You should learn to read. I wrote nothing of the sort. My comments had nothing to do with maintaining academic excellence, which I support completely - what Joe accomplished, as well as the standards that CJF has set for academics and player behavior..
What I was saying was that I couldn't care less how much CJF makes. PSU spent what it took to hire a great coach and his staff. CJF is aggressively assembling a talented team, as he said he would on the evening his hiring was announced.
I took no swipes at anyone, but you are the one that comes on strong with the unwarranted criticism. Read the words for what they are, and not for you pleasure in interpreting them so you can make an a$$ of yourself.
You are correct, I posted to wrong msg, but I immediately corrected it - but still my apologies. However, the response it was intended for did take gratuitous swipes at JVP and The Grand Experiment in his response to sluggo 72.