PC being set up at OSU (and results of, and reaction to, BOT decision)

Any Mark Emmert or Jim Delaney sightings at the meeting? Definitely OSU loss of institutional control - I'm certain there will be a scholarship reduction / four year bowl ban / forfeit share of bowl money announcement.;)

They are at Ohio University handing out fines and penalties. OU coach suspended four games.
Ohio State BOT and President have been unable to reach consensus. Karen Peetz, Ken Frazier, Ira Lubert and John Surma are on a private jet bound for Columbus. Rod Ericksen is scripting an apology to be offered to any individual, organization, charity or animal life that may have been harmed during the decision making process.
Any Mark Emmert or Jim Delaney sightings at the meeting? Definitely OSU loss of institutional control - I'm certain there will be a scholarship reduction / four year bowl ban / forfeit share of bowl money announcement.;)

lol--did Ohio State hire our former leaders?
Brutus attended to offer Urban moral support. Could have been an imposter.

Why is he making the gesture of what Courtney Smith’s eye looked like?
I think in that setting he has no obligation to tell the truth
Coaches aren't role models for young men...I'm so tired of people trying to make everyone a role model. That's the parents job
Are you a role model using words like "retarded"?
Also, alleged abuser--no conviction...facts

That argument worked so well for the Sandusky apologists pre-2012.
I don't see this as Urban
IDK, seems to me like a lot of tOSU faithful have finally realized the gravity of the situation today. I mean, this is very confusing, you cannot defend Meyer without attacking the victim, Smith should have been let go long ago, Meyer lied, and even if he is retained the next time a kid gets accused of stealing a kiss on an elevator they'll be back in this mess again. Add in all of the other tOSU problems and the tOSU people are beginning to understand how much damage has been done and will continue to be done to the program. Honestly, without considering money, if Meyer resigned it would be the best for everyone.

Assuming everything was reported like it was supposed to be, and assuming that Urban did not try to influence Smith's wife to not report, I don't see Urban as an enabler for Smith, and I don't necessarily see keeping him as attacking the victim. Urban keeping him employed did not increase the chances of her being a victim of DV, the question becomes as it wrong for Urban to keep Smith employed as a coach working with youth when he was probably beating his wife?

If it is wrong, what is the appropriate punishment? If it wasn't wrong, then let him coach. Putting a small suspension does send a very mixed message, and OSU will always be ridiculed for it.

And for those who say lying to the press is not a big deal, I tend to agree with you. However, the manner in which he not only lied, but essentially mocked the press is really hard to overlook in this instance.
If that's the case, then why did his wife just show up?

She is an OSU employee too so possibly they want to query her on how much more she communicated with Courtney and whether more of her texts or calls are available to be leaked.

Urban wouldn’t be here if he had just declined to answer those questions rather than lie. But he also wouldn’t be here if his wife’s texts hadn’t been the evidenced that revealed he was a liar. Obviously he didn’t know the way his wife had commiserated with Courtney. Loose lips sink battleships and Shelley’s communications may strip Urban of any plausible deniability he is trying to spin. .
So the rumors are the Board wants immediate reinstatement and president wants lengthy suspension? Um, aren't those two options dramatically different? Did they get two different investigation result reports? That makes no sense.
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So the rumors are the Board wants immediate reinstatement and president wants lengthy suspension? Um, aren't those two options dramatically different? Did they get two different investigation result reports? That makes no sense.
That rumor was started by a Michigan fan.
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If that's the case, then why did his wife just show up?
I am judging from the casual way she was dressed, it has nothing to do with the deliberations or decision. It might be as simple as wanting to be with her husband during a difficult time (he has been in that building for about 7 hours.)
I think in that setting he has no obligation to tell the truth
Coaches aren't role models for young men...I'm so tired of people trying to make everyone a role model. That's the parents job
Are you a role model using words like "retarded"?
Also, alleged abuser--no conviction...facts
If a coach is not a role model, he should not be entrusted with 100+ young men in the most formative years of their lives. But I agree with you that Meyer is no role model.
I think in that setting he has no obligation to tell the truth
Coaches aren't role models for young men...I'm so tired of people trying to make everyone a role model. That's the parents job
Are you a role model using words like "retarded"?
Also, alleged abuser--no conviction...facts
Oh God. Here's modern ethics at work folks. Lie whenever you want and to whomever you want. No one's a role model and win by any means necessary in any forum. All is well.
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If a coach is not a role model, he should not be entrusted with 100+ young men in the most formative years of their lives. But I agree with you that Meyer is no role model.
And then the coach shouldn't sell parents on how he's going to mold their kids and the kids are in great hands but then it's ok for the coach to be a scumbag.
This misguided focus on ONLY Meyer lying about what and when he knew is very intellectually dishonest or just plain naïve.

When you lead a P5 program, you are the CEO of that program. Everything that happens and fails to happen falls on those shoulders. The culture that is created by that program is owned by the head coach. So what is the big picture?

Meyer runs programs eventually into the ground with lack of discipline and no accountability for serious problems and issues. He did it at Florida and it blew up on them with criminal overload.

