I live and work in Fayetteville. Been here 10 years now.
Few things:
-The "Fayettenam" moniker is very dated. The downtown area (Hay St area) has had some serious work put into it recently to include a baseball stadium for a new minor league team to play here.
-It all depends on what kind of person you are. I'm an outdoor enthusiast (hunting especially) and there's plenty of that down here. If you're a city person, I don't think you'd like Fayetteville. However you'd be an hour 15 from Raleigh, and 2 from Charlotte.
-My biggest gripe about this town is the Military presence. The marines come up from Lejune about once a quarter to shoot their 155's (The Bragg range is the closest range big enough to shoot them) so we get to hear "boom's" at all hours of the night for about a week every 3 months. Same goes the numerous "drop zones" all over the place. I live in Hope Mills, a suburb to the SE of Fayetteville, and there's a DZ out here that we have CV-22's fly over the house every so often for training. HOWEVER, as with anything, you get used to the noise. Neither the 155s or the 22's bother me anymore. It's like living near a train track or an airport. Additionally, the young immature "Joe's" all over town gets old really fast. It's like living in a small college town and having to deal with immature kids and their stupid shit. Add to that stupidity, the return from deployment rotations and it gets stupid sometimes. I'm not saying it's dangerous or anything like that, but it's things that make you shake your head when you're out at a bar or a restaurant or something like that.
-Depends on where you'd work: If you work on Bragg, Lillington is a 40 min drive, Fuquay is 50, Cary is an hour plus, SoPines/Pinehurst/Aberdeen is about 20-30 (depending on where) through the back side of Bragg, Raeford is 20-30 (depending on where), Hope Mills is 30-40 (depending on traffic), Clayton/Dunn is 30-40 (depending on where).
If you have anything specific, hit me up. i'd be glad to help you with anything you need or want to know.