Promising comment section to a twisted article by a twisted individual


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2012
North East PA, Backmountain area, age 75
Another solid waste article with the author pounding his chest about the moral decay of The PSU. I posted because the comment section was reasonable wrt the university et al. Hell. I don't even believe the name of the author is posted. I only posted the comments, not the link.

Penn State vs. USC: Morals in college football never existed

  1. avatar

    May 17, 2017 at 7:38 am Reply

    A broken record and another sports journal espousing the narrative that schools that in fact do put Football above academics and operate loosely with rules for recruiting and fair play would have never turned a blind eye to a former coach allegedly molesting teenage boys who had no affiliation to their university and would have demanded a full law enforcement investigation despite there being very little real evidence that any crime had been committed by their former coach (at the time the alleged crimes had been committed).These virtuous schools who only skirt a few rules to gain advantage on the grid iron would have turned heaven and earth to see their former coach was lynched from highest tree regardless of what the evidence was at the time or any proof of real guilt and therefore these schools should be considered morally superior? None of these journalists care examine or present all the real facts of the case because the facts do not support the narrative they are pushing. There is also no need to argue as their minds are closed the idea of getting at the truth.


  2. city4357
    May 17, 2017 at 7:33 am Reply
    Que the media kool-aid drinkers like JM that think people that actually have critical thinking are “joe-bots”.

    The 1976 claim was a claim with no evidence to support it by a guy suing the school for millions of dollars and the guy decided to come forward with this claim in 2014….TWO YEARS after Paterno died.

    Any rational person would instinctively doubt a 40 year old claim with no evidence that was accusing a deceased individual, but brain-dead media kool-aid drinkers like JM simply view people that don’t just believe anything as “Joe bots”.

    It’s a sad testament to the people that still believe everything they read in the media. Thankfully, there are people no longer as ignorant as JM and that read critically and doubt media stories that frame things without evidence. Just like the claims made about the 70s.

    Notice, nobody else in the football program was charged, and it took five years to even get 1 misdemeanor conviction each for the PSU president, VP, and AD. Because there was no evidence of some cover up or loss of institutional control like the ranting lunatic author above goes on about. This was 3 administrators that passed on the ’01 report to Sandusky’s employer the Second Mile (mandatory reporters, unlike those at PSU) and the Second Mile decided to never look into it. Don’t let the facts get in the way of your ridiculous ranting, though.


  3. city4357
    May 17, 2017 at 7:27 am Reply
    This article is so filled with fallacy, inaccuracy, and outdated material that I honestly felt like i was reading either an article from the onion or just some rambling on a bathroom stall.

    This sounds like the article of a salty USC fan that’s still angry his team was punished for cheating. You broke actual NCAA rules.

    Stop trying to weasel in a legal issue into being an NCAA issue that it’s not under some distraction cloud of emotional pleas to morality by spitting off a lot of inaccuracy and generalized blame of people not to blame.


  4. 73cb3c0e3f59f65693d448122c4eb5fa

    May 17, 2017 at 5:07 am Reply
    Que the JoeBots.

    Jerry Sandusky was a graduate assistant at Penn State in 1966, and became a full assistant coach there in 1969. Joe Paterno was aware of accusations of child molestation originating as far back as 1976.

    The NCAA hit SMU with the death penalty for far-less-damaging ethical violations. Given that premise, it had a moral obligation to eliminate Penn State’s membership altogether.

    If anything, the Penn State scandal exposed the moral bankruptcy surrounding revenue-generating intercollegiate athletics. The whole thing is a charade.


  5. 0a6457901210ff527d13e29459621965

    May 17, 2017 at 4:17 am Reply
    Apparently the author didn’t realize it was 2017. This article contains so many false claims you would think this is the internet? Oh wait, it is. Here is a hint. There was no cover up at Penn State. There is no evidence of a cover up nor has there every been evidence of a cover up. It has been proven well beyond a reasonable doubt that Joe Paterno did the right thing.

    Penn State is the gold standard for ethics in athletics. Joe remains the greatest and most honorable coach in the game’s history.

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  6. avatar

    May 16, 2017 at 5:38 pm Reply
    Another rehash of things that have been debunked. FWIW. the one person that actually did something was Paterno. He to McQuery to the authorities at PSU to report what he saw. That is a fact.

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  7. avatar

    May 16, 2017 at 5:01 pm Reply
    First, Sandusky did not start coaching until 1977. Second, McQuery never said he seen actual rape. He said he heard sounds of a sexual nature. Third, there was no cover up, because there was no rape! Stop pushing the false narrative of the media! Why don’t you mention that all the victims testimony is based off of Repressed memory Therepy! There is no physical evidence at all!

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  8. 7b3ad97748f34c32812d4b8a4b5b0d4e
    anthony david

    May 16, 2017 at 1:31 pm Reply
    You have so much made up BS in this article I thought maybe I was redirected to The Onion.

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Another solid waste article with the author pounding his chest about the moral decay of The PSU. I posted because the comment section was reasonable wrt the university et al. Hell. I don't even believe the name of the author is posted. I only posted the comments, not the link.

