Press conference going on right now re SAE, formerly of OU.


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2004
The two kids identified have been expelled by OU. SAE: Finished at OU. Very well done by everyone involved. This is how a University ought to handle this sort of horseshit. We shall see whether Barron has the stones for it.

This post was edited on 3/25 5:28 PM by demlion

This post was edited on 3/25 5:35 PM by demlion
Re: Press conference going on right now re SAE, fromerly of OU.

I actually favor PSU going through the prescribed process. That's why we have them, and we all should appreciate the jeopardy of not doing so.
Yes, kudos. Now they get to defend an ACLU lawsuit for violating the Constitution.
So, are you saying until the criminal trials are over nobody can be suspend

ed or expelled? That seems crazy. That is not the prescribed process I don't think.
HAHAHA! Good luck with that. What constitutional rights were violated?

Wow. But even racist frat boys have rights. Of course their national chapter shit-canned them too, and I am guessing without a national chapter affiliation they cannot be there anyway. Please. Get your popcorn and wait for the lawsuits. Should be fun to see how wrong you are.
Re: HAHAHA! Good luck with that. What constitutional rights were violated?

The Constitutional right to say reprehensible things without being punished by the governmental. Like the Nazis marching in Skokie, or the KKK marching wherever it is they march.
Re: HAHAHA! Good luck with that. What constitutional rights were violated?

Agreed, their National can do whatever it wants, but I would be willing to bet that they have a beef with OU as a public institution. Question is who will be willing to bring the case as I dont think the ACLU will have any interest due to the dynamics. If it were reversed, the ACLU would be all over it.
I am sure he can find the courthouse and a lawyer. Let him file it up.

If being known forever by everyone as a racist is worth it to him then he should file the case ASAP. Let's see if he does.

You know, the Skokie Nazis are not known as champions of the first Amendment. They are known as NAZIS. gonna make his apology sound kind of hollow if he sues. But that is his right. Meanwhile, the frat is slammed, and unless they want to be known as the race- hate frat all over the country they will suck it up too. LOL.

Boren is smarter than you think, sparky.
Re: I am sure he can find the courthouse and a lawyer. Let him file it up.

He probably will be too ashamed/intimidated to file a lawsuit (although I wouldn't be surprised if the ACLU is trying to sign him up). That's a terrible way to administer the Constitution, though. The University's administration should know better.
Re: How has the governmental punished him? ***

Are you making fun of my typo? If so, grow up. If not, then the answer is by kicking him out of school.
Huh? The government kicked him out of school? I thought the school....

....kicked him out of school, no?

And i thought you were trying to be funny with 'governmental,' so i just repeated it.
Re: Huh? The government kicked him out of school? I thought the school....

It's a public school. It's an extension of the government. It is subject to the Bill of Rights. So, yeah, the school kicked him out but the school is the government.
Well he just apologized on national television. I should hope to hell

he is too ashamed to file a lawsuit claiming what happened was unconstitutional. But that is his choice.
Yes. Here is what that tone signifies:

Rich white racist frat boys have very little of my sympathy, and if they feel they have a lawsuit to file they should file it. I think Boren saw that in the end they would not have the balls--too much to lose.

Pardlion, OTOH, used to be a frat boy and he defends their prerogative to not suffer too much at the hands of those who hate that the KDR boys have a facebook page for 150 of their closest friends showing women being humiliated and debased. those little jerks should file if they got a claim, too.

I 've spent more time defending the US constitution that most people you know, and I resent dillettantes like Pardlion thinking they invented it when one of their frat boy buddies is inconvenienced.

That's the tone. thanks for noticing.
Re: Yes. Here is what that tone signifies:

Oh really? You seem like you'd be a really good constitutional lawyer. Not.
Re: Well he just apologized on national television. I should hope to hell

Yes, that's a great idea. It should be ok for the government to violate the constitution as long as it thinks the victim of the violation will be too ashamed to enforce his rights.

They were expelled? I'd be interested to see what the basis for that was.
Re: Yes. Here is what that tone signifies:

The tone appears elsewhere too. 60% of the topics you chime in on must be about white frat boys ;-)
I'm familiar with what they did. I was asking a more technical question regarding which specific rule they broke that already specified expulsion as a punishment.
Welcome, newbie. Glad you could stop by for the last couple days.

I will happily say that lately rich white frat boys have occupied a fair bit of the board space here. You might have noticed the dumb little bastards have FURTHER held PSU up to scorn lately.
This post was edited on 3/25 9:20 PM by demlion
Its not ok. But I am not going to worry about their rights,

they have lots of opportunity and money to enforce their rights. I URGE them to jump at the chance. they can be heroes like the Skokie Nazis.
Re: Welcome, newbie. Glad you could stop by for the last couple days.

All that hate gonna burn you up.
Nope. gonna run those frats out into the hills where they belong.

See ya, Seymour!
WTH does them being "rich" frat boys have to do with anything????

I'm sorry .... but there's no need to introduce the adjective "rich" in here.

Seriously, I can almost SEE the sneer on your face as you type "rich" even from here, 400 miles away.
Impacts DIRECTLY on their ability to enforce their legal rights.

so when whiners cry about their precious legal rights, they can rest assured these rich white frat boys have the means to secure them.
Re: That's a rather dumb comment

Nice try. We all saw your original post and know exactly what you meant.
Re: Impacts DIRECTLY on their ability to enforce their legal rights.

Or they could just get the ACLU to represent them for free.
No, wrong ...... even if they were paupers, the ACLU would step in

note Pardlion's link, the ACLU has defending the freaking KKK before. They wouldn't be scared of the "bad publicity" of this case.

Fair enough, your bias against "rich" frat boys comes through loud & clear in this thread. I get it ......... that's why you mention "rich" while you sneer as you type.
Re: There is a simple solution

Its a small world. I worked with that kid's father for a few years. He was our regional VP in Dallas. He has since moved on a couple of times. When he came to work for us he brought along his friend who is a property manager. She is a very classy black lady who still works for us. Must be awkward for them. I know Bob had to move out of his house since he was getting death threats.
Stupid kid. Sad.
Yep, its all there for them. Let's see if they do. If they do not, it

will be because what they did is more shaming than losing the 1st Amendment rights is harmful. This is something Boren figured out way before you. In any event they have the freedom to do whatever they want--get a free lawyer, get a high priced 1st Amendment private lawyer, or do nothing and hope the stink goes away so they can return to their medium sized town and get that job with their father's insurance agency or accounting firm which awaits them. the world is their f@cking oyster.

One guy apologized, the other did not, so maybe we will get a chance to see how it works both ways. won't that be fun?

EDIT--I was wrong--the other guy apologized, too. So now who's gonna file this big ACLU suit? LOL.

This post was edited on 3/25 10:12 PM by demlion

This post was edited on 3/25 10:14 PM by demlion