It's really remarkable the "evidence" that has been used to tar and feather Joe and the other administrators. For review:
-Joe had to have known about 1998 based upon emails not authored by him.
-That knowledge of a 1998 investigation must lead someone to conclude the report of inappropriate behavior in 2001 should be taken more seriously (see Clemente report where he details how the opposite line of thinking is more accurate).
-That Paterno and PSU are somehow culpable for the 1998 incident, when it was fully investigated by university police and put in the hands of the Centre County DA's office, who refused to prosecute despite having evidence to do so.
-That Joe orchestrated a cover up in 2001 based upon Curley's email about how he individually felt reporting Sandusky to DPW should be reconsidered based upon his conversation with "coach."
-That the administrators were motivated by a desire to protect football, when no mention of football, athletics, fundraising, or similar concepts were found in any of the millions of documents allegedly scoured over by the Freeh Group and the AG's Office
-That the 1976 accuser is credible, when he responded to the most leading of leading questions in a deposition, only remembers being in a "building somewhere" when he spoke with Joe, told multiple adults connected with a summer camp who did not respond to the allegation, did not report it to anyone but a friend for multiple decades, only came public with the incident after Joe was dead and after hiring a civil lawyer to sue PSU for millions, and when the credibility of his claim was called into question by PMA
-That Mike McQueary is credible despite changing his testimony on no less than 5 occasions, and despite having his allegations of widespread knowledge being repudiated by former coaches.