OT SIAP: Fred Anton, head of Pa Mfrs. Association, dead.

Who is "they" --- PSU Administration or the Insurance company? Custom liability policies can be modified by either the insurer or the insured.

I'm having difficulty sharing your strong suggestion that the language was dropped and reinserted by either party exclusively because of Jerry since all PSU personnel were equally covered, or during 1992 - 1999, uncovered.

It is a contract. It cannot be unilaterally amended. Having said that, it is on the insured to read the damned thing. My guess is PMA wanted it amended, and put the amendment in the policy, and PSU either agreed with knowledge of it, or did not even read the thing. What remains the issue is that the exclusion was WAYYYY broader than just Jerry--PSU had no coverage if a prof- sexually abused a student in exchange for a grade, either.

"They" is whoever at either the company or PSU thought it was acceptable to ride bareback on this. I would use the example of an airline, though. It is one thing, when insuring yourself against injuries to passengers, to have drunk baggage handlers. It is another to have drunk pilots.

Had it not been for those exclusions, we would have found out a HELL of a lot more about who at PSU knew about Jerry, and what they knew, than we have.
Just so we're all on the same page, PMA was never paying out any claims, with or without the clause. It's also extraordinary how f'd the university is after Anton and his scumbags used the university for their personal gain. Good riddance.
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