OT: Social Influencers....

I could not name one. My Daughters College classmates found that hysterical.

Can you folks?
I'm with you, can't name one but my kids (21, 20, and 16) can recite a bunch. Apparently some of these dudes make a ton of money posting videos on Youtube. Makes me wonder why I spent all the time and money to get a college education.
I'm with you, can't name one but my kids (21, 20, and 16) can recite a bunch. Apparently some of these dudes make a ton of money posting videos on Youtube. Makes me wonder why I spent all the time and money to get a college education.
But most of them don’t make squat.
My wife follows a couple of them on Instagram (no Kardashians or models or anything). One of her favorites is a gal who lives in Pittsburgh who goes by 'Summer Wind'. I believe she went to James Madison (or George Mason) or somewhere but is from a 'well to do' family and posts pictures of her wearing different clothes, or traveling to different places, and then providing links to stores or places where you can buy them. She started her blog in 2009, so she's been around a while. But, this is literally her job. Half the time she's at whatever country club her dad belongs to in Pittsburgh posting pics drinking Champagne and then telling you where you can buy the outfit she has on.


Another of her favorites is Mr. Everything New England Kiel James Patrick. He started a clothing company that is part Murray's Toggery part Ralph Lauren part Brooks Brothers and part Rowing Blazers. Sells lots of very preppy outdoorsy brunch/yacht wear and has the perfect New England family (complete with dog and vintage wood paneled Jeep Wagoneer). You can see below - it's hard work looking this good.

Before when more people read newspapers and watched TV, the 'influencers' were those who had wrote columns or appeared on news or talk shows. The internet opened things up so almost anyone could attempt or stumble on becoming one.
There was a girl from Colorado who was building a social media presence during high school and decided at 18 to get breast implants to help launch her professional social media career after HS graduation. She had her parents support. According to her mother she wanted to travel the world and share her experiences on social media. She certainly had the looks to be one of these social influencers but then it all went wrong.
Implant surgery went bad resulting in a 14 month coma and then she died at 19 years of age.

Teen dies after falling into coma during breast surgery
The woman who went to jail for getting her daughter into USC on a rowing scholarship had a daughter who was one of those social influencers. I don't know what they do, but she was one of them.

Listening 2 too much west shore jheri curl Earl stuff will do that 2 U. These strait outta 80s movies kids think every1 is as scared of Billy Hobble Thornton. Nah.
It's my new life goal to be a social influencer. It's hard work, but I'm willing to put in the hours, and the pay off is HUGE! Look for me on Tik Tok and give me some likes. See you bitches on Easy Street.

Wait, aren't you a talented guitar player? This is not a profession for people with talent.
The woman who went to jail for getting her daughter into USC on a rowing scholarship had a daughter who was one of those social influencers. I don't know what they do, but she was one of them.

That's the only one I know.
Don’t be surprised if one of ‘em makes a deep run at high office. It’s our world now 🤬

It’s been that way long before candidates got boosts in the polls for playing a sax on television.
My wife had an instagram account that was up to 30,000 followers after a couple years that centered on our dogs. We got all kinds of free stuff and a couple hundred bucks a month. Then she tired of it and just deleted the account.
I watch all kinds of weird niche stuff on YT and the content distributors claim they are considered influencers, Mostly gambling.

Some are cool and portray good content but there's not one conservative voice and they all shit on the right at every opportunity. YT destroys anybody from a particular side. That's their prerogative.

I like the cooking channels.

When the country goes completely wild west people are not going to like it. I give it about six months. I reiterate...people are not going to like it. But go root for communism. When there's no fear of governmental intervention to theft, robbery, etc. most people are not going to have the stomach for it. Many can't even defend themselves. Trust each other to do the right thing. That's true patriotism and love.
Conceptually, Social Influencers have been around forever - whether they were paid to hawk products, or whether they were individuals or groups that impacted how we dressed, or what we listened to musically etc.

I guess the difference is that, in my opinion, those people had made their name known by being proficient at something - athletics, acting, etc. Now, it seems like people are getting their names known just for.....getting their names known.
So you’re basically saying they are lobbyists?
I watch all kinds of weird niche stuff on YT and the content distributors claim they are considered influencers, Mostly gambling.

Some are cool and portray good content but there's not one conservative voice and they all shit on the right at every opportunity. YT destroys anybody from a particular side. That's their prerogative.

I like the cooking channels.

When the country goes completely wild west people are not going to like it. I give it about six months. I reiterate...people are not going to like it. But go root for communism. When there's no fear of governmental intervention to theft, robbery, etc. most people are not going to have the stomach for it. Many can't even defend themselves. Trust each other to do the right thing. That's true patriotism and love.
So, just for the record, you have transitioned from social influencers to cooking channels to the country is going to be a lawless mess in 6 months? There are meds for this you know.
I just know I will never buy anything that joe nameth, flo, or liberty mutual try to sell on tv.
We had a joe Namath popcorn maker back in the day. You put butter in the top and it melted down on the popcorn. Good stuff!
Pen State is doing a great job so far of embracing this trend: