Poll please: Who supports the direction PSU Football is going and who is against it? I'm For it

I keep reading how Franklin gets "out coached" all the time. Given talent he inherited and difficulty of recruiting his first year I think he has done a creditable job.

The new world of run the score and humiliate your opponent has made the talent disparity more obvious. How many you truly expected to come through the sanctions with a winning record?
We were supposed to be eliminated from the public eye. Our conference took steps to hold the regional TV markets when we collapsed.
We confounded all of them because Penn State people knew and were loyal. Now that we are turning the corner toward complete competitiveness is not a time to nit pick a coach.

His recruiting has been commendable don't kid your self about the talent on hand when he got here. He has under-performed. If you want to talk about depth or numbers at certain positions, feel free, but the "what he inherited" is an overblown excuse not representative of the situation, which was better than most middle of the road Big Ten teams deal with year in year out.

How many expected a winning record during the sanction years? I did. Again, depth was a going to cause problems and it did, coaching turnover was a problem but talent wise, State's top 22 was top quarter of the conference and the top 44 was in the top half, and yeah, the top 44 is what really matters. Go look at Ohio State's scholarship numbers in 2012 and 2013. No excuses allowed.
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At the risk of stating the obvious - what choice is there for me, as a fan?

I am not an alum or fan of any other program.
I am not influential enough to make changes - and if I could, who would PSU get to replace Franklin.

He has had back to back winning seasons and bowl games, and generally, the stadium has seen good crowds. Kids have stayed out of trouble, and have graduated.

Yes, when you get into the weeds, he has had some issues with coaches/line play/on field stuff....but part of that is the grown pains of a new coach/school/system....and that 800 lb. gorilla in the middle of the room....

Who is the girl in your post
We can re poll next week too. ;).

Reality is that the best poll will be looking back after the season rather than after 3 - 4 games.

I'm basing this poll on the body of work to date. I like Franklin and the big picture he is trying to paint versus one game in which I had hopes to win (Pitt)
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so for some perspective...go look at michigan, tennessee, ND, UCLA...all of those programs had multiple down years including losing seasons over a 5 year stretch. And they had NO SANCTIONS. Hell, look at PSU 2000-2004. I am not sure what people expect right now. Do I wish that PSU would have beaten Temple and Georgia last year and Pitt this year, of course. But those sanctions were real and PSU was and is still playing handicapped due to them. I don't think anybody disagrees that PSU's program has moved into the 21st century. I am old school as they get but understand change occurs and it had to be done. JFF appears to care about many of the similar things that Joe did with respect to grades (appears a couple of players that could have contributed this year are in the doghouse and not playing, name another coach you know of who would do something like that) and players being productive members of the community. So as far as I can tell, he is doing things the PSU way in those respects.

As for on field, the recruiting classes are as about as good as anybody could expect. he made tough decisions and got rid of a couple of underperforming coaches and the hires he made most feel were good ones.

If you want to criticize, go ahead, just tell me what you would have done different so I can criticize and critique your ideas.
I have the patience to see it through.
Yes its frustrating and even angering @ times for us as fans. But I respect every player and coach because they have to swim against the current, but the ship is on course. Steady as she goes and they will eventually return to a more favorable harbor from the rough seas. No doubt lots of character being built!
I have the patience to see it through.
Just got back to Atlanta after a quick 1800 miles trip including a night in Clearfield. No complaints here. If the doubters watched this team on the sideline they would know Franklin is on the right path. Loved Barkley's excitement when his roommate scored. Like the coaching and the player interaction on the sideline. Proud of the academic commitment and player behavior. School should give Coach a 3 year extension and let him close out the 2017 with kids like Wade...
His recruiting has been commendable don't kid your self about the talent on hand when he got here. He has under-performed. If you want to talk about depth or numbers at certain positions, feel free, but the "what he inherited" is an overblown excuse not representative of the situation, which was better than most middle of the road Big Ten teams deal with year in year out.

How many expected a winning record during the sanction years? I did. Again, depth was a going to cause problems and it did, coaching turnover was a problem but talent wise, State's top 22 was top quarter of the conference and the top 44 was in the top half, and yeah, the top 44 is what really matters. Go look at Ohio State's scholarship numbers in 2012 and 2013. No excuses allowed.

