PSU BOT acquiesces to every demand/request of the Piazzzas


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2016
EXCEPT for the demand to fire Sims (and Bream)
(Because, you know, no one in PSU leadership is EVER accountable :) )


Who predicted that one?
Barry: I frequently agree with you, but you are simply off base if you believe the University should summarily fire Sims or Bream because the Piazzas demanded it. First, the Piazzas do not run the University. Second, it is a beyond a stretch to say that either Sims or Bream is legally or morally responsible for the tragic death of Tim Piazza. Third, summarily firing Sims or Bream will result in a wrongful termination and defamation lawsuit by either or both of them, and more million-plus judgments against PSU Just ask Mike McQueary.
Barry: I frequently agree with you, but you are simply off base if you believe the University should summarily fire Sims or Bream because the Piazzas demanded it. First, the Piazzas do not run the University. Second, it is a beyond a stretch to say that either Sims or Bream is legally or morally responsible for the tragic death of Tim Piazza. Third, summarily firing Sims or Bream will result in a wrongful termination and defamation lawsuit by either or both of them, and more million-plus judgments against PSU Just ask Mike McQueary.
I DIDN'T say that the "University should summarily fire Sims (or Bream) because the Piazzas demanded it". I simply reported what PSU did (acquiesce to "everything but") ...... so you are not disagreeing with me :)

I believe - and I've stated such since well before the Piazza letter came out - that Sims should have been standing with those 20 kids in front of the Magistrate. But that is a LE decision - not a PSU one.
And, it goes without saying - IMO - that he should have been terminated/placed on leave/ whatever from PSU. Not because the "Piazzas demanded it"...... but because he is a worthless asshole - who's failings not only contributes to a kid's death, but also will likely cost PSU $10,000,000+

If terminating/placing on leave etc a highly paid administrative Bloviator - - - who failed to perform his job - - - leads to a "lawsuit", so be it. If we have gotten that F-Ed up, that is what it is......... but that is not a proper rationale for continuing to employ - in a position with far-reaching impact - a clearly demonstrated incompetent.

Even Cal eventually moved Sandy Baby to the broom closet :) and didn't "re-up" her..... right?

I've gone through the rationale for that opinion, of axing Sims - in great detail.

I posted that Blog here in another thread earlier today....... but if you can't find it, it's on my FB page
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I DIDN'T say that the "University should summarily fire Sims (or Bream) because the Piazzas demanded it". I simply reported what PSU did (acquiesce to "everything but") ...... so you are not disagreeing with me :)

I believe - and I've stated such since well before the Piazza letter came out - that Sims should have been standing with those 20 kids in front of the Magistrate. But that is a LE decision - not a PSU one.
And, it goes without saying - IMO - that he should have been terminated/placed on leave/ whatever from PSU. Not because the "Piazzas demanded it"...... but because he is a worthless asshole - who's failings not only contributes to a kid's death, but also will likely cost PSU $10,000,000+

If terminating/placing on leave etc a highly paid administrative Bloviator - - - who failed to perform his job - - - leads to a "lawsuit", so be it. If we have gotten that F-Ed up, that is what it is......... but that is not a proper rationale for continuing to employ - in a position with far-reaching impact - a clearly demonstrated incompetent.

Even Cal eventually moved Sandy Baby to the broom closet :) and didn't "re-up" her..... right?

I've gone through the rationale for that opinion, of axing Sims - in great detail.

I posted that Blog here in another thread earlier today....... but if you can't find it, it's on my FB page

Someone must really like the way Sims sucks dick.
Barry: I frequently agree with you, but you are simply off base if you believe the University should summarily fire Sims or Bream because the Piazzas demanded it. First, the Piazzas do not run the University. Second, it is a beyond a stretch to say that either Sims or Bream is legally or morally responsible for the tragic death of Tim Piazza. Third, summarily firing Sims or Bream will result in a wrongful termination and defamation lawsuit by either or both of them, and more million-plus judgments against PSU Just ask Mike McQueary.
I dunno Bear. Sims is an at-will employee (highly paid as he may be) just like everybody else in Pennsylvania. Unless he has an employment contract, you cut him loose and he's outta here. Same with 50-year-old frat boy Bream.
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I dunno Bear. Sims is an at-will employee (highly paid as he may be) just like everybody else in Pennsylvania. Unless he has an employment contract, you cut him loose and he's outta here. Same with 50-year-old frat boy Bream.

As many now know, Sims is the VP of Student Affairs at PSU

Guess how many assistant/associate VP's of Student Affairs there are at PSU?


In addition to one grossly overpaid incompetent - - - FOUR more VP level empty suits. ( along with NINETEEN different "Directors"........ obviously, given their collective inability to "not f*ck up" basic tasks, we must not yet have enough of them :) )

But Barron, the fat-ass "World Leader" in jumping Buffett lines, says he's cutting costs - - - by replacing Professors with TAs.

"Administrative Bloat": Just one more financial burden placed on the backs of our students - - - - with the willing blessings of "our" A9 assholes
I dunno Bear. Sims is an at-will employee (highly paid as he may be) just like everybody else in Pennsylvania. Unless he has an employment contract, you cut him loose and he's outta here. Same with 50-year-old frat boy Bream.
Wasn't Mike McQueary an at will employee?

As for Bream, he was cleared by the police after their initial investigation. Stacy Parks Miller would have looked stupid trying to charge him after that.

