Football Penn State S KJ Winston to be out 'long term'

Only people that don't understand the game overreact to a turnover. Our biggest issue last year was we didn't take any risks. You can't contend for titles that way.

Only people who don't understand the game thought psu was a contender.
Injuries and the rehabilitation process for recovery are more of a function of time and we are still in the early part of the season. I guess I long for the days when a player who was out 'long term' would be out for a month and then be reevaluated.

It allowed you to respect the players privacy while they received the prescribed treatments and therapy and see how their body responded.

And while I certainly don't have a pressing need to know ..... this is how I remember the discussion of injury situations being discussed with the press and the team's fans.

Is there a competitive advantage to withholding this information from our opponents that I am not understanding?
I don't think it's about player privacy. If that was the case it would be the player's decision if he wants to disclose his injury. I don't recall any player disclosing anything under Franklin.
It seems to me that Winston's injury should encourage Carter back to LB. The idea was that we could move Carter to DE because we could play with 5 DBs. That suddenly sounds a lot more difficult.
It seems to me that Winston's injury should encourage Carter back to LB. The idea was that we could move Carter to DE because we could play with 5 DBs. That suddenly sounds a lot more difficult.
Yes now I would think we need Carter back at LB roaming more. Here's the issue though, in my opinion DDS is not playing up to his 5 star billing so we don't have much of an EDGE pass rush or simply a guy who can disrupt and blow up plays. We also need to get Fisher back. Nonetheless I still think we need Carter back at the middle line of defense and just line him up in different spots based on what the offensive formation shows.
Has to be a PSU thing and JF's cryptic preferences. I routinely watch other CFB coaches and their pressers just to consume other info, see how coaches comport themselves, etc. And, most to all are WAY more open about so and so we expect back in 1-2 weeks...or so and so is back practicing, etc. JF's style is ridiculous to say the least. Short term and long term is just his way of getting around specifics, as if the status of our special teams player really is a competitive advantage. Being more clear about injuries isn't some HIPAA violation, especially saying 'he has an ankle and should be back after the bye week.' It really isn't. And, for those that say it isn't our business, uh yeah it is more so now, with contributing to a players NIL and other funds, absolutely we should know the status of guys.
Yep, he should be more transparent. Also, what is annoying is when asked on Tuesday about Winson's status he says "We will know more after practice tomorrow" he definitely used the word "practice". I took that as he was practicing or at least out there but I don't believe that was the case. How do you practice then suddenly have a "long term" injury? He should have just said in a couple of days but instead he uses misleading, confusing language. It also would have been nice if one of those beat writers picked up on this and followed up with him to clarify if Winston was going to practice or try to practice. This injury is not like a depth guy 2nd or 3rd string, he is one of our best players and one of the most important players on defense.

You are right, in this world of NIL people are "investing" in these athletes. In this new world I would argue people now deserve full disclosure on injuries. Like you say he doesn't need to release the detailed medical report but at least what is the nature of the industry and a projected timeline for how much time the player may miss.
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Yep, he should be more transparent. Also, what is annoying is when asked on Tuesday about Winson's status he says "We will know more after practice tomorrow" he definitely used the word "practice". I took that as he was practicing or at least out there but I don't believe that was the case. How do you practice then suddenly have a "long term" injury? He should have just said in a couple of days but instead he uses misleading, confusing language. It also would have been nice if one of those beat writers picked up on this and followed up with him to clarify if Winston was going to practice or try to practice. This injury is not like a depth guy 2nd or 3rd string, he is one of our best players and one of the most important players on defense.

You are right, in this world of NIL people are "investing" in these athletes. In this new world I would argue people now deserve full disclosure on injuries. Like you say he doesn't need to release the detailed medical report but at least what is the nature of the industry and a projected timeline for how much time the player may miss.
100%. Great point. I as well was looking forward to hearing the update on Winston after JF specifically said "we'll know more after practice." That magically ends up being a long term injury, sure ok. It's just frustrating how we can't get a clear answer. He isn't being some creative, outside the box thinker with his approach, it's dumb and flimsy with the truth. If he truly appreciates the fans and the support we bring (which JF does mention), well maybe some accurate injury info, or at least an idea would be a nice reciprocated gesture. Maybe those fans who spend a ton going to the peach bowl, or travel out west to see the team, will think twice or at least have a more measured decision knowing if key guys are out.
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100%. Great point. I as well was looking forward to hearing the update on Winston after JF specifically said "we'll know more after practice." That magically ends up being a long term injury, sure ok. It's just frustrating how we can't get a clear answer. He isn't being some creative, outside the box thinker with his approach, it's dumb and flimsy with the truth. If he truly appreciates the fans and the support we bring (which JF does mention), well maybe some accurate injury info, or at least an idea would be a nice reciprocated gesture. Maybe those fans who spend a ton going to the peach bowl, or travel out west to see the team, will think twice or at least have a more measured decision knowing if key guys are out.
Absolutely. His misleading and secretive stance on injuries is both fraudulent and tone deaf. Again, I like Franklin on the large part, but he really needs to reassess his stance here. Insiders on the other site, the other PAY site, were reporting that Winston was practicing on Monday, then on Tuesday Franklin says we will see after practice on Wednesday, then on Wednesday night suddenly Winston is out for the season, and let's face it, if he sits against SC and Ohio State, THAT is the season. We have slim to zero shot at stopping Moss and those receivers on the road, and probably the same against that Smith kid and Ohio States 5 stars at home.