But in 2011 Ohio State had a losing record.
I have the patience to see it through.

I support the current direction of the program: In the face of misfortune, tragedy, hard times, and rough breaks, Franklin is doing as well as anyone could expect.

At some point, however, we need to win a game over a top 50 team. Hopefully, Iowa at home, this year, or Minnesota at home, this year.
I keep reading how Franklin gets "out coached" all the time. Given talent he inherited and difficulty of recruiting his first year I think he has done a creditable job.

The new world of run the score and humiliate your opponent has made the talent disparity more obvious. How many you truly expected to come through the sanctions with a winning record?
We were supposed to be eliminated from the public eye. Our conference took steps to hold the regional TV markets when we collapsed.
We confounded all of them because Penn State people knew and were loyal. Now that we are turning the corner toward complete competitiveness is not a time to nit pick a coach.

Please drop the term "turning the corner", I associate it with Tim Curley defending his friend Ed DeChellis.

We are working hard toward improving the team on the field, we are not there yet, I am hoping against hope, that we put it together with these young kids, by games 8 through 12 this year.
I'm all in, staff adjustments in the last 2 years don't help, but best recruiting in 25 years.
I wonder if there will be this much support for the "program's direction" this time next week?

Of course there will be: Harbaugh convinced 6 of his players to turn down NFL paychecks and signing bonuses, his line is full of seniors on both sides of the ball, and he has the nations' best football player on his side. We have no prayer this week, our job is to play the game one play at a time, get out of there without 5 more injuries, come home, and find a way to beat Minnesota.
I'm all in, staff adjustments in the last 2 years don't help, but best recruiting in 25 years.

Actually the staff adjustments in the past two years is one of the best things this program has done: Limegrover is finding a way to get the offensive line to improve, albeit slightly, and Moorhead is basically two steps up from Donovan.
so for some perspective...go look at michigan, tennessee, ND, UCLA...all of those programs had multiple down years including losing seasons over a 5 year stretch. And they had NO SANCTIONS. Hell, look at PSU 2000-2004. I am not sure what people expect right now. Do I wish that PSU would have beaten Temple and Georgia last year and Pitt this year, of course. But those sanctions were real and PSU was and is still playing handicapped due to them. I don't think anybody disagrees that PSU's program has moved into the 21st century. I am old school as they get but understand change occurs and it had to be done. JFF appears to care about many of the similar things that Joe did with respect to grades (appears a couple of players that could have contributed this year are in the doghouse and not playing, name another coach you know of who would do something like that) and players being productive members of the community. So as far as I can tell, he is doing things the PSU way in those respects.

As for on field, the recruiting classes are as about as good as anybody could expect. he made tough decisions and got rid of a couple of underperforming coaches and the hires he made most feel were good ones.

If you want to criticize, go ahead, just tell me what you would have done different so I can criticize and critique your ideas.

Good post
I keep reading how Franklin gets "out coached" all the time. Given talent he inherited and difficulty of recruiting his first year I think he has done a creditable job.

The new world of run the score and humiliate your opponent has made the talent disparity more obvious. How many you truly expected to come through the sanctions with a winning record?
We were supposed to be eliminated from the public eye. Our conference took steps to hold the regional TV markets when we collapsed.
We confounded all of them because Penn State people knew and were loyal. Now that we are turning the corner toward complete competitiveness is not a time to nit pick a coach.

To be honest, only a few even attempt to say he got out coached. Crusher is clueless and that is about all he can post. How come Rhule didn't out coach him again this weekend like last year? Oh yeah...talent and depth actually matters. PSU is almost down to pulling kids out of the stands to play LB...IT's THE COACHING. RS FROSH/SOPH DL in their first starts getting abused...COACHING. There is no thought behind some of these posts and some are really not intelligent enough to comprehend where PSU was/is at from a roster standpoint. You can't fix stupid and they certainly can't fix themselves.
I support Franklin. However, I suggest three changes to his staff.

Name 21Gums OL coach.
Name Wally Breen Offensive Coordinator/QB coach.
Name McNits Recruiting Coordinator.

