OT: Question for seasoned travelers


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Gold Member
Dec 1, 2009
My sons are heading for Europe when during PSU's Spring Break, and plan on using their IPhones over there. Not having traveled in Europe, I was wondering if someone on the all knowing Board can tell me whether they will need some kind of adapter for their IPhone chargers. And if so, whether a specific kind of adapter particular to an IPhone is needed, and where I might look for one. I have heard that the electrical voltage over there is somewhat different. Any information would be appreciated.
Yes, they'll need an adaptor for their iPhones - pick one up at Best Buy or whatever you have that is similar out on the west coast. The adaptor I used in Spain is a round plug with 2 round prongs. You can get a handy dandy adaptor kit.
My sons are heading for Europe when during PSU's Spring Break, and plan on using their IPhones over there. Not having traveled in Europe, I was wondering if someone on the all knowing Board can tell me whether they will need some kind of adapter for their IPhone chargers. And if so, whether a specific kind of adapter particular to an IPhone is needed, and where I might look for one. I have heard that the electrical voltage over there is somewhat different. Any information would be appreciated.

They will need adaptors for anything electric they use (phones, razors etc). Can get a set at AAA, Best Buy, etc (not all overseas countries use the same adaptor piece so it comes in a set). Where are they going?

Also, look into overseas plans for their phones (can add international plan for the month they are gone and cancel once they get back). Haven't looked into it for a while but the roaming charges overseas for iPhones used to get people massive bills as the phones connect and update emails etc every 15 min or so.
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He can plug his iPhone into an electrical adapter which converts from European voltage to USA . Search European electrical adapter on Amazon. Not all adapters work in all countries but you can get universal ones which contain all the adapter plugs he is likely to encounter for about $20.
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Depending on where they stay they may or may not need it. My wife and I went to europe and visited 4 different countries and at a lot of the hotels they provide adapters or have an iPhone charger alarm clock. At least at the marriott hotels we stayed at. They also sell the adaptors in the gift shops of most was like $4. Very cheap.
If they haven't already, have them download the Viber app and you do so too. Then, they can talk to you for free any time they have WiFi access. Call quality is very clear as well.
Forgot to bring my work offered one, but got a new one cheap in a vending machine at the hotel (Copenhagen)
They should take plug adapters, for sure, since more likely than not they'll need them, but they likely won't need those old-fashioned voltage regulators that we needed years ago. Today's electronic devices can figure out the difference between 120 and 240v current easily enough.

The countries on the continent all use those double round prong plugs, but the UK uses a different one, so if they were going to stop over there they'd need those.

Buy the adapters on Amazon. They are dirt cheap. You can even buy sets of multiple different adapters for every situation, in case your kids throw you a curve ball and take a side trip to China or Japan.
Buy the adapters on Amazon. They are dirt cheap. You can even buy sets of multiple different adapters for every situation, in case your kids throw you a curve ball and take a side trip to China or Japan.

God, I hope not, but they have surprised me before. LOL...
God, I hope not, but they have surprised me before. LOL...
Not all European countries use the same "plug" It's easy online to see which you need, i know for instance
from experience Switzerland is different than anywhere else.
Everywhere is 220 compared to our (USA) 110 but most computers and phones chargers can handle either
so no need for concern there but check on his phone and other electronics, they will all say if they handle both 110 and 220.
It's possible too that he might need an extension cord, odd as that may sound because some of the wall
receptacles can be recessed just enough that a plug which has a casing and the prongs come out at a 90
degree angle from the wire won't reach.
Trip advisor is a good site to get specific info for each country they plan to visit.
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