Frankly he needs to drop the shuck and jive and get real with the fans like his peers all do. His song and dance is bush league in the current state of the game
Absolutely. His misleading and secretive stance on injuries is both fraudulent and tone deaf. Again, I like Franklin on the large part, but he really needs to reassess his stance here. Insiders on the other site, the other PAY site, were reporting that Winston was practicing on Monday, then on Tuesday Franklin says we will see after practice on Wednesday, then on Wednesday night suddenly Winston is out for the season, and let's face it, if he sits against SC and Ohio State, THAT is the season. We have slim to zero shot at stopping Moss and those receivers on the road, and probably the same against that Smith kid and Ohio States 5 stars at home.

Frankly he needs to drop the shuck and jive and get real with the fans like his peers all do. His song and dance is bush league in the current state of the game
My guess is that this is an edict from the attorneys who represent PSU for legal reasons.

As a Penguins' fan, I also get irritated when Sullivan always phrases injuries as either upper or lower body, which I believe that all other NHL teams also do. I've gotten to the point at which I really don't care anymore because the teams obviously don't deem it to be important to inform the fans about the nature of an injury, and I'm not saying whether that's leaglly right or wrong.
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Absolutely. His misleading and secretive stance on injuries is both fraudulent and tone deaf. Again, I like Franklin on the large part, but he really needs to reassess his stance here. Insiders on the other site, the other PAY site, were reporting that Winston was practicing on Monday, then on Tuesday Franklin says we will see after practice on Wednesday, then on Wednesday night suddenly Winston is out for the season, and let's face it, if he sits against SC and Ohio State, THAT is the season. We have slim to zero shot at stopping Moss and those receivers on the road, and probably the same against that Smith kid and Ohio States 5 stars at home.

Frankly he needs to drop the shuck and jive and get real with the fans like his peers all do. His song and dance is bush league in the current state of the game
Insiders said he was practicing on Monday? Are you sure?
Absolutely. His misleading and secretive stance on injuries is both fraudulent and tone deaf. Again, I like Franklin on the large part, but he really needs to reassess his stance here. Insiders on the other site, the other PAY site, were reporting that Winston was practicing on Monday, then on Tuesday Franklin says we will see after practice on Wednesday, then on Wednesday night suddenly Winston is out for the season, and let's face it, if he sits against SC and Ohio State, THAT is the season. We have slim to zero shot at stopping Moss and those receivers on the road, and probably the same against that Smith kid and Ohio States 5 stars at home.

Frankly he needs to drop the shuck and jive and get real with the fans like his peers all do. His song and dance is bush league in the current state of the game
We probably wouldn't have had much of a chance to slow down the passing attacks of USC or OSU even with a completely healthy defense; those two offenses are going to score a lot of points in almost every game that they play. I don't get the feeling that this defense is going to be a shut down defense this season, although they still can be adequate. That's why the offense always was going to have to score probably in the 30s in those games for us to even have a chance, similar to the OSU game in 2022. Can this offense do that in those games? My guess is no.
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My guess is that this is an edict from the attorneys who represent PSU for legal reasons.

As a Penguins' fan, I also get irritated when Sullivan always phrases injuries as either upper or lower body, which I believe that all other NHL teams also do. I've gotten to the point at which I really don't care anymore because the teams obviously don't deem it to be important to inform the fans about the nature of an injury, and I'm not saying whether that's leaglly right or wrong.
Absolutely true regarding edicts from attorneys. We live in a litigious society. I just had a conversation with a professional peer the other day that human resources and attorneys appear to run society and this influences organizations at the expense of operations and quality.
Absolutely true regarding edicts from attorneys. We live in a litigious society. I just had a conversation with a professional peer the other day that human resources and attorneys appear to run society and this influences organizations at the expense of operations and quality.
I say that as an attorney myself who knows how to write legalese, and the phrase "long term injury" has legalese written all over it because it is intentioanlly vague. Also, until this past spring, I never had heard Franklin refer to injuries in that way.
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I say that as an attorney myself who knows how to write legalese, and the phrase "long term injury" has legalese written all over it because it is intentioanlly vague. Also, until this past spring, I never had heard Franklin refer to injuries in that way.
So, it is your belief that the injury information is not being withheld for competitive reasons but rather for legal protection of the program?

Coaching staff? Doctors? All of the previously mentioned groups?

