Ardbeg Corryvreckan accompanied me on my cruise thru Scotland et al.
So my little story...
every decade, almost like a religious pilgrimage, I would open a bottle of Laphraoig... wince, spit, and toss. And go back to my beloved highlands and speysides. Whew!
From the age of 20 til 55 (I cheated a bit)... and then something remarkable happened at 56. I embraced it, loved it, reveled in the fireplace smoke and iodine and peat and sea salt...
And from there... there's been no going back. I can drink the others, but they no longer enthrall me (that said, Talisker 18 still gets me going). It's been a rush from one Islay malt to the next, in search of the perfect dram.
I've had 'em all... but few snuck up on me like this masterful single from Ardbeg. Deeper and more sinewy, lots of smoke and sea and layers of chocolate... there was something bordering of a religious epihany to stand alone on deck late in the night, draped in layer upon layer of clothing to ward off the chill... heaphones on stun (ok, set to "highlander" lol)... staring into the deep sea and sucking down this massive scotch.
thankfully, I poured heavy (brought 2 -- nee 1 -- with me for our 2 week cruise... kindly do not tell me wife or there will surely be a reckoning re the tariff).
I apologize for not reading the thread in its entirety (last i checked, you were uncertain as to the preferred style)... simply providing my own input and advising anyone curious about Islays to take a crack at this honey. Ok, not so much honey.. lol