Peyton Robb

Something like that.

Not to nitpick, but spider bites are exceptionally rare. Most cases of reported “spider bites” are simply a localized staph infection (furuncle) from minor (non-bite) trauma which allows a portal of entry for the bacteria.

I’m not a big fan of spiders, but boy do they have about the worst PR team of any of God’s creatures (and that includes Nelson Brands).
Stop spinning your web of deceit.
I am more shocked than a judo mom on a Friday night that those virtue signaling UV push Zamboni things they occasionally run over the mat didn’t clean this up.
I noticed more than once that the guys running those zappers kind of (or is it have) zipped through the back and forth quicker than they typically did in 2021. There were more than one or two occasions they ran them around the wrestlers standing in the middle of the mat waiting to start the next match. I would hope that between each session the mats were bleach cleaned.
I am left to wonder if the warmup areas get the same thorough spic and span efforts the competition mats get.
I am more shocked than a judo mom on a Friday night that those virtue signaling UV push Zamboni things they occasionally run over the mat didn’t clean this up.
I had a discussion about this at NCAA with my Dad. I'm skeptical, as well. UV is used in some water purification applications, but it's usually a secondary treatment, after a good dose of chlorine. I guess it's more prevalent in Europe, than here.

The problem I see is there's a time and concentration effect with UV. That means that as the kids, almost assuredly with no training, run the UV hoverboards over the mats at various speeds, the walking speed may be too fast, so the time portion may be too low. Plus, the bulbs in those things will weaken over time, meaning that the walking speed would have to decrease to make up for the lack of UV power.

Not to mention that UV will damage your eyes in a hurry.
Anyone read any updates on Peyton? Last thing I read it sounded like he was responding well to the surgery and antibiotics, but this is pretty serious stuff. It ain’t over until it’s over.
On one hand, the UV treatment might not have worked. On the other, a TON of wrestling has been done on mats “cleaned” with them and this is the first I’ve heard of something like this.
I had a discussion about this at NCAA with my Dad. I'm skeptical, as well. UV is used in some water purification applications, but it's usually a secondary treatment, after a good dose of chlorine. I guess it's more prevalent in Europe, than here.

The problem I see is there's a time and concentration effect with UV. That means that as the kids, almost assuredly with no training, run the UV hoverboards over the mats at various speeds, the walking speed may be too fast, so the time portion may be too low. Plus, the bulbs in those things will weaken over time, meaning that the walking speed would have to decrease to make up for the lack of UV power.

Not to mention that UV will damage your eyes in a hurry.
James Corden Virus GIF by The Late Late Show with James Corden
I was curious if there was any overlap between the three hospitalized wrestlers and the mats they wrestled on. I don't see anything necessarily damning here but there is some overlap, I believe more than a statistically random distribution among the 8 mats.
  • On Thursday, Robb wrestled on mat 4 in both sessions, while Plott and Wittlake both wrestled on mat 1 in session one and mat 6 in session 2.
  • On Friday afternoon, there was no overlapping among the three wrestlers, but at night, Wittlake and Robb both wrestled on Mat 4.
  • On Saturday there was no overlap. From Robb's account, hisinfection, at least, appeared earlier than that; Saturday's data is less relevant than Thursday's and Friday's.
I'll warn that none of this is conclusive of a particular mat or mats being a factor (or mats, period, being a contributing factor), but this is the sort of research an attorney would want to know at the outset. These overlaps could easily be coincidences; each infection could have come about independently.

Peyton Robb
- Jared Hill - Mat 4
- Garrett Model - Mat 4
- Daniel Cardenas - Mat 6
- Levi Haines - Mat 4
- Jared Franek - Mat 2
- Ed Scott - INJ Default

Dustin Plott
- Luca Augustine - Mat 1
- Aaron Olmos - Mat 6
Day 2
- Chris Foca - Mat 3
- Demetrius Romero - Mat 4
- Ethan Smith - Mat 5
Day 3
- Mekhi Lewis - Mat 3
- Nelson Brands - Mat 1

Travis Wittlake
- Dylan Connell - Mat 1
- Hunter Bolen - Mat 6
Day 2
- Matt Finesilver - Mat 2
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Wonderful news and an excellent message from Peyton. The community aspect of wrestling (and sports in general) rings true for me. I turn 54 soon and I haven't wrestled in a very long but I try to read this forum daily. Even though I don't comment often, I feel like I belong, even though we are all anonymous. This forum provides value to my life and makes me laugh and think. The wrestling community is very generous and has repeatedly acted upon others in need, regardless of affiliation. Underneath all the rhetoric, there is kindness. It is an under discussed aspect of sports that many of us identify with and admire. Keep fighting Peyton!
I was curious if there was any overlap between the three hospitalized wrestlers and the mats they wrestled on. I don't see anything necessarily damning here but there is some overlap, I believe more than a statistically random distribution among the 8 mats.
  • On Thursday, Robb wrestled on mat 4 in both sessions, while Plott and Wittlake both wrestled on mat 1 in session one and mat 6 in session 2.
  • On Friday afternoon, there was no overlapping among the three wrestlers, but at night, Wittlake and Robb both wrestled on Mat 4.
  • On Saturday there was no overlap. From Robb's account, hisinfection, at least, appeared earlier than that; Saturday's data is less relevant than Thursday's and Friday's.
I'll warn that none of this is conclusive of a particular mat or mats being a factor (or mats, period, being a contributing factor), but this is the sort of research an attorney would want to know at the outset. These overlaps could easily be coincidences; each infection could have come about independently.

