OT: Pamela Anderson to pose in last Playboy nude issue

She's 48 years old

As a 48 year old myself.... I would agree! She's been rid harder and put up wetter than most 48 year-olds, I imagine. When she was first in playboy, prior to mega plastic surgery, she was so beautiful. She became so "hard" as time went by, but I guess that is the only card you can play when you don't take care of yourself.
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As a 48 year old myself.... I would agree! She's been rid harder and put up wetter than most 48 year-olds, I imagine. When she was first in playboy, prior to mega plastic surgery, she was so beautiful. She became so "hard" as time went by, but I guess that is the only card you can play when you don't take care of yourself.
I never thought of her as beautiful, I always thought of her as sexy in a CFM sort of way.
I never thought of her as beautiful, I always thought of her as sexy in a CFM sort of way.

I'm feeling dumb as I don't know what CFM stands for, but google her and look up her first photo shoot in playboy. She's stunning!
I'm feeling dumb as I don't know what CFM stands for, but google her and look up her first photo shoot in playboy. She's stunning!
Your wife (girlfriend sorry cant remember) doesnt have any CFM shoes?? Ask her if she has CFM shoes (CFM= come F@*#$ me) Many women have these.
Your wife (girlfriend sorry cant remember) doesnt have any CFM shoes?? Ask her if she has CFM shoes (CFM= come F@*#$ me) Many women have these.

Yes, I'm familiar with the phrase, but have never seen it as an acronym. Makes sense. My wife does not have any CFM shoes... shoes more of the Mary Ann type than Ginger and wears "please bring me a hot cocoa" footwear.
Damn, have I been naive. I must be on the lookout for these shoes henceforth.

They are often black or red patent leather high heeled pumps. I've actually heard the phrase "come bleep me pumps" used quite often. I'm sure some of the guys here with foot/shoe fetishes could post a photo.

BWI never ceases to amaze. I never thought when I woke up this morning that I would be in a thread discussing CMFP's. My wife will be thrilled.