He's doing it at Ohio St with spouse abuse acceptance, office infidelity, sex tapes, penis pics on university phones, thousands of dollars in sex toys in the football offices, DUI fixing, and generally bringing in coaches who should be rejected for their past abuse scandals. Smith should have never been hired, let alone promoted, retained after all he did. University of Tenn is known for letting just about anything slide to win but they firmly and publically rejected Schiano who Meyer hired as his DC. Indiana had to fire Wilson for abusing his own players, HIS OWN PLAYERS, and Meyer made him his OC.

Zach Smith, well he is just a continuation of a pattern of who Meyer sorrounds himself with and what he willingly accepts in deviant behavior to win a game.

The big picture. It's that Meyer has no remaining credibility. He isn't an educator. He isn't a moral person. He damn near has made it a requirement to be an abuser to join his staff. Ohio St owns that. They can no longer even deny it. It is a representation of what a buckeye is unless they reject it.

1) Meyer was aware of Zach Smith's spouse abuse allegation at UF in 2008 and allegedly sent 2 people to talk the victim out of pressing charges. Has Meyer or other Ohio St representatives tampered with either the victim's reports or police in Ohio ? We don't know, but it appears he made an effort to do so back in 2008.

2) Meyer rehired Zach Smith at Ohio St and promoted him despite known spouse abuse allegations which may have been more than allegations had Meyer not sent a "life coach" aka fixer to talk her out of charges

3) Meyer was aware of the 2015 incident and I assume 9 total police reports including stalking over several years and continues to retain Zach Smith and gave him large raises (except in 2015 where the raise was abnormally and curiously low). Did Meyer report each of these 9 police reports? Did Ohio St really receive 9 police reports and never conduct an investigation until years later when the public found out?

4) Meyer hired Greg Schiano despite baggage and connection to the Sandusky abuse that even Tennessee would not accept

5) Meyer hired Kevin Wilson after being fired at Indiana for abusing his own players including making them play with serious injuries against the advice of medical staff

6) Meyer retained Zach Smith even after 2015 DUI. Was this reported by Meyer to Ohio St officials? Did they not care about 9 police reports involving his wife and potential spouse abuse and also a DUI?

7) Meyer retained Zach Smith despite screwing some secretary in the football office who was reassigned and ordering $2200 of sex toys delivered to the football offices. Did Meyer report this as well with the 9 police reports involving his wife and potential spouse abuse and also a DUI? Did Ohio St really determine that all of that added up to only the secretary needing to get reassigned?

8) Meyer retained Zach Smith despite penis pics on his Ohio St issued phone some taken at the White House. Did Meyer report the use of Ohio St issued phones for taking pictures of Zach's penis at the White House, screwing a secretary in the football offices who was not his wife, ordering $2200 in sex toys delivered to the Ohio St football offices, 9 police reports involving his wife and potential spouse abuse and also a DUI? Did Ohio St really not see an issue yet?

9) Meyer lied to the media about what and when he knew about Zach Smith's police reports after Zach was fired by Ohio St finally years later. Apparently this is all people in Meyer's corner want to acknowledge occurred.

10) Meyer issued a lawyer written non-apology within one week when his multiple lies were easily exposed.

11) Meyer apparently does not care about his own wife's tweet that Zach Smith scares her but hey, he's cheated on her before with coeds the same age as his own daughters so it's not like he has any respect for the woman.

12) 15 of 19 of Zach Smith's recruits were high 4 and 5 stars from half way across the country and the 4 Ohio recruits where among the lowest rated that he landed. This is the profile of a bagman and it will eventually get exposed.

13) The program that Meyer has been running is like a freak show with the main requirement to be hired is that you have some sort of baggage from an abuse scandal.

14) Couple this with Ohio St's 100 wrestlers sexually abused by a team doctor for decades, girls from a diving team being sexually abused, and the Ohio St band director fired a few years ago for over-sexualized rituals with student band members and how does Ohio St not fire Meyer?

Ohio St supports physical and sexual assault. Look at their actions and inaction. Meyer being retained is a message that abuse and overlooking abuse is not only tolerated, but is rewarded. It will become who Ohio St is and no student or spouse on that campus is safe.

Ohio St has had staff and coaches who have preyed on Ohio St students and/or physically assaulted spouses in FOUR MAJOR sports or programs. Meyer's staff is composed at the top entirely by men who have been involved in either directly abusing or looking the other way at abuse. When this much evidence exists and not a thing is done, it is simply who they are. Ohio St is run by abusers and those who allow abuse and they will rot in hell for it.
And then the coach shouldn't sell parents on how he's going to mold their kids and the kids are in great hands but then it's ok for the coach to be a scumbag.

I said this when the scandal broke. Meyer’s spiel has always been that he will get you to the league, but always treat you like family. I think this really hurts him. O$U will always cheat and will always be able to bring in kids who don’t “want to play school.” Meyer will have to go full on Saban from this point on.
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She is an OSU employee too so possibly they want to query her on how much more she communicated with Courtney and whether more of her texts or calls are available to be leaked.

Urban wouldn’t be here if he had just declined to answer those questions rather than lie. But he also wouldn’t be here if his wife’s texts hadn’t been the evidenced that revealed he was a liar. Obviously he didn’t know the way his wife had commiserated with Courtney. Loose lips sink battleships and Shelley’s communications may strip Urban of any plausible deniability he is trying to spin. .
That’s it!! I think you have stumbled on to the only reasonable remedy — fire his wife.

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