Parsons, Brooks, B.Smith looks on paper like maybe a best ever.......

Mr. Potter

Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2004
Group. I'll wait for results but I can't recall in a decade that type of LB Athletes
Or let’s have a lb coach that can coach. All that talent will go nowhere methinks.

What’s Vanderlindens number at Air Force?
Micah Parsons was coached into being a freshman All-American in the first year ever playing the position. Cam Brown has developed from a talented athlete into a future NFL linebacker.
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Skorupan/O'Neil/ Laslavic wasn't too shabby.

All three had lengthy NFL careers.
Conner Lee and Poz would like to speak with you.

Navarro Bowman was intertwined with this group as well.
Is it possible this next group is possibly the best group ever? I guess so. But Parsons is the only one who has actually done anything of consequence on the field and it was nowhere near the standard of the others noted in this thread. Presumably, he has two more years to get there but he has a long way to go.
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There has never been a better athlete play LB at PSU than Lavar. He made freaks look like chumps. Others were more technically sound at the position, but none before him or since has matched his athleticism.
agree, on both points
Micah Parsons was coached into being a freshman All-American in the first year ever playing the position. Cam Brown has developed from a talented athlete into a future NFL linebacker.
I'll agree with you when a Penn State linebacker not named Parsons is drafted in the first three rounds.
As it's not happened since Vanderlinden left, I consider the jury being out with the current LB coaching.
Yes, but Graham was very highly rated as a HD prospect. In fact, I think he was higher than Arrington by at least one ratings service. And that’s all the original poster is going on based on his analysis.
Not sold on Cam Brown being any part of a discussion of a grouping of best LB's, nor am I sold on him being much of anything in the NFL yet. He still has a lot of work to do, mostly getting his head out of his a$$. He still takes bad angles, gets engulfed in the run game at times and often has reckless form when tackling, displayed perfectly at the bowl game. I'm not even sold by next year he is the best of the 3 LBs PSU could field.
More of a question than a statement, but didn't Parsons have more tackles his true freshman year than ANY of those guys?!?! I'm almost sure he blew Arrington away as far as number of tackles his first year on campus!
Not sold on Cam Brown being any part of a discussion of a grouping of best LB's, nor am I sold on him being much of anything in the NFL yet. He still has a lot of work to do, mostly getting his head out of his a$$. He still takes bad angles, gets engulfed in the run game at times and often has reckless form when tackling, displayed perfectly at the bowl game. I'm not even sold by next year he is the best of the 3 LBs PSU could field.

His targeting was bad.....his demeanor as he left the field was embarrassingly pathetic.
His targeting was bad.....his demeanor as he left the field was embarrassingly pathetic.
He's been suspended earlier this year (Rutgers game then came in and got embarrassed on film in second half), benched other occasions, got lucky not being called for targeting at least two other times this year. Manny Bowen Lite but not as good a player. Depending on development of B.Smith and Dixon, he may find himself as a Koa Farmer rotational player next year. And like Koa, the only reason he may be in the forks is because he's a senior and JF too loyal. But Koa is a great kid, not sure JF would feel he owes it to CB the same.
All the older guys will always be better than the current guys. All the past coaches are better than the current ones. Now get off my lawn!!
More of a question than a statement, but didn't Parsons have more tackles his true freshman year than ANY of those guys?!?! I'm almost sure he blew Arrington away as far as number of tackles his first year on campus!

No. Conner had more (and possibly Lee) and came in as an instinctual LB. He did not take many bad angles, run around blocks, etc and was good in pass coverage. Hopefully these things will be corrected with experience, because Parsons has the superior athleticism.
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No. Conner had more (and possibly Lee) and came in as an instinctual LB. He did not take many bad angles, run around blocks, etc and was good in pass coverage. Hopefully these things will be corrected with experience, because Parsons has the superior athleticism.

Connor just couldn’t add weight.
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No. Conner had more (and possibly Lee) and came in as an instinctual LB. He did not take many bad angles, run around blocks, etc and was good in pass coverage. Hopefully these things will be corrected with experience, because Parsons has the superior athleticism.

Connor was tremendous as a freshman. Started right away. I don't remember Lee playing as much as a freshman, probably because he had 3 future NFLers in front of him
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Connor was tremendous as a freshman. Started right away. I don't remember Lee playing as much as a freshman, probably because he had 3 future NFLers in front of him

Yes, was always around the ball from the beginning. It is amazing to think that he also had Lee, Poz, and Bowman on those teams, plus some damn good DL.

That's why is painful to watch the LBs today. They actually run away from plays at them at times, making it unnecessary to block them. And that includes all of the LBs that played this year. Johnson was by far the best with respect to attempting to fill the right gap.
Yes, was always around the ball from the beginning. It is amazing to think that he also had Lee, Poz, and Bowman on those teams, plus some damn good DL.

That's why is painful to watch the LBs today. They actually run away from plays at them at times, making it unnecessary to block them. And that includes all of the LBs that played this year. Johnson was by far the best with respect to attempting to fill the right gap.

Hoping what we saw from Brooks in the bowl game is a harbinger of things to come. His fill on a key 3rd down was textbook.
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Not sold on Cam Brown being any part of a discussion of a grouping of best LB's, nor am I sold on him being much of anything in the NFL yet. He still has a lot of work to do, mostly getting his head out of his a$$. He still takes bad angles, gets engulfed in the run game at times and often has reckless form when tackling, displayed perfectly at the bowl game. I'm not even sold by next year he is the best of the 3 LBs PSU could field.

Absolutely agree 100%. That egregious PF/targeting incident on Tuesday was right in front us. Incredibly stupid - right up there with that ridiculous PF he got from spearing that guy on the ground last season.