on a separate private school tangent, I am amazed at how much money parents will pay to send their kid to a private high school for sports. i can understand sending a kid to a parochial school (catholic or christian or whatever religion) because of having religion and other moral related issue as part of the curriculum. Or if you live in a really bad public school system and private school is a much better education. But these schools are $20,000+ a year and i see a ton of parents sending their kid to them solely because a specific sports team is a little bit better than their local public school. Considering I live in a really good public school district of which there really are not any private schools that are equal (or at best maybe similar), I don't understand spending close to $100,000 for high school so your kid can play on a soccer or lacrosse or basketball team that is better than the public school team WHEN your kid has zero chance of being a Div 1A level full scholarship player (which is 99% of the kids). Can anyone explain that to me?