Peyton Robb
- Jared Hill - Mat 4
- Garrett Model - Mat 4
- Daniel Cardenas - Mat 6
- Levi Haines - Mat 4
- Jared Franek - Mat 2
- Ed Scott - INJ Default

Dustin Plott
- Luca Augustine - Mat 1
- Aaron Olmos - Mat 6
Day 2
- Chris Foca - Mat 3
- Demetrius Romero - Mat 4
- Ethan Smith - Mat 5
Day 3
- Mekhi Lewis - Mat 3
- Nelson Brands - Mat 1

Travis Wittlake
- Dylan Connell - Mat 1
- Hunter Bolen - Mat 6
Day 2
- Matt Finesilver - Mat 2
Nice work, counselor.
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I was curious if there was any overlap between the three hospitalized wrestlers and the mats they wrestled on. I don't see anything necessarily damning here but there is some overlap, I believe more than a statistically random distribution among the 8 mats.
  • On Thursday, Robb wrestled on mat 4 in both sessions, while Plott and Wittlake both wrestled on mat 1 in session one and mat 6 in session 2.
  • On Friday afternoon, there was no overlapping among the three wrestlers, but at night, Wittlake and Robb both wrestled on Mat 4.
  • On Saturday there was no overlap. From Robb's account, hisinfection, at least, appeared earlier than that; Saturday's data is less relevant than Thursday's and Friday's.
I'll warn that none of this is conclusive of a particular mat or mats being a factor (or mats, period, being a contributing factor), but this is the sort of research an attorney would want to know at the outset. These overlaps could easily be coincidences; each infection could have come about independently.

Peyton Robb
- Jared Hill - Mat 4
- Garrett Model - Mat 4
- Daniel Cardenas - Mat 6
- Levi Haines - Mat 4
- Jared Franek - Mat 2
- Ed Scott - INJ Default

Dustin Plott
- Luca Augustine - Mat 1
- Aaron Olmos - Mat 6
Day 2
- Chris Foca - Mat 3
- Demetrius Romero - Mat 4
- Ethan Smith - Mat 5
Day 3
- Mekhi Lewis - Mat 3
- Nelson Brands - Mat 1

Travis Wittlake
- Dylan Connell - Mat 1
- Hunter Bolen - Mat 6
Day 2
- Matt Finesilver - Mat 2
More relevant is what mats was Spencer on Thursday and Friday morning? Asking for an enemy …
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Time to go back to time-tested cleaning equipment. Bring out the bleach and clean water
When were the UV lights implemented? Was that in response to Covid? I think there was a lot of discussion during the pandemic about UV light killing the virus, so it looks like they may have overreacted and left people vulnerable to other (potentially more dangerous) infections.
When were the UV lights implemented? Was that in response to Covid? I think there was a lot of discussion during the pandemic about UV light killing the virus, so it looks like they may have overreacted and left people vulnerable to other (potentially more dangerous) infections.
I believe UV use became widespread in response to covid. I think it provides an increased level of protection in scenarios like tournaments where some level of disinfection can take place relatively continuously without significant delays, but I don't think it should be the only step taken.
Here's a link to Sterilaser:

And of course there was this:
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This may be an erroneous observation, because I confess to not knowing enough about UV and its effectiveness. I would think it would be quite effective on hard, non-porous surfaces. With mats being a soft and probably somewhat porous, I wonder if the UV’s ability is compromised.
This may be an erroneous observation, because I confess to not knowing enough about UV and its effectiveness. I would think it would be quite effective on hard, non-porous surfaces. With mats being a soft and probably somewhat porous, I wonder if the UV’s ability is compromised.
Wonder if Ohio State is immune due to all the tanning?
If you’re squeamish, I recommend not looking at the photos Willie and Mineo posted of Robb’s leg. Just brutal stuff
Wow. That's unbelievable and unfortunate. I donated money when they had the online fund raiser and now looking at those photos makes me glad that I did. That's not going to be a quick recovery for that young man.
When were the UV lights implemented? Was that in response to Covid? I think there was a lot of discussion during the pandemic about UV light killing the virus, so it looks like they may have overreacted and left people vulnerable to other (potentially more dangerous) infections.
We use UV lights in air handling units. It does nothing to kill covid, but it is used to help keep the coils clean. It does kill germs and virus, but it takes time in direct light. A lot of companies came out with uv ligth fixtures, disinfection tools and room cleaners. No evidence any of them work that I know of. Also The UV light hurts a lot of surfaces. In air handling units we must but auto off switches when the door is open. Had an employee look at a light after shutting the door behind him. Could not see well for about a week. If you can see the lights under the scanner and not hurt your eyes, I would not think they are to strong.
If you’re squeamish, I recommend not looking at the photos Willie and Mineo posted of Robb’s leg. Just brutal stuff
Meh, just rub some dirt on it... Super glad he is on the other side of it. Does anyone know if the issue is being investigated since several of the wrestlers from that tourney had problems too?
We use UV lights in air handling units. It does nothing to kill covid, but it is used to help keep the coils clean. It does kill germs and virus, but it takes time in direct light. A lot of companies came out with uv ligth fixtures, disinfection tools and room cleaners. No evidence any of them work that I know of. Also The UV light hurts a lot of surfaces. In air handling units we must but auto off switches when the door is open. Had an employee look at a light after shutting the door behind him. Could not see well for about a week. If you can see the lights under the scanner and not hurt your eyes, I would not think they are to strong.
Worked in horticulture for a quite a few years. Post harvest one of the sanitization methods we used was a UV light that was meant to be used in hospital rooms. It could be set for up to 60 min so the mats must not be getting long enough exposure because that light was scary strong. My boss didn't give it the respect it deserved the first time he used it. Inside of 30 seconds he had given himself a nuclear tan and his eyes were f*cked until the next day. He was inconsolable.