OT - Tire Air Pressure Question

According to guy in a tire class I took, one may load the tires ten percent above manufacturer's tire rating. Also said, most tires need to be used and heated up to release emulsifiers in the rubber of the tire, to protect sidewalls. So vehicles that sit for long periods of time, like travel trailers and RVs should have their tires renewed every six years. One should also specify that all dot numbers are matched for date of manufacture. I ask all my dot numbers be mounted outside so I can see them.
It depends. Are the floor mats soaked in ether?
Yes! And, please pass the salt shaker! ;)
Is he filling them with Nitrogen and does that make a difference.
I paid the up charge and had them filled with Nitrous Oxide! LOLOLOLO.OLOLOLOLOL! ;)

Greetings from Racine, WI. When I started up cold this AM, The fronts were at 39 and the rear tires 38. I rolled with it. At peak speed and temp (90 and 90), the fronts were at 41 and the rears were at 40. The salt shaker may not hold up for the week! ;)

Seriously, thanks for the input. I re-read the sidewall and it states Never exceed 40 PSI to Seat Beads. Only specially trained personnel should mount these tires. I don’t know what “seat beads” are but clearly I misinterpreted this message as it has to do with mounting these things.
Wifey is out in the Marriott parking lot with the thread depth gauge. I’ll provide an update! :cool:
There’s too much pressure to answer this question correctly, so I’ll respectfully decline.

According to guy in a tire class I took, one may load the tires ten percent above manufacturer's tire rating. Also said, most tires need to be used and heated up to release emulsifiers in the rubber of the tire, to protect sidewalls. So vehicles that sit for long periods of time, like travel trailers and RVs should have their tires renewed every six years. One should also specify that all dot numbers are matched for date of manufacture. I ask all my dot numbers be mounted outside so I can see them.

Sounds tiring.

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