OT: Wealthiest towns in the US


The USA is near the top in funding. It changes every year. Some years we are #1. Other years it is Finland and the USA is #2. Pretty amazing that the USA is up there considering only 53% pay income taxes.
You (of course) are lying. But that is what your ilk does.
Except for the first five words this is complete bullsh*t! Assuming you're above 45, your parents made darn sure your homework was done and complete. Further, a simple note from the teacher even hinting about bad behavior led to some very memorable moments.

Head your head out of your a$$. Teachers are powerless without parental involvement. I'm very sorry those with less money have less time, I really am but that's an excuse for a bad parent.

Stop bringing problems and start bringing solutions.

Actually he really isn’t wrong. I have a 3rd grade son and I’m amazed at the amount homework that requires parental involvement. In 3 years I’ve been involved more in his homework than my parents were throughout my entire education. I don’t know if that’s good or bad.... but it’s accurate