OT: Protein Bars

I eat as much as I reasonably can but shoot for 200 g a day. It's really 150 on a low day, 300 on a high day.
21 g a day is a stupid recommendation and guaranteed to keep you scrawny.
I've read research lately that downplays any usefulness of protein supplements. I'm pretty much convinced adult human beings get all the protein they can use from three servings of 7g's a day. All the rest of these expensive supplements we have been buying for years just end up being flushed down the toilet with our multi vitamins...

Also - I remember reading about how the jury is still out on non animal based proteins. They are not "complete" proteins (lacking certain amino acids). I agree with Felli on this one, packs of tuna and salmon is my choice for clean protein.

I enjoyed fish as well until Japan's nuclear meltdown. Probably being over cautious but figure why chance it.
I enjoyed fish as well until Japan's nuclear meltdown. Probably being over cautious but figure why chance it.

I love salmon and tuna, but can't eat them regularly due to a shellfish allergy. Cross contamination is the worry, and can only eat that stuff on a weekend unless I want to chance praying to the porcelain god for 48 hours.
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Thanks--I'm looking for something on the go that I can stuff into my pocket, laptop bag, etc.

Smoothies/shakes are great at home, but not so much for being quick & on the go. I've also started eating Fage Total (plain) Greek Yogurt--the stuff is fantastic, and the 2% variety actually has the most protein.

In your pocket? Still, I go with the chicken breast
FYI... not to veer of the OP but on Olympic Zone they are about to interview the power lifter from the U.S. that is a vegan and show what he eats on a daily basis to garner all the energy he needs. If interested click on the TV quick
Yeah, caught it. Good for him, but he's gotta be flatulent as hell.
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