Apparently I am naive or ignorant because I don't understand how the football teams and coaches that previously handle these situations were putting their teams in jeopardy.
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So, it is your belief that the injury information is not being withheld for competitive reasons but rather for legal protection of the program?

Coaching staff? Doctors? All of the previously mentioned groups?

Apparently I am naive or ignorant because I don't understand how the football teams and coaches that previously handle these situations were putting their teams in jeopardy.
I admit that I say this without any inside information, but yes, I believe that Franklin now is using these vague and ambiguous terms to classify injuries because he has been instructed to do that by his superiors based on the instructions of the law firm that represents the university either to comply with various laws and/or as a defense against a possible law suit. As I said, I have no inside information and perhaps am wrong, but I'm probably right.
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So, it is your belief that the injury information is not being withheld for competitive reasons but rather for legal protection of the program?

Coaching staff? Doctors? All of the previously mentioned groups?

Apparently I am naive or ignorant because I don't understand how the football teams and coaches that previously handle these situations were putting their teams in jeopardy. I wrote earlier in the thread....weekly there are other coaches (whom I'm listen to their pressers) that are open about injuries, timetables, etc. I think it has little to nothing to do legally and more just JF thinking he has to be suave and coy about the details. As if knowing that Kaden Saunders is out truly affects our competitive advantage. Give me a break. It's idiotic. As Delco wrote and I concur, it is bush league for the media, fans, etc., to not even be given the kernels of truth. By all accounts, Winston practiced, and now he is out long term, sure sure. Those fans who had the wool thrown over their eyes for the Peach Bowl should be reimbursed and apologized to.

Wasn't it Trey Wallace who last year was seemingly mired in the 'week to week' to 'long term' situation...never really got anything clear from JF, if memory serves. I like many things about JF, but his whole operation about info to the media, fans, and his perhaps paranoia about them all is mind boggling.
  • Haha
Reactions: NJPSU I wrote earlier in the thread....weekly there are other coaches (whom I'm listen to their pressers) that are open about injuries, timetables, etc. I think it has little to nothing to do legally and more just JF thinking he has to be suave and coy about the details. As if knowing that Kaden Saunders is out truly affects our competitive advantage. Give me a break. It's idiotic. As Delco wrote and I concur, it is bush league for the media, fans, etc., to not even be given the kernels of truth. By all accounts, Winston practiced, and now he is out long term, sure sure. Those fans who had the wool thrown over their eyes for the Peach Bowl should be reimbursed and apologized to.

Wasn't it Trey Wallace who last year was seemingly mired in the 'week to week' to 'long term' situation...never really got anything clear from JF, if memory serves. I like many things about JF, but his whole operation about info to the media, fans, and his perhaps paranoia about them all is mind boggling.
Our esquire friend believes it may be for legal protection.

I'm trying to envision the scenario where the method that they previously used would put them in legal jeopardy.
Our esquire friend believes it may be for legal protection.

I'm trying to envision the scenario where the method that they previously used would put them in legal jeopardy.
Remember, there was a PSU basketball player last season who was out with an undisclosed injury who eventually left the program during the season because his daddy didn't think that the coach was using his son properly. I don't ever recall hearing what the exact nature of his injury was; he just wasn't playing for some unspecified reason. That's why I believe that this is being dictated from above. Also, like I said, I don't ever recall Franklin using the phrase "long term injury" until after spring practice this past April.
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Our esquire friend believes it may be for legal protection.

I'm trying to envision the scenario where the method that they previously used would put them in legal jeopardy.
You, me, and others on here as well. So, then if it is a legal thing, most other coaches who are open and more transparent are violating the law or rules? If so, nobody seems to care or do anything about it. I just find it hard to believe that if JF says "Player X has an ankle right now and is hoping to be back next week, or at the latest in two weeks," that in some way that violates the rules or the law. Rather, I think it is JF just being flimsy with info and treating everyone like children.
This seems like it could be a concussion or something similar. There was no evidence of a leg injury when he was on the sidelines vs BGSU. Not sure why a concussion would be termed "long term" so who knows.
Exactly, who knows what has happened.
So do you want Franklin to be here or not?
We're absolutely a contender to make the playoff not to win a title

Do you think Franklin is the only variable?

There are 100+ teams BEHIND PSU and they dont have Franklin. Funny thing is you would most likely be hiring from that pool.
Do you think Franklin is the only variable?

There are 100+ teams BEHIND PSU and they dont have Franklin. Funny thing is you would most likely be hiring from that pool.
If after his time here we aren't at minimum a playoff contender he has to go. That's not even debatable. Especially with our weak schedule and the talent he has. You're already working on excuses for him. I have no doubt we'll make the playoffs...then next year the goal is to win a playoff game and it keeps building.
I say that as an attorney myself who knows how to write legalese, and the phrase "long term injury" has legalese written all over it because it is intentioanlly vague. Also, until this past spring, I never had heard Franklin refer to injuries in that way.
That is clearly legalese. The question being raised by other posters is they don't hear other coaches using this kind of BS useless language that says nothing.