Other matches, results, news - 2024-25

Watching Iowa v Illinois keeping my fingers crossed that I don’t regret it. So much could go wrong. My mind slowly melting from the nexus of mediocrity and that strang way Iowa wrestling makes the clock slow way way down. It’s the 10 minute 0-0 first periods that get you.
#2 Lucas Byrd (ILL) VS #4 Drake Ayala (Iowa)

Period 1:
This should be a good match. Both with very low stances to start. Byrd comes forward a little. Ayala reaches for a leg, but no luck. Byrd has Ayala near the edge & they're tying up. Byrd looks a little thicker than Ayala. Byrd drives forward & has Ayala on the edge. Ayala circles back in. Ayala has Byrd on the edge now, but Byrd circles back in & returns to center. Ayala reaches, but it's more of a fake shot. Tying up, Byrd is pushing forward a little, 1-min left. They're both on both knees now & it's a stalemate, 44-sec left. Straight to the tie up off the whistle. Byrd snaps & they're back to tying up. More circling, tying up & pushing as the period expires. 0-0

Period 2:
Byrd takes down. He gets to his feet & gets the escape in about 10-sec, 1-0. Tying up, Byrd comes forward a bit, but Ayala pushes back & they break. Back to circling, 1-min left. Slide by attempt by Byrd, but no luck. Back to tying up in the center, 30-sec left. More tying up, pushing & circling to end the period. 1-0 Byrd

Period 3:
Ayala takes down. He gets to his feet, drops back down, turns & gets the escape in 6-sec, 1-1. Tying up & pushing in the center. Byrd comes forward, but Ayala circles back near center, 1-min left. Tying up with Byrd pushing forward. Ayala drops to a leg, and then gets the other. Byrd is locked around the waist & trying to fight him off. Ayala keeps working & gets the TD, 4-1. Byrd get a quick escape, 4-2. Byrd is looking for a shot, but can't find an opening & gets upset by Ayala.

#4 Drake Ayala DEC #2 Lucas Byrd 4-2
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#3 Kyle Parco (IA) VS #12 Kannon Webster

Period 1:
Tying up, pushing & breaking. 0-0

Period 2:
Parco takes down & gets an escape, 1-0 & that's it.

Period 3:
Webster takes neutral. Wow. Is Parco that good on top? Webster doesn't do much for the first minute & gets hit with a stall call. Parco isn't doing much either, but he is coming forward a little. Webster is pushing & tying up, but he's not doing much more, 30-sec left. Webster gets a little more active at the end, but not much & time runs out. Neither wrestler did much on their feet.

Kyle Parco DEC Kannon Webster 1-0
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Watching Iowa v Illinois keeping my fingers crossed that I don’t regret it. So much could go wrong. My mind slowly melting from the nexus of mediocrity and that strang way Iowa wrestling makes the clock slow way way down. It’s the 10 minute 0-0 first periods that get you.

Parco beat Webster 1-0 in a barn burner.
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Watching Iowa v Illinois keeping my fingers crossed that I don’t regret it. So much could go wrong. My mind slowly melting from the nexus of mediocrity and that strang way Iowa wrestling makes the clock slow way way down. It’s the 10 minute 0-0 first periods that get you.
I heard for weeks how Iowa weak at 125. ok,so I'm thinking illini can win this weight until they show the illini kid 3-7record. Lol
#3 Kyle Parco (IA) VS #12 Kannon Webster

Period 1:
Tying up, pushing & breaking. 0-0

Period 2:
Parco takes down & gets an escape, 1-0 & that's it.

Period 3:
Webster takes neutral. Wow. Is Parco that good on top? Webster doesn't do much for the first minute & gets hit with a stall call. Webster is pushing & tying up, but he's not doing much more, 30-sec left. Webster gets a little more active at the end, but not much & time runs out.

Kyle Parco DEC Kannon Webster 1-0
I was on the edge of my seat...
#3 Kyle Parco (IA) VS #12 Kannon Webster

Period 1:
Tying up, pushing & breaking. 0-0

Period 2:
Parco takes down & gets an escape, 1-0 & that's it.

Period 3:
Webster takes neutral. Wow. Is Parco that good on top? Webster doesn't do much for the first minute & gets hit with a stall call. Webster is pushing & tying up, but he's not doing much more, 30-sec left. Webster gets a little more active at the end, but not much & time runs out.

Kyle Parco DEC Kannon Webster 1-0

Parco is going to be roadkill for SVN if he tries that in two weeks.
#3 Kyle Parco (IA) VS #12 Kannon Webster

Period 1:
Tying up, pushing & breaking. 0-0

Period 2:
Parco takes down & gets an escape, 1-0 & that's it.

Period 3:
Webster takes neutral. Wow. Is Parco that good on top? Webster doesn't do much for the first minute & gets hit with a stall call. Webster is pushing & tying up, but he's not doing much more, 30-sec left. Webster gets a little more active at the end, but not much & time runs out.

Kyle Parco DEC Kannon Webster 1-0

If it was football and I was Websters coach id have taken a timeout in the 3rd and put his ass on the bench. How do you take neutral, down 1 and then do absolutely nothing pretty much the rest of the match?
If it was football and I was Websters coach id have taken a timeout in the 3rd and put his ass on the bench. How do you take neutral, down 1 and then do absolutely nothing pretty much the rest of the match?
He spent the first minute of the 3rd period backing up & got hit with a stall call. If he wasn't going to shoot, then he should have tried for an escape. Webster needed a better plan.
As I have said for years now, the only team that goes into Carver and actually wrestles, is Penn State.

That was almost comical: #20 kid in the nation goes out there against that tomato can and freezes to death, refusing to shoot once, and loses 3-2 😂
"Inside Carver Hawkeye" How many times can this broadcast team say that?
Illinois is like Michigan J Frog: all singing and dancing until the light comes on and they see an Iowa Singlet 😂. Then it's "rivet, rivet" 😂
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