I'm shocked that this guy is a Magat, a Proud Boy and a QAnon believer.
A member of the Proud Boys street gang was charged Tuesday with second-degree murder in Seattle, accused of killing his brother with a sword.
Posts on Wolfe’s Facebook page reveal his affiliation with Proud Boys, an organization known for its violence. His posts also show he subscribes to QAnon conspiracy theory. Embraced by the far-right, the discredited theory posits that President Donald Trump seeks to salvage control of the U.S. government from “deep state” operatives who want to topple him.
Wolfe in September posted the QAnon motto, “Where We Go One, We Go All,” and early last year he posted the Proud Boys logo along with its motto, “I’m a proud Western chauvinist and I refuse to apologize for creating the modern world.”
Buckey Wolfe called 911 on Sunday evening and admitted killing his brother, saying that “God told me he was a lizard” and telling the dispatcher, “Kill me, kill me, I can’t live in this reality,” according to court documents.
A member of the Proud Boys street gang was charged Tuesday with second-degree murder in Seattle, accused of killing his brother with a sword.
Posts on Wolfe’s Facebook page reveal his affiliation with Proud Boys, an organization known for its violence. His posts also show he subscribes to QAnon conspiracy theory. Embraced by the far-right, the discredited theory posits that President Donald Trump seeks to salvage control of the U.S. government from “deep state” operatives who want to topple him.
Wolfe in September posted the QAnon motto, “Where We Go One, We Go All,” and early last year he posted the Proud Boys logo along with its motto, “I’m a proud Western chauvinist and I refuse to apologize for creating the modern world.”
Buckey Wolfe called 911 on Sunday evening and admitted killing his brother, saying that “God told me he was a lizard” and telling the dispatcher, “Kill me, kill me, I can’t live in this reality,” according to court documents.