I think the energy was expected.
As far as stepping onto the top of the mountain though, there are several differences between the beast Cael had to slay on his way to the top of the mountain and the beast DT must deal with to claim the title "king of the mountain."
When Cael was ascending Brands' double recruiting classes were coming to an end. Cael already had a way of getting his top guys to peak at nationals way more so than Brands. Cael, Casey and Cody even at the beginning of their run were superior evaluators of situational wrestling and planners devising solutions.
DT has a much more difficult climb. Cael isn't relying upon double recruiting classes, Cael and the boys have an abundance of talent already in the room and no let up in sight. Even if DT proves as capable as Cael, DT's path to the top is blocked by a much tougher and capable obstacle than Cael's path to the top was.