Penn State to remove bad grades from GPAs


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Aug 21, 2016
Got a bad grade? Have to take it over? Great, PSU will expunge the bad grade from your record if you get a better grade the next time around.

More proof at the dumbing down of America

What do they expect after college, if they screw up on the job they can just get a do-over and their screw up won't be considered on their annual review?
Got a bad grade? Have to take it over? Great, PSU will expunge the bad grade from your record if you get a better grade the next time around.

More proof at the dumbing down of America

What do they expect after college, if they screw up on the job they can just get a do-over and their screw up won't be considered on their annual review?

Got a bad grade? Have to take it over? Great, PSU will expunge the bad grade from your record if you get a better grade the next time around.

More proof at the dumbing down of America

What do they expect after college, if they screw up on the job they can just get a do-over and their screw up won't be considered on their annual review?
They are already doing this in High Schools, the difference is you don't have to retake the class, and then you go play college football.
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“Freshman Forgiveness” has been at O$U for many, many years. I laughed when I first heard about it from my sister who sent her oldest there figuring it was ... well ... Ohio State. Guess I can’t laugh now?!
I worked with a few as well. A couple were very successful. Are you in the mining business? I'm retired from coal/uranium mining
Yeah, I was in the mining industry. Graduated from the PSU mining department many moons ago. I’ve been in hard rock my entire career. Was with Rio in Salt Lake for twenty years until I retired.

Not many from PSU out this way. I too worked with several guys from Rolla who were successful. A lot of good engineers from CSM and UNR.
Yeah, I was in the mining industry. Graduated from the PSU mining department many moons ago. I’ve been in hard rock my entire career. Was with Rio in Salt Lake for twenty years until I retired.

Not many from PSU out this way. I too worked with several guys from Rolla who were successful. A lot of good engineers from CSM and UNR.

I worked in Colorado, Australia and Wyoming. We actually had several PSU grads.By CSM, you should bow your head and say "The Academy":D
I worked in Colorado, Australia and Wyoming. We actually had several PSU grads.By CSM, you should bow your head and say "The Academy":D
I’m glad the CSM reputation is well known throughout the industry. We always called it the “Royal Academy.”
Late drop functioned as a de facto variant of this same thing for as long as it’s been around. Reason to believe you’re going to get a bad grade in a class? Late drop it at the deadline.
I failed differential equations and nuclear physics first time around. Got an A and a B on the repeat. Props to my Differential Equations Prof on the repeat class - Prof. Walter Gordon, one of the very few competent ones!
And those fails stayed on my record!
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I graduated from PSU in 1993 and never heard of anyone being able to retake a class and remove the bad grade. When I was a engineering branch manager with hiring authority in 2007, I started seeing grade replacements on transcripts from many other colleges when I was evaluating resumes of potential candidates. I learned to look deeper in the transcript for those people who retook classes several times. Those people with “adjusted “ GPAs or took 5 years to graduate were not looked upon as good as someone with an equivalent GPA who graduated on time without having poor grades replaced.
As long as there's full transparency, and it sounds like there is, then I don't see the big deal. If GPA is meant to indicate the extent to which you learned, then this method may be more accurate. If an employer wants to know how quickly you learned, the transcript reveals all the details.
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Well sure, if you want to pay them again to take the same course in hopes of getting a better grade.
But why stop at two ? You should be able to retake a course innumerable times as long as you pay to take it.
Yeah, I was in the mining industry. Graduated from the PSU mining department many moons ago. I’ve been in hard rock my entire career. Was with Rio in Salt Lake for twenty years until I retired.

Not many from PSU out this way. I too worked with several guys from Rolla who were successful. A lot of good engineers from CSM and UNR.

