I graduated with Big Mike's daughter, and his other daughter was a year older. Sax Daddy's on the Loyalsock was a must growing up, up here. ALways loved how the whole family did the whole thing, from the serving, the cooking, then to the show. Such a unique experience!
I hated having to go over to those camps for stuff during the summer, and in the spring for "midget league" ... yeah that's seriously what they called our version of little league baseball... haha
Almost Heaven Campground was where I battled the Forksville Bears, their field was always full of puddles big enough to drench you up to your knees... Then Camp Lycogis was where my sister spent a week every summer for girl scouts, which I always got drug along with her and my mom, which I hated.
Then in the late summer, I think it was camp maple lake that did a baseball camp that I attended a few times, never could stand that either.
There was 1 reason I never liked heading down 54 to Forksville, Hillsgrove, and shunk.
The friggin snakes... Especially in the Spring time before people scared the majority of them away, there were always rattle snakes slithering all over those camps... (Camp Brule was another one)...
My dad a few years back was looking at potentially buying Camp Lycogis, and we were over there surveying the remaining buildings, and sure enough without even thinking I jumped up on the main mess hall's wrap around porch and I heard the... Tts, Tts, tsss, tsss, Tsssssssss
After I about had a stroke, leaped 20 feet in the air, I ran back to the truck and sat in there until my dad was done looking at whatever he was looking at... he made it about 20 seconds longer than I did... Love me some country, Love me some endless mountain region, but the Rattlesnakes out in that part of the country used to give me nightmares, still do...
You grew up in Sullivan County, you were good for seeing at least 1 a year. Some of my friends messed around with them, had no fear.
..... I'm 6'3 and 210 pounds, and I so much as hear that rattle, and I lose my shit. Anyone else experience running into a Timber when you weren't expecting it?
Oh Shit is right..