OT: Update on dog's knee issues


Well-Known Member
Jul 23, 2012
I posted about my dog potentially tearing her CCL a month and a half back. Our vet had told us that it was potentially a partial tear, but really couldn't tell for certain. We decided to hold off on having surgery to see if resting works, we haven't been to the dog park or doggy day care.

We've done as much as we can to keep our 1 1/2 year boxer calm, but she was losing her mind this weekend, so we took her in the back yard to play for a bit (it's been at least 6 weeks since her initial injury and she has seemed fine).. We were only out there for about 10 minutes and her limp was back last night.

Looks like we are going to try to find a surgeon. I'm assuming that she'll need the TPLO surgery b/c she is very big for a female boxer, weighing between 70-75 pounds (definitely not obese, just a big lady). Anyone have recommendations for a surgeon in the Pittsburgh area?

Thanks for everyone's help.