I have struggled with low back pain basically my entire life, or from when I was about 16 until I was 42ish......Regular chiropractic, shots, therapy, you name it, I did it and I did it regularly.
I bought an inversion table about 3 years ago and it changed my life. I rarely have any type of pain or discomfort ever now. It's hard to get used to at first, just like any regular exercise one may do but once you understand how to use it and how to allow your body to let go, it WILL heal you. The science of traction is completely healing. A disc needs to be separated to heal so that fluid can enter and heal it, when it is compressed it cannot fill with fluid. It took me about month or so to really get used to using and get more aggressive with the declines and it hurt sometimes as I was pulling apart a herniated disc and another one or two that were aggravated as well.
If you have patience and understanding with the inversion table it will heal you but as with any other healing practice like therapy or exercise it will not feel like a picnic at first, like being sore after a therapy session. The key is going to and holding positions that do not make your body contract or tighten the muscles, go to points where you can stay "released." Those points will get better and better with each traction. If you laying upside down with all you core muscles firing to keep you together, you'll get nothing out of it. Let go!