Penn State vs. USC: Morals in college football never existed

  1. avatar

    May 17, 2017 at 7:38 am Reply

    A broken record and another sports journal espousing the narrative that schools that in fact do put Football above academics and operate loosely with rules for recruiting and fair play would have never turned a blind eye to a former coach allegedly molesting teenage boys who had no affiliation to their university and would have demanded a full law enforcement investigation despite there being very little real evidence that any crime had been committed by their former coach (at the time the alleged crimes had been committed).These virtuous schools who only skirt a few rules to gain advantage on the grid iron would have turned heaven and earth to see their former coach was lynched from highest tree regardless of what the evidence was at the time or any proof of real guilt and therefore these schools should be considered morally superior? None of these journalists care examine or present all the real facts of the case because the facts do not support the narrative they are pushing. There is also no need to argue as their minds are closed the idea of getting at the truth.

  2. city4357
    May 17, 2017 at 7:33 am Reply
    Que the media kool-aid drinkers like JM that think people that actually have critical thinking are “joe-bots”.

    The 1976 claim was a claim with no evidence to support it by a guy suing the school for millions of dollars and the guy decided to come forward with this claim in 2014….TWO YEARS after Paterno died.

    Any rational person would instinctively doubt a 40 year old claim with no evidence that was accusing a deceased individual, but brain-dead media kool-aid drinkers like JM simply view people that don’t just believe anything as “Joe bots”.

    It’s a sad testament to the people that still believe everything they read in the media. Thankfully, there are people no longer as ignorant as JM and that read critically and doubt media stories that frame things without evidence. Just like the claims made about the 70s.

    Notice, nobody else in the football program was charged, and it took five years to even get 1 misdemeanor conviction each for the PSU president, VP, and AD. Because there was no evidence of some cover up or loss of institutional control like the ranting lunatic author above goes on about. This was 3 administrators that passed on the ’01 report to Sandusky’s employer the Second Mile (mandatory reporters, unlike those at PSU) and the Second Mile decided to never look into it. Don’t let the facts get in the way of your ridiculous ranting, though.

  3. city4357
    May 17, 2017 at 7:27 am Reply
    This article is so filled with fallacy, inaccuracy, and outdated material that I honestly felt like i was reading either an article from the onion or just some rambling on a bathroom stall.

    This sounds like the article of a salty USC fan that’s still angry his team was punished for cheating. You broke actual NCAA rules.

    Stop trying to weasel in a legal issue into being an NCAA issue that it’s not under some distraction cloud of emotional pleas to morality by spitting off a lot of inaccuracy and generalized blame of people not to blame.

  4. 73cb3c0e3f59f65693d448122c4eb5fa

    May 17, 2017 at 5:07 am Reply
    Que the JoeBots.

    Jerry Sandusky was a graduate assistant at Penn State in 1966, and became a full assistant coach there in 1969. Joe Paterno was aware of accusations of child molestation originating as far back as 1976.

    The NCAA hit SMU with the death penalty for far-less-damaging ethical violations. Given that premise, it had a moral obligation to eliminate Penn State’s membership altogether.

    If anything, the Penn State scandal exposed the moral bankruptcy surrounding revenue-generating intercollegiate athletics. The whole thing is a charade.

  5. 0a6457901210ff527d13e29459621965

    May 17, 2017 at 4:17 am Reply
    Apparently the author didn’t realize it was 2017. This article contains so many false claims you would think this is the internet? Oh wait, it is. Here is a hint. There was no cover up at Penn State. There is no evidence of a cover up nor has there every been evidence of a cover up. It has been proven well beyond a reasonable doubt that Joe Paterno did the right thing.

    Penn State is the gold standard for ethics in athletics. Joe remains the greatest and most honorable coach in the game’s history.

    LikeLiked by 1 person
  6. avatar

    May 16, 2017 at 5:38 pm Reply
    Another rehash of things that have been debunked. FWIW. the one person that actually did something was Paterno. He to McQuery to the authorities at PSU to report what he saw. That is a fact.

    LikeLiked by 1 person
  7. avatar

    May 16, 2017 at 5:01 pm Reply
    First, Sandusky did not start coaching until 1977. Second, McQuery never said he seen actual rape. He said he heard sounds of a sexual nature. Third, there was no cover up, because there was no rape! Stop pushing the false narrative of the media! Why don’t you mention that all the victims testimony is based off of Repressed memory Therepy! There is no physical evidence at all!

    LikeLiked by 1 person
  8. 7b3ad97748f34c32812d4b8a4b5b0d4e
    anthony david

    May 16, 2017 at 1:31 pm Reply
    You have so much made up BS in this article I thought maybe I was redirected to The Onion.

Just link this article for them if they want to really see what a "culture" problem looks like.
No, don't. Deflecting the media's attention to an unrelated issue gives the appearance that you're trying to hide something. Instead, keep pounding them with facts that refute the garbage they print with no attempt to fact check anything.
Thank you much hagberg, you understand. I only wanted to show there are others that are disgusted with moranic articules . the articles themselves need not be read.
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No, don't. Deflecting the media's attention to an unrelated issue gives the appearance that you're trying to hide something. Instead, keep pounding them with facts that refute the garbage they print with no attempt to fact check anything.

Or you could show them what a program run amok really looks like.