You're talking about Colorado School of Mines, right?
You're talking about Colorado School of Mines, right?
Yes. As olelion pointed out a few posts ago, CSM is jokingly referred to as “the Academy,” or “Royal Academy” in the industry because some of their alum believe they are God’s gift to mining. For the most part though they’re solid engineers and take the good natured ribbing in stride. There’s also a Camborne School of Mines in the UK.
Yes. As olelion pointed out a few posts ago, CSM is jokingly referred to as “the Academy,” or “Royal Academy” in the industry because some of their alum believe they are God’s gift to mining. For the most part though they’re solid engineers and take the good natured ribbing in stride. There’s also a Camborne School of Mines in the UK.

My dad spent a year there as a GA in the late 50's
Got a bad grade? Have to take it over? Great, PSU will expunge the bad grade from your record if you get a better grade the next time around.

More proof at the dumbing down of America

What do they expect after college, if they screw up on the job they can just get a do-over and their screw up won't be considered on their annual review?
I'm told if you fail twice you can opt for a participation trophy.
“Freshman Forgiveness” has been at O$U for many, many years. I laughed when I first heard about it from my sister who sent her oldest there figuring it was ... well ... Ohio State. Guess I can’t laugh now?!

I don't know the specifics at PSU, but at OSU it was only available to Freshman year, could only be used once, and the grade remained on your record, though didn't apply to your GPA. I think it's a good idea. A poor or lazy student wouldn't be helped, and it wouldn't change much for an average student. A good student who had initial trouble adjusting to college, or just had one bad class, wouldn't have their entire college achievement hurt by it.
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Did any of you guys take the SAT more than once? Did you send all your scores or only the highest?
Got a bad grade? Have to take it over? Great, PSU will expunge the bad grade from your record if you get a better grade the next time around.

More proof at the dumbing down of America

What do they expect after college, if they screw up on the job they can just get a do-over and their screw up won't be considered on their annual review?
We have to placate the politically correct, or they might sit down and have a nervous breakdown.
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I don't have the issue with this that many seem to. I would consider applying a limit to the number of instances a student can do this, and I would keep the original class and grade intact on the transcript. But adjusting the overall GPA to reflect the better of the grades is a relatively minor GPA adjustment in the long run of 130 credits, I think.

I wonder how they came to the idea that it was needed? Did they do some real analysis to see what the impact would be? The additional tuition aspect aside (ulterior motives for the school), will it keep more kids in school who might otherwise drop out due to frustration and self-doubt?
This could help a qualified kid get an initial job they might otherwise be passed over for.

From my pov, I like the fact that a student persevered and re-took a class to get a better grade. We could all use a few mulligans in life! Young people grow and learn at different rates. Some 18-20 year olds need a wake-up call. I'm more interested in where they are than exactly how they got to this point. And I'm more interested in where they are headed. Correcting a mistake is a positive sign of growth.

When hiring, I want smart, motivated, positive people, and my experience says they usually succeed in the job and the in their career. I was a B student in college who took a couple of classes over due to Fs. (Yes, I was even more immature and clueless than I am now.) I knew a number of guys in my fraternity who were smart and seemed to put schoolwork way down on their list of priorities, yet who became huge successes in their fields... company Prezes, CEOs, PhDs, starting their own companies.... They took advantage of the mulligans they were given.

How people react and recover from their own screw-ups and young adult immaturity is more important in gauging probable success than an adjusted GPA of 3.1 vs. a raw 2.9 GPA, imo. And aside from the first job or so, who really prioritizes a person's GPA when considering their qualifications once their career gets going?
We got two grade forgiveness opportunities where I went to school. I think it is a good policy. There are a lot of scenarios where this can be justified as a good thing. For example: many people go to secondary school right out of high school and fail some classes. Whether it be because they weren't smart enough, or they just couldn't get time management happens with young people. After they go through their process(workforce, military, time) and mature a bit, it is good for them to be able to repair their GPA.
Why sell your overpriced, sucker-financed product once when you can sell it twice?

The U probably uses Constant Contact to remind the kids "Remember that C in Remedial Interpretive Dance you didn't deserve?"...
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