As many now know, Sims is the VP of Student Affairs at PSU

Guess how many assistant/associate VP's of Student Affairs there are at PSU?


In addition to one grossly overpaid incompetent - - - FOUR more VP level empty suits. ( along with NINETEEN different "Directors"........ obviously, given their collective inability to "not f*ck up" basic tasks, we must not yet have enough of them :) )

But Barron, the fat-ass "World Leader" in jumping Buffett lines, says he's cutting costs - - - by replacing Professors with TAs.

"Administrative Bloat": Just one more financial burden placed on the backs of our students - - - - with the willing blessings of "our" A9 assholes
How do you know that the 4 VPs are empty suits? Are you familiar with them and their work performance or are you just rushing to judgement about anyone in the administration who holds a VP title?
Wasn't Mike McQueary an at will employee?

As for Bream, he was cleared by the police after their initial investigation. Stacy Parks Miller would have looked stupid trying to charge him after that.
No, he wasn't. He was under contract. The university broke the terms by taking away his car, phone, and stalling around paying him off. That's why he won.

You can fire people all the live long day, for any reason or no reason. You just have to do it properly.
Barry: I frequently agree with you, but you are simply off base if you believe the University should summarily fire Sims or Bream because the Piazzas demanded it. First, the Piazzas do not run the University. Second, it is a beyond a stretch to say that either Sims or Bream is legally or morally responsible for the tragic death of Tim Piazza. Third, summarily firing Sims or Bream will result in a wrongful termination and defamation lawsuit by either or both of them, and more million-plus judgments against PSU Just ask Mike McQueary.

Nor does anyone with any lick of sense.
No, he wasn't. He was under contract. The university broke the terms by taking away his car, phone, and stalling around paying him off. That's why he won.

You can fire people all the live long day, for any reason or no reason. You just have to do it properly.
Exactly. Had they handled McQ just like they handled Jay, for example, he would have had no case. He might well still have won, given the state of "justice" in the Commonwealth, though.
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How do you know that the 4 VPs are empty suits? Are you familiar with them and their work performance or are you just rushing to judgement about anyone in the administration who holds a VP title?
I spend 40 hours per week observing and studying their job performance.

That MAY be a lie.

It may simply be that I can see the "bed-pissing" performance of the department, see that the guy in charge is a World-Class bed-pisser, and recognize that having 5 folks paid to manage 1 f-ed up department is NOT a game plan for efficient management.

Yeah, maybe that's it. :)

But that's just me.

Good luck in your retirement. I assume the odds are you've already started, especially of you are indeed an actively employed PSU "administrator". :rolleyes:
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How do you know that the 4 VPs are empty suits? Are you familiar with them and their work performance or are you just rushing to judgement about anyone in the administration who holds a VP title?
How do you know that the 4 VPs are empty suits? Are you familiar with them and their work performance or are you just rushing to judgement about anyone in the administration who holds a VP title?
The overhead in higher education is staggering. You can't swing a dead cat around State College (or any other major university town) without hitting a VP, SVP, EVP, Director or Senior Manager.

These people excel at attending meetings, writing reports, and creating PowerPoints. As far as creating measurable, observable results - that is not a job function.

Now, what any of that has to do with educating college students, I am not quite sure. But I am sure of two things. They make a shiz-ton of money and have gold-plated benefits. And 60% of them could disappear tomorrow, and in three weeks nobody would know that they were gone.

You want to know why tuition and fees are the way they are? Empire building and administrative bloat. That's why.
So you are just generalizing without any knowledge of the job performance of these individuals. Thanks for the clarification.
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The local news tonight showed a short clip of an interview with attorney Kline. He said the university hasn't done anything to address problems NOW. The death of Piazza is certainly tragic but Kline apparently wants everyone to believe that deaths in fraternities are a common occurrence. And the university administration, like they did with Sandusky, will do whatever the media or some attorney tells them to do. There was no backbone on 2011 and there is no backbone today. Before long Lubert and Barron will hold a press conference and tell us we are all to blame.
The local news tonight showed a short clip of an interview with attorney Kline. He said the university hasn't done anything to address problems NOW. The death of Piazza is certainly tragic but Kline apparently wants everyone to believe that deaths in fraternities are a common occurrence. And the university administration, like they did with Sandusky, will do whatever the media or some attorney tells them to do. There was no backbone on 2011 and there is no backbone today. Before long Lubert and Barron will hold a press conference and tell us we are all to blame.
Even a dipshit lawyer only needs to review Damon Sims' "work product" over the last 8 years, in order to win the case against Penn State in a walk-over
And it wouldn't take a "corrupted judge or jury" for him to win.

Tommy Kline won't have to even bother, of course, he'll just let Ira know how much of our money he wants.
The overhead in higher education is staggering. You can't swing a dead cat around State College (or any other major university town) without hitting a VP, SVP, EVP, Director or Senior Manager.

These people excel at attending meetings, writing reports, and creating PowerPoints. As far as creating measurable, observable results - that is not a job function.

Now, what any of that has to do with educating college students, I am not quite sure. But I am sure of two things. They make a shiz-ton of money and have gold-plated benefits. And 60% of them could disappear tomorrow, and in three weeks nobody would know that they were gone.

You want to know why tuition and fees are the way they are? Empire building and administrative bloat. That's why.

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