some experts on public relations as faculty members? Aren't universities supposed to be full of smart people? And if not, why would anyone think that they would learn anything worthwhile by attending said university?

I've rarely seen a university employ its faculty in professional capacities beyond teaching and research. How often have you seen a university architecture department/faculty member hired to design a university building? First, people who work for the university often have too much of an insider's perspective and, second, when a faculty-hired project goes awry, you have your faculty member(s) in the cross-hairs internally and externally.

I'm sure Penn State marketing/PR faculty were shaking their heads in disbelief in early November 2011 with the BoT's initial silence and that the BoT's PR flubs will be textbook case studies at PSU and elsewhere for a long time to come.
After lanny was ignored, didn't he get on board with the false narrative rather than walk away? In other words, didn't he choose cash over character?
Thanks for that update as well.
;) They did a good job with Part I of the "findings but not a report" analysis.

Get this: They are having a Board of Regents Meeting tomorrow where "the new Regents" will be briefed. They run their fiscal year from June 1 to May 31.

Note the timing of the PC was in between so there would be "new trustees" to bring along...

Surely a Deja-Vu moment there for Anthony Lubrano!

Wonder if they will take a roll-call vote or if all their votes behind closed doors are "unanimous"....
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here's the direct LINK

In summary, I would make these major points:
  • This document was produced by the Baylor Board of Regents.
  • It contains no facts, no details, no evidence – just generalized statements from attorneys working for the Board of Regents.
  • The head football coach is not directly referenced at all.
  • Much of this document is opinion.
  • The specifics, details, facts and evidence compiled by Pepper Hamilton need to be released in order to determine who did what, when so as to determine the responsible parties University wide and whether Art Briles and his assistant coaches acted to purposely not report, suppress or cover up incidents of assault/sexual assault by players.
That is the bottom line–without all the facts and evidence there is no way to properly and accurately determine guilt.
Just substitute Penn State for Baylor and JVP for Briles while reading this letter. The media arm of these major universities is non-existent

Why substitute PSU and JVP. PSU did NOTHING wrong. JVP followed Policy to the letter. BoT & Corbett are another story.
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Something that always made me scratch my head with our situation and seems the same here is the apparent total lack of getting faculty involved. Seems to me a smart board member would know the key faculty members and would look there first.

Wouldn't you expect a major university to have some experts on public relations as faculty members? Aren't universities supposed to be full of smart people? And if not, why would anyone think that they would learn anything worthwhile by attending said university?

I've wondered this myself; used to work in Vo-Tech School. We did everything we could with the Instructors and the students. Instructors were excellent trade people and students had to learn. PSU should follow that paradigm.
and so it goes:

in case you missed it (which I did), someone sent me the June 11 blog about the incident involving Dolores Lozano and Devin Chafin

I missed a lot of the details, most of which indicate Joe Schad is kind of a scumbag reporter:


also interesting is the previous blog titled "Fact Finding vs Victim Shaming"

The CSA mafia (which has been quiet as of late, wonder why?) should address it