Apple is selling fewer units (a lot fewer but they won't say how many less) so they have been trying to prop up their stock price by pricing new models at $1000. But that depresses sales even more, and Wall Street is catching on.
They still have this incredibly loyal customer base but those people don't want to spend $700-$1000 on a phone that works pretty much the same as their 3-4 year old phones. So they hold on to their old phones or replace them with used models a couple years old.
Meanwhile the tablet business is dead, the Macbook business is stagnant, Apple TV continues to spin its wheels offering basically the same product as Roku for 3X the price. I just don't see Apple doing anything very compelling.
Why because Goldman wrong and continues to be wrong on the stock??Is this a possible indicator of no trade deal?
Is this a possible indicator of no trade deal?
no you didn't dream that, they have considered that, and also that of partnering with somebody on the car part, and them doing the technology, but nothing to date.I finally ditched my android (thanks to my wife) for an iPhone. Will never use an android again. Isn't Apple coming out with an electric car or did I dream that?
Apple is living on it's brand name at this point. they can do that because they built a brand name and loyalty that was one of the greatest ever. But they have have not come out with anything new since Iwatch which really never caught on like the original MAC computer, IPod, iPhone, and then iPad. Apple literally revolutionized the world. But since Jobs died, they have only lived on the past and have really done nothing of any consequence in years. Not sure they have the ability now to do it again but they have so much cash and so many users out there they can survive another decade on that alone and still make money. But unless they figure out a way to innovate again, which appears to have died under Tim Cook so until they get a new CEO who values that the stock will go down.
At half-time, Wake Forest is kicking the ass of the academically-suspect Fighting Mack Browns.FOOTBALL.
They make more revenue on watches than iPads.
Apple is more than fine.
They make more revenue on watches than iPads.
Apple is more than fine.
No it doesn’t.
Elevated stock price??It isnt about being fine. It is about sustaining their elevated stock price.
If their margins take a hit the stock will x 10.