OT: MtNittany's underpants are in a bunch.Anybody ever hear of a singer songwriter

No sense reviewing those eight years.
Fortunately corrected by election,
as American workers from all backgrounds
want to expand jobs and MAGA.​


Where is LtCol PansyPants???? This will not stand!!!!

I wish I could get paid to post far right nonsense on this board (and probably others), but alas, I don't need the money and have integrity.

Where is LtCol PansyPants???? This will not stand!!!!

I wish I could get paid to post far right nonsense on this board (and probably others), but alas, I don't need the money and have integrity.

LOL - Lighten up. You don't have integrity.
(See how easy it is to spew Leftist-style hate attacks, like you just did?)

Poking fun at the one-sided political bias that runs rampant on this board is all too easy. Just reply with the same kind of nonsense they use, calling attention to what they do. They are too blind to see the satire, when their own comments are being parodied.

The out of control bigots can dish it out, but they can't take it.

Too easy.


It would be better to ask posters to stick to Penn State topics, but as we see, the haters just can't help themselves. Then they whine, when they are called out for their dirt.

Funny stuff -

Hint - Sober up and enjoy the game.

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It was Radio Silence from the moment they got dusted. They are deader than Aaron Hernandez and Glen Campbell combined.