So, how long will I have to wait for S4?! Absolutely loved the season finale - tied up all the loose ends in very satisfying ways and re-set the board for a compelling new season next year.
- Angelville - Loved Jesse's no nonsense annihilation of TC, Jodie, and finally Gran'ma. I love how he 'Fight Club'd' Jodie's face into the wall of the tombs and lit it up on his way out. Doubling back to murder Gran'ma was icing on the cake. Still, I don't get how she can barter Jesse's soul in a deal with the devil. Is it because at that point she still had control over him? Minor issue - loved everything.
- The most unexpected good time I had all night was Tulip/Hilter/Saint/AoD/Rick and the SS/Arseface. I initially wasn't a big fan of SoK, but he's grown on me. Killing Satan and gouging the eyes out of the AoD (whom is maybe the sexiest incarnation of Death I've seen...), and then taking Arseface with him (to hunt Jess I guess?) was so fun and hilarious to watch. Then seeing Hilter taking over Hell at the end was really cool 'full circle'.
- Cassidy escapes his predicament with some quick thinking which leads to some pretty funny results ('Yeah, they're bored already.'). I liked how that all went down and even liked Hoover showing up to sort of spike things at the end ('Dontcha know I eat horse tranquilizer for breakfast?, 'I told them. This is whale.'). I really loved Cassidy on his own this season as it sort of expanded the Preacher world in a way that hasn't happened in previous seasons (Tulip, Featherstone, and Jodie going to Japan was similarly entertaining). I'll miss Eccarius and the vamp society though - they were pretty bitchin'.
- Finally, the Grail is back, and Herr Starr is f'n pissed. I assume he killed Hoover, which was really unexpected, but even more so was Featherstone's nonchalant reaction to it. I like a more clear line between Starr/Grail and Jesse; looks like a war is brewing....
- Additionally, God's presence was a nice reminder of why Jesse is doing all of this. Still curious as to what his plan actually is and why he's running. If they explained it, I must have missed it. Still, cool how he saved Tulip.
Anyway, probably the best season so far - there is literally nothing like it on TV. What did everyone think?