How dareth ye contest what is written in Spencer Lees scripture, heathen!
Where does the "Johnny-Come-Lately" label come from? Just curious. Maybe from a couple bandwagon-jumpers that are over-the-top exuberant?No way. You guys are the Johnny-Come-Latelys. I'm not particularly an Iowa supporter but everyone outside of wrestling associates Iowa with wrestling, even though Okie State prob has more championships. Not to say that Sanderson isn't an amazing coach or that Penn State will never reach those heights, but the simple fact is that as things stand now you're known as a football school.
I didn't realize Lee stood on top of a mountain and read that list when he committed
Here is the actual list that has been deemed The Satanic Verses in Iowa:
1. Girlfriend going to Iowa; threatened to hold out
2. Wedding to be paid by HWC and Gable will usher
3. They showed me the money despite he fact I will never weight more then 113lbs
4. They showed my best man Gavin the money despite the fact he will never weight more then 90lbs
5. Abundance of tuff guy rhetoric
6. Strittmatter brainwashed me
7. Poaching Opportunities
8. Hookers
9. Drugs
10. Guns
Ironically, #8 and #9 were both originally, and correctly, used to describe Eddie Klimara.
Ok Ill bite down....Its well noted about Eddie and working his way back from whatever it was he was dealing with. Charges that were later dropped and a conspiracy theory that he was set up I might add.
So Im not sure what this has to do with the post by FT at all. I also did a quick google search of eddie klimara and hookers to see if I missed something. If my quick search is accurate I could not find where eddie had anything to do with hookers. So what does "originally and correctly used to describe" .....really mean? Again you hooked me, I had to stop what I was doing to look this up. I mean who doesnt like a good drugs and hooker story.
So my question is what does your post mean? Eddie has nothing to do with the post by FT, and is not discussed in the 3 pages of posts to this thread. From the edges, Eddie is not even in the wrestling news right now. Not competing in FS, has graduated from Ok St so hes not coming back and flamed out last year.
You have twice called me out for ad hominem attacks on you, so I will turn this around a little bit. What did eddie do to p!ss in your cheerios????
You should know about the ignore function more than anybody Bud. Seems like you are taking all of 21guns posts personally. Your better than that aren't you?21Guns, you're not only stupid, now you're officially a scumbag.
I'm done with this board until he's gone.
CHA is obviously much better known in the wrestling world than Rec Hall. That is a combination of Iowa's success starting back in the 70s and the fact that it is a much bigger arena than Rec Hall, which only seats around 6K, so is not going to be the site of any large wrestling event. However, back in 1968, when I was in 7th grade it did host the NCAAs and some guy named Dan Gable won his first NCAA title.
Circular firing squad, commence.Ironically, #8 and #9 were both originally, and correctly, used to describe Eddie Klimara.
Circular firing squad, commence.
21Guns, you're not only stupid, now you're officially a scumbag.
I'm done with this board until he's gone.
It's a joke. He was arrested for cocaine possession. He had a bag of coke on him, and was arrested.
As far as anything else, it's irrelevant how you feel about anything, my posts or anyone elses.
It's a joke. He was arrested for cocaine possession. He had a bag of coke on him, and was arrested.
As far as anything else, it's irrelevant how you feel about anything, my posts or anyone elses.