The above three changes will vastly improve performance and likely lead to consecutive undefeated, even NC, seasons. The above three have impeccable credentials as evidenced by their astute and inciteful posts on this message board.

Huge upgrade. FACT.
100 percent in for the players

1000 percent disagree with the coaching staff. The proof is found with the results on the field. Players that were studs before joining the team are still studs but not really much improved. Players that had potential prior to joining the team never realized their full potential.

The game day coaching is horrendous.

Also, what is with so many injuries? What are we doing to condition our players yet not overwork them to being susceptible to injury?

Time is not something we have. The more seasons of the same results the more recruits we lose and this system relies on good to great players and not good to great coaching.

Hope everyone of you, my friends, are having a good day.
New here... ALL IN, though.

I do think that Franklin is going to need to coach smarter, but there is evidence that he already is. Part of that is through effective delegation and improved offensive coaching hires (which has been discussed to death). I have some concern as to whether Brent Pry can effectively coach these young players "up", and I also have some concern that problems with fundamentals has contributed to the multitude of injuries that have piled-up on that side of the ball. He has also made some excellent in-game decisions in the last two games -- when was the last time you heard commentators complimenting his coaching decisions? I have heard it at least 2-3 times this year in-game.

I have to echo the sentiment that Franklin's style and emphasis is the right fit for Penn State. He certainly sees the importance of energizing the fan base (read: donating, game-attending alumni), and he emphasizes a Paterno-esque culture in which he expects excellence in academics and community service. In general, his message to the world regarding Penn State Football is POSITIVE. That is paramount right now, and I think he is earning his paycheck. I think in 2-3 years, the expectation will be fair that he produce winning teams that compete for (at least) the division title. That may be an unfair expectation this year, but it is certainly reasonable and it does seem like that is our general trajectory.

PSU fans need to have some damn testicular fortitude and patience.
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New here... ALL IN, though.

I do think that Franklin is going to need to coach smarter, but there is evidence that he already is. Part of that is through effective delegation and improved offensive coaching hires (which has been discussed to death). I have some concern as to whether Brent Pry can effectively coach these young players "up", and I also have some concern that problems with fundamentals has contributed to the multitude of injuries that have piled-up on that side of the ball. He has also made some excellent in-game decisions in the last two games -- when was the last time you heard commentators complimenting his coaching decisions? I have heard it at least 2-3 times this year in-game.

I have to echo the sentiment that Franklin's style and emphasis is the right fit for Penn State. He certainly sees the importance of energizing the fan base (read: donating, game-attending alumni), and he emphasizes a Paterno-esque culture in which he expects excellence in academics and community service. In general, his message to the world regarding Penn State Football is POSITIVE. That is paramount right now, and I think he is earning his paycheck. I think in 2-3 years, the expectation will be fair that he produce winning teams that compete for (at least) the division title. That may be an unfair expectation this year, but it is certainly reasonable and it does seem like that is our general trajectory.

PSU fans need to have some damn testicular fortitude and patience.

And, just as a background, I am a 2007 Eberly College of Science grad. Have bled PSU B/W for my entire life (from York Co originally).
Not really, I'm not a football coach... but I am a physician and I can see how easy it would be for problems with say... tackling or running fundamentals could contribute to poor technique and injuries. Not sure how that could be up for debate.
Not really, I'm not a football coach... but I am a physician and I can see how easy it would be for problems with say... tackling or running fundamentals could contribute to poor technique and injuries. Not sure how that could be up for debate.

too lazy/busy to fix this grammar, but i'm sure you get the 'jist'
Not really, I'm not a football coach... but I am a physician and I can see how easy it would be for problems with say... tackling or running fundamentals could contribute to poor technique and injuries. Not sure how that could be up for debate.
Not debating. It's just that you said that it had contributed like you observed specific instances in the case of this year's injuries. No debate that it "could" contribute.
I support the current direction of the program: In the face of misfortune, tragedy, hard times, and rough breaks, Franklin is doing as well as anyone could expect.

At some point, however, we need to win a game over a top 50 team. Hopefully, Iowa at home, this year, or Minnesota at home, this year.
He already has. San Diego State was a top 50 team by almost every metric last season.
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