POLL: Hottest 90's alt music girls!

  • Thread starter anon_xdc8rmuek44eq
  • Start date
Helping you out here with Sara McLachlan . . .

Saw her at Heinz Hall two or three years ago - she looked and sounded tremendous. Of the poll girls I always thought Jewel was smoking. Gwen is so thin, she's normally not my type, but there's something about her that is all that. Maybe because she works out and is in great shape - thin without being scrawny and birdlike.

Anyhow, Sara looks just fine for 47 . . . .

Have a funny story about Poe...

I loved her first CD and was pumped when I heard she was coming to Penn State. I went to a signing she had downtown and was hoping to meet her and get an autograph on my CD jacket. I wait 45 minutes and right as I'm about to meet her they cut the line off because she has to go. Ah well. And yeah, she was even hotter in person. Didn't include her because I wasn't sure if anyone here knew much about her.
Re: I'd argue that Liz is by far the best musician of the bunch*

+1.. well certainly up there. but quite a number of them are first class musicians. anyway whitechocolatespacegg .. smart well written music.
Originally posted by WestSideLion:
Re: Crap. Knew I shouldn't have used that pic of Liz Phair....*

That's the only PG picture of Liz Phair out there. Honestly, has she ever taken a picture with her clothes on?

(Still voted for her.)

(Exile in Guyville was brilliant and it was all down hill from there.)

(Carrie Brownstein over Corin Tucker?)

(I always liked pre-eating disorder Juliana Hatfield)

And DEAR GOD, Neko Case?