Poll: End the Year with a Bang

With whom would you like to ring in the New Year?

  • Unleash the Puppy(ies)

  • Sea Nymph

  • Stretch

  • Take a Dip

  • Come Here

  • Orange You Glad

  • Pretty in Pink

  • Canyons & Valleys

  • Ignite

  • Ready to Party?

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3 thumbs up
Dixie Wreck
Last edited:
Not sure - probably no, since my polls include a lot of my ‘types’ and ‘preferences’ which I think is the same for you.


I find it easier to vote in polls assembled by others. I can quickly go through the pics and eliminate those that I don't care for.

In polls that I create, I look at 100s of pictures, so I've already eliminated quite a few that I don't care for. Those that make the poll are those that met my criteria for that poll.

In this poll, I really didn't have a lot of time to assemble the poll, so I wasn't even all that aware of the overall collection until after I posted it. In the hours after I posted it, I really had a tough time coming up with a top 3, as there weren't any easy for me to eliminate. So I punted until the next day (or two or three), and I still am having a tough time.

I guess it's a good poll when there are more than 3 pics that I want to vote for. ;)
Tom, it is also the sign of a good poll when there is a pretty even distribution of votes from the board community, which is the case with this poll. Well done, sir!

As I wrote earlier 3 thumbs up
Dixie Wreck
After much thought, I'm going with

Unleash the Puppy(ies) to win,
Canyons & Valleys to place, and
Ignite to show

It was really difficult to leave Come Here and Ready to Party? out of the top 3. Sea Nymph would have won a number of polls I've created in the past, and yet I don't have her in my top 3. smh. Truthfully, I would have been happy with any of them. ;)
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[QUOTE:):):)="Tom McAndrew, post: 4595867, member: 58"]interesting.

I find it easier to vote in polls assembled by others. I can quickly go through the pics and eliminate those that I don't care for.

In polls that I create, I look at 100s of pictures, so I've already eliminated quite a few that I don't care for. Those that make the poll are those that met my criteria for that poll.

In this poll, I really didn't have a lot of time to assemble the poll, so I wasn't even all that aware of the overall collection until after I posted it. In the hours after I posted it, I really had a tough time coming up with a top 3, as there weren't any easy for me to eliminate. So I punted until the next day (or two or three), and I still am having a tough time.

I guess it's a good poll when there are more than 3 pics that I want to vote for. ;)[/QUOTE]

And it’s an E L I T E poll when there are ten you want to vote for.....! :)
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Can't make up my mind between Nymph, Come and Party.

Orange looks good too, but reminds me too much of UT (take your pick Tennessee or Texas).
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Reactions: Tom McAndrew
they don't bother me unless they are grossly out of proportion. And perhaps it's wishful thinking on my part, but I give the benefit of the doubt to a lot of the ladies, and just assume that they hit the genetic jackpot, and inherited big boobs.
I used to squire around a young lady with a 43” bust and a 24” waist. Never once did I ever feel “bothered”. Felt a lot of other stuff but never bothered.