OT: Trustee Alice Pope endorses Tribeck, de Levie, and Short for BoT


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
from her FB page:

Alice Pope
22 mins ·
I am proud to wholeheartedly support and endorse Rob Tribeck, Alvin de Levie and Brandon Short for election as alumni trustees to serve Penn State. This is the team we need to face the challenges at this moment of rapid change in higher education. Each of these candidates has the character and skill sets needed to effectively contribute to the essential work required to promote the interests of our university. I respectfully ask you to support Tribeck, de Levie and Short.

Rob Tribeck has been a steadfast member of our team for years, the last three as an elected trustee. His training as an attorney makes him a precise and strategic thinker. Trusteeship for our enormously complex institution has a steep learning curve. Rob has spent his first term well, learning the massive amount of fundamental information that positions him to be a forceful and effective leader on complicated issues. I have come to rely on Rob for his good judgment and I look forward to continuing our work together.

Alvin de Levie grew up in State College as a professor’s son, allowing him to contribute insight into town and gown relationships as well as bringing a deep understanding of the academic character of the university. Alvin has already demonstrated a command of important board issues in two recent editorials advocating for more transparency and accountability in our governance. Throughout his legal career, Alvin has stood up for those who have been wronged. Having another alumni attorney on our team is important because the board has voted to deny indemnification for legal expenses incurred as we challenge Penn State to be more transparent.

Brandon Short’s life demonstrates “success with honor.” His character was shaped during his childhood growing up in a challenging environment in McKeesport, PA, and continued as he persevered to become a successful global business leader, father and family man. The combination of local and global perspectives is greatly needed on our board as we work to increase the availability of a world class education to young people in Pennsylvania and elsewhere. As an African American, Brandon will bring much needed diversity to our board and will widen our outreach to communities across Pennsylvania and the world.
Should probably ask Brandon, but is he going to continue to live and work in London? It looks like he has a pretty full regular work schedule that includes a lot of international travel - wondering how difficult it will be for him to fully participate.
And even if Short THEORETICALLY NEVER DID ANYTHING least his being a member would mean there would be one less other negative-worthless-piece-of-shit BOT member!

Was never one of my most favorite players, but he would certainly be one of my most favorite BOT members!
Of course a BOT member that had a PS4RS endorsement in their election year is going to endorse those that PS4RS endorses. This is not a surprise. Personally I ignore any and all endorsements and use my own gray matter to figure out who to vote for.
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Well.... then you - and just about every other living soul on the planet - has no idea.

But that would kinda’ be par for your course.

(BTW - on that very same day, Miss “We’ll Agree to Disagree” approved of throwing another $84,000,000 into Dambly’s war chest - - - at the expense of every student and taxpayer in the state. Who’s the idiot?
It would be easy - for most - to just tell you “Good Luck. Keep supporting inept cowards, and keep being shocked when the shit keeps rolling downhill”..... and then walk away laughing.
For “most”, but not for me - - - because I actually care about this University. That’s MY Achilles Heel.)

you get 250 signatures yet, chief?
Should probably ask Brandon, but is he going to continue to live and work in London? It looks like he has a pretty full regular work schedule that includes a lot of international travel - wondering how difficult it will be for him to fully participate.
He lives in London and comes to the states once a month. He says he plans to make every board meeting, comparing it to traveling from the west coast, where we have